1.The Meaning of "Full" and "Complete" in "Ping" in Tang and Song Dynasties:with Further Explanation of "Hiragana";唐宋语言“”有满、全义——兼释“假名”

1.A horizontal bar, line, or stripe.水横杆,水线,水
2.horizontal parting水分模(锻机)
3.scales, the symBol of justice;天,公的象征;
4.To subject(a body)to translation.移使(身体)
5.Equanimity (in Sanskrit, upekkha)(梵文: “upekkha″)。
6.With the flat side down or in contact with a surface.地,扁地以扁面向下或与另一面接触
7.Average sample均选样,均样品
8.steady and unvarying稳的,静的,无变化的
9.One of above average weight.体重超过均水的人
10.(Tile Horizontal command (Window menu))(“水铺”命令(“窗口”菜单))
11.mean echo balance return loss均回波衡返回损耗
12.take an average均起来算,算出均数
13.flat square面直角,[港]面方角
14.It was something small and flat.那小东西扁扁
15.To make or become even.使成为滑、坦或相等
16.CLA=Centre Line Average (Methd)均高度法,算术均法
17.balanced-to-unbalanced transformer衡-不衡耦合变压器
18.The act of prostrating oneself.伏使自己伏的行为

Parallel plates平行平板
1.The metrology of parallel plates in the optical fabrication and test is very important.板的测量在光学检测和光学加工中有很重要的应用,但是在板的测量中,由于三表面干涉的干涉条纹重叠,运用传统的移相干涉术测量存在很大误差。
3)Horizontal parting and pouring平作平浇
5)Peregal O平平加
1.The method of preparation of polymer surfactant that is ester-salt of copolymaleic anhydride with Peregal O is introduced, and influence of reaction conditions on its property is discussed.介绍了共聚马来酸酐加酯盐类高分子表面活性剂的合成方法。
2.The colour reactions of quaternary complex fromed by titanium and 2,6,7-trihydroxy-9-(o-nitrophenyl)fluorone (o-NPF) in the presence of nonionic and anionic mixed surfactants (Peregal O-SDS) were investigated.本文研究了在非-阴混合型表面活性剂(加-SDS)存在下,钛(Ⅳ)和O-NPF的显色反应,结果表明,在0。
6)horizontal equity水平公平

平平 平   ㈠(píng)。   ①指正常脉象。《素问·平人气象论》:“春胃微弦曰平。”《素问·至真要大论》:“论言人迎与寸口相应,若引绳小大齐等,命曰平。”   ②生理学名。指气血平和、饱满,阴阳平衡。《素问·生气通天论》:“阴平阳秘。”   ③生理学名。指平调、平治。《素问·调经论》:“神气乃平。”《灵枢·根结》:“上工平气。”   ④方剂名。性味平和的剂型为平剂。   ㈡音便(pián)。通便、辩(辨)。意即辨别、治理。指言论明晰,条理精详。如平脉法,即辨脉法;平虚实,即辨虚实。