1.Theoretical Prediction of Liquid Circulation Velocity in inter-Loop Airlift Reactors;内循环气升式反应器液体循环速度理论预测
2.Volumetric mass transfer coefficient in external loop airlift membrane reactor;外循环气升式膜反应器中的体积传质系数
3.On the other hand,the external loop airlift reactor is widely used in the field of chemical engineering.将气升式外循环引入膜过程,可有效降低浓差极化和能耗。

1.intermittent gas - lift间歇气举, 间歇气升
2.Airlift Thermofor Catalytic cracking气升式移动床催化裂化
3.air lift mixer settler空气升液式混合澄清槽
4.Hot air balloons use ordinary air as the lifting gas.热气球将通用空气拿来当作上升气体。
5.A litre of gas has less mass than a litre of water.一公升的气体质量少于一公升的水。
6.The temperature will race up tomorrow.明天气温将迅速上升。
7.The temperature will rise a bit in the afternoon .气温在下午会有所回升。
8.The temperature mounted into the 80s.气温上升到80多华氏度。
9.The balloon floated up into the air.那个气球飘浮升空。
10.programmed temperature gas chromatography程序升温气相色谱(法)
11.helicopter aerodynamics直升飞机空气动力学
12.booster compressor升压压缩机,增压压气机
13.Smoke swirled up the chimney.烟气从烟囱里袅袅上升.
14.It gets hot after the sun has come up.太阳升起后,天气就热了。
15.The barometer is rising.气压表的水银柱在上升。
16.The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards,沿船体上升的气流,
17.an strong upward air current.一种强烈的上升气流。
18.The temperature has climbed to 35 c.气温已上升到35 摄氏度。

raise steam升气
3)plume rise烟气抬升
1.Study on integral model for plume rise of thermal power plant;火电厂烟气抬升的积分模型研究
4)change in temperature空气升温
1.Firstly,fire growth coefficient doesn't influence on the change in temperature, but the rate of change in temperature.大空间建筑火灾空气升温与小室火灾空气升温相差较大 ,用基于场模型的 FDS计算程序模拟多系列火灾场景 ,对影响大空间建筑火灾空气升温参数作定性的分析 ,得出 :(1)火源功率增长系数不影响升温幅度 ,但影响升温速度 ;(2 )火源功率与空气升温具有强相关性 ;(3)当建筑面积≤ 30 0 0 m2 ,建筑面积与空气升温有强相关性 ,当建筑面积 >30 0 0 m2 ,建筑面积对空气升温影响很小 ;(4)建筑空间高度与空气升温有强相关
5)air lift circulation气升循环
6)rising bubble上升气泡
1.Numerical simulation of deposition of fine particles in single rising bubble;超细颗粒在单个上升气泡内的沉积过程模拟

补气升提片药物名称:补气升提片汉语拼音:Buqi Shengti Pian主要成分:人参芦、党参、黄芪、白术、广升麻等。性状:糖衣片,除去糖衣显棕褐色;味苦、微甘。药理作用:功能与主治:益气升阳。用于中气不足、气虚下陷之胃下垂、脱肛、子宫下垂和久泻等。用法与用量:口服。一次5片,一日3次,年老、年幼、体弱者酌减。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:规格:含总生药:0.75g/片贮藏:密闭,置阴凉处保存。有效期:处方药:是