1.In the waste water from tannery, there are not only organic materials like fat, leather dregs, and dye, but also inorgainc ions like Cr 6+ ,Cr 3+ and S 2+ .制革厂废水中不仅含有大量的油脂 ,皮渣和染料等有机物 ,还含有Cr6+ 、Cr3 + 、S2 -等无机离子 ,针对其污染物特性我们提出了一种新的处理工艺即 :絮凝沉淀→填料塔→二沉池 ,处理后的废水 ,其Cr、S、SS、COD、色度等各项指标均可达到国家规定的排放标
2.The tannery with the capacity of tanning 900,000 pig leathers annually can be benefited in terms of 220,000~270,000 RMB cons.联合国工业发展组织选择南京制革厂推行低污染制革生产技术,采用在废液中投加氧化镁的方法将金属铬沉淀出来,得到的铬泥体积比通常用氢氧化钠方法要小得多,该方法可使废水中90%以上的铬回收利用,年产90万张猪革的工厂可获利22~27万元/

1."If we can only get to the old tannery before we break down!"“乘还没有累垮,要是一口气能跑到老制革厂那儿就好了
2.Fumbally's lane that night: the tanyard smells.那天晚上,在凡巴利小巷里,有一股由制革厂吹来的气味。
3.The Study of MBO Reform Program of JiLin Automobile Brake Factory;吉林汽车制动器厂MBO改革方案探讨
4.Reform And Practice for Electrical Control Technology Subject;《工厂电气控制技术》课程改革与实践
5.The Reform of Small State-owned Enterprises as Viewed from the Mechanism Restructure of He xi Vinegar Factory;从河溪醋厂的改制看国有小企业改革
6.One of our important customers intends to build a leather-tanning factory.我公司一个重要客户打算建立一个制革工厂。
7.The Implementation Effect Evaluation of Three System Reformation Project in Shiheng Power Plant;石横发电厂三项制度改革项目实施效果评价
8.The exploration and practice of teaching reform in the course of The Factory Electrical Control Equipment;《工厂电气控制设备》的教学改革探索与实践
9.Course Construction and Teaching Reform on "the Controlling Technology on Factory Electricity";“工厂电气控制技术”课程建设与教学改革
10.The Superficial Proposal on the Reforming of the control of Factory s Electrical Equipment in Higher Vocational and Technical College;浅谈高职高专《工厂电气控制设备》课程改革
11.Relationship between Power System Reform and Existence and Development of Shizitan General Hydropower Plant;电力体制改革与狮电总厂的生存和发展
12.It is especially used for leather products before sell and in the process of making treatment.本产品尤其适用于皮革制品在制造过程和出厂前的润饰处理。
13.The deputy director I met in the No. 2 Motor Works graduated from college immediately before the "cultural revolution", and he is now 39.我到第二汽车制造厂发现的那个副厂长,是“文化大革命”前一两年毕业的,今年三十九岁。
14.Besides, it can be applied in industries of steel, skip making, ceramics and tan as well as water plant.此外在钢铁工业、造船工业、陶瓷工业、制革工业水厂都能使用。
15.Successful Practice of Salary System Reform in State-owned Water-supply Enterprises-A Survey from Susong Water Plant;国有供水企业工资制度改革的成功实践——宿松县自来水厂的调查
16.On the Reformation of the Managerial System of Human Resource in State-owned Enterprises in Terms of Guangzhou Fire Fight Device Factory;从广州消防器材厂的现状看国有企业人力资源管理体制的改革
17.Thoughts on the Targets and Tasks of Power System Reform;对电力体制改革目标与任务的思考——兼谈自备电厂新的定位追求
18.How Women Gain Status in State-Owned Enterprises Once System Reforms: Cases with H and L Factories in J City制度变革背景下国有企业女性职业地位获得——以J市H、L两厂为例

upper leather tannery面革制革厂
4)tannery sludge制革厂污泥
5)Leather Goods Factory皮革制品厂

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