1.While ,it needs longer time for bottle-grade PET to reach the same depolymerization.5%;瓶片级材料呈现的解聚规律与纤维级变化趋势相同,但达到相同的解聚率,明显需要更长的反应时间。

1.Study on r-PET/PC Engineering Plastics Alloy Prepared from Recycled PET Bottle Flakes用废饮料瓶片制备r-PET/PC型工程塑料的研究
2.Study on the Functionalization of PPR and Its Toughening Effect on Recycled PET FlakesPPR的官能化及其对回收PET瓶片的增韧研究
3.The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.花瓶掉下来,摔成了碎片。
4.That vase in the picture is not centered.相片中的花瓶不在中心。
5.Clean up the pieces of broken bottle.把瓶子的碎片打扫干净。
6.Dipaxin is available in5 mg. scored tablets in bottle of100.(供应力的)凝剂为五毫克刻痕片。每瓶100片。
7.mine were as thick as soda bottles!因为我的镜片像苏打水瓶底一样厚!
8.Four slices of bread with jam, a glass of milk,四片面包夹果酱,一瓶 牛奶,
9.Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face.然后,将花瓶放在他满脸笑容的像片旁。
10.He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。
11.The dressing table was crammed with pots and photographs.化妆台上摆满了各种瓶、罐和照片。
12.Bursting discs specification for gas cylindersGB16918-1997气瓶用爆破片技术条件
13.Study on the Quality and Processing Properties of Bottle Grade Polyethylene Terephthal(Pet) Pellets;PET瓶级聚酯切片质量及加工性能研究
14.The True Mingled with the False --Commentary on Plum in the Gold Vase;假作真时真亦假——《金瓶梅》谈片
15.Influencing factors on the hue b value of bottle grade PET chip瓶级PET切片色相b值的影响因素
16.My little brother has broken the vase. Can you join the broken pieces together?我的小弟弟把花瓶打碎了,你能把碎片粘起来吗?
17.Search the room for any pills or bottles that may contain the poison搜查房间找找可能有毒品的药片或药瓶。
18.rock+[ 3 ] and rye加有冰糖和水果片装瓶的裸麦威士忌酒

PET cruse flakePET瓶片
1.This paper present the technology and the market of using PET cruse flake to produce spundbond nonwovens, the market of product application are introduced,explain the technology using PET cruse flake to produce spundbond nonwovens has matured,the production has a bright future.介绍了国内外利用PET瓶片生产纺粘法非织造布的技术及其市场情况,并对其产品的市场应用领域进行了介绍,说明了采用PET瓶片生产纺粘法非织造布工艺成熟,产品应用前景广阔。
3)bottle grade chip瓶级切片
1.Through reviewing and prospecting the development of the bottle grade chip market,the article analyses the bottle grade chip market character that supply is more than demand since 2002 and gives some new marketing strategy of reducing cost and expanding market.通过瓶片发展的历史回顾和未来展望 ,对 2 0 0 2年以来瓶级切片供过于求的市场特点进行了分析 ,并结合仪化公司发展瓶级切片的思路 ,提出了降低成本 ,开拓市场的营销策略 ,并对公司的产品链整合和营销管理提出了建
4)PET bottle grade chip聚酯瓶级切片
5)bottle grade PET base chips瓶用聚酯基片
6)bottle grade PET chip瓶级聚酯切片
1.Error origin and countermeasure on the analysis of acetaldehyde content in bottle grade PET chip;瓶级聚酯切片中乙醛含量分析的误差来源及对策
2.Process optimization of decreasing mass fraction of ethanal in bottle grade PET chips;降低瓶级聚酯切片乙醛含量的工艺优化
3.Effect of test condition on bottle grade PET chip intrinsic viscosity results;测试条件对瓶级聚酯切片特性黏度的影响

PC/PET blend PC/PET分子式:CAS号:性质:共混物一般采用机械共混法制备,具有较好的相容性,尤其当PET/PC在60%~70%/40%~30%的共混比例下相容性最好,若PET含量少于上述比例,则共混物具有两相结构。其特点是:有较优良的拉伸强度和加工流动性,在宽广的温度范围内有很高的冲击强度,悬臂梁冲击强度在室温时为960J/m,在-20℃时仍保持为693J/m。有优异的耐化学腐蚀性,司在汽油、机油中工作,并且无应力开裂。刚性好,耐磨,尺寸稳定。耐热性好,加工工艺性良好等。该类共混物适于制造汽车零件,运动器材,草地及园艺工具,各种工业用机械零件。用此类共混物代替超韧尼龙在高温、低温和化学腐蚀性强的环境中使用,能保持良好的尺寸稳定性。