1.Hybrid Rice Seed Production paternal dilute the autumn sowing seedlings pin inserted two thin seedlings technology;杂交稻秋季制种父本稀播大苗稀寄插两段育秧技术

1.The paragraph was comprised of one paragraph for the introduction, one for the conclusion, and two for each main idea.开头一段,结尾一段,每个观点带两段,每段五句话。
2.There is no continuity between the two paragraphs.那两段间无连续性。
3.I really wish I could chop it in two with one blow."真恨不能把它一刀两段。”
4.A connection between two or more sections of a transmission line.传输线的两段或多段之间的一种连接。
5.Design and practice of the "two-stage & two-model" practice teaching“两段式·两模块”实习教学的设计与实践
6.The essay, which consists of ten paragraphs, contains two paragraphs of description.这篇有十段组成的文章有两段是描述性文字。
7.He did two beautiful recitations from Shakespeare.他出色地作了两段莎士比亚作品选段朗诵。
8.Study on the Influence of Second Coal Amount to Two-Stage Combined Gasification二段加煤量对两段组合式气化的影响研究
9.the sections of the plate heat exchanger on either side of the regeneration section are used for heating and cooling.片式热交换器的另外两段位于回流段的两侧,用于加热和冷却。
10.D. I'm sorry to hear that.三、对话理解:听下面两段对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话朗读两遍。
11.Some zoologists and experts think that much money should be spend on the wild animals protects, however I disagree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.至于分段,两段是可以的,但做好是三四段,建议你看剑四剑五的范文。
12.Three Point Gradient Two Point Gradient Two Segment Solid Bottom Values Top Values三点渐变 两点渐变 两段纯色 最低值 最高值
13.This exercise is divided into two stages.这项工作分两阶段进行。
14.two-stage Aitken estimation method两阶段艾特肯估计法
15.The surgery consists of two stages.手术由两个阶段组成。
16.two-stage Aitken estimator两阶段艾特肯估计量
17.Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.每段开头要空两格。
18.others were divided into two or more sections, called jie.也可以分两个以上段落,每个段落称为一"解"。

tow-step evaparation两段蒸发
3)two-stage dewatering两段脱水
1.A new process of two-stage dewatering for flotation concentrate;浮选精煤两段脱水新工艺
4)two-phase seperation两段分离
5)two stage oxidation两段氧化
1.A two stage oxidation method to prepare manganic manganous oxide;两段氧化法制备四氧化三锰
6)two stages leaching process两段浸取

两段排尿两段排尿 病名。指一次排尿后再次排尿者。见于憩室口较小而体积较大的膀胱憩室及巨输尿管症,一次排尿后,巨输尿管或憩室内的尿立即流入膀胱又产生尿意,并能再次排出相当量的尿。应针对原发病治疗。