1.Research on Automated Material Control System in Semiconductor Industry;半导体行业中物料自动控制的应用研究

1.EE Times: What is the general state of the semiconductor industry?记者:半导体行业的大体情况如何?
2.Semiconductors began to lose favour 10 years earlier.10年前,半导体行业失去了魅力。
3.Intel Corp, for instance, hastraditionally been a bellwether for thesemiconductor industry.例如英特尔一向就是半导体行业的龙头股。
4.Research on Automated Material Control System in Semiconductor Industry;半导体行业中物料自动控制的应用研究
5.Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Semiconductor Industry Exhaust Gas Using Active Sampling Onto Sorbent Tubes by GC-MS固体吸附热脱附气相色谱质谱法测定半导体行业废气中的VOC_S
6.The Empirical Study of Technology In tegration---Based on the Iansiti s study of the semiconductor industr ies of U.S.and Japan;技术集成的实证研究——以Iansiti对美日半导体行业的研究为例
7.Management of Demand Forecast and Customer Program in Supply Chain (Semiconductor)半导体行业供应链管理中的需求预测与补货管理研究
8.Meanwhile, the city is branching out from semiconductors.与此同时,奥斯汀市也在涉猎半导体以外的行业。
9.travelling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier行波半导体激光放大器
10.travelling-wave semiconductor optical amplifier行波半导体光放大器
11.Also, Air Products continues to conduct and/or support the analysis of emissions from semi-conductor manufacturing production tools.Air Products还一直进行和/或支持来自半导体工业生产工具的辐射的分析。
12.Research & Realization of Production Management System in a Semiconductor Manufacturing;半导体封装行业生产管理系统的应用研究与开发
13.The problem in the development of semiconductor industry of our country and the study of government behavior;我国半导体产业发展存在的问题及政府行为初探
14.Research on EHSMS Assessment System in Semiconductor Enterprises;半导体企业的EHSMS评价体系研究
15.Study on the Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of Semiconductor Lasers;半导体激光器非线性动态行为的研究
16.Laser Diode Burn-in and Reliability Testing;半导体激光器筛选方法及可行性测试
17.Implementation of Semiconductor in CPU Cooling;半导体应用于CPU冷却的可行性分析
18.Development of Semi-conductor Industry in 2003-20042003-2004年半导体设备业发展状况

Power semiconductor industry功率半导体行业
3)Semiconductor behavior半导体行为
4)semiconductor industry半导体工业
1.Heat recovery calculation of MAU for clean room of semiconductor industry半导体工业洁净室新风处理机组热回收计算
2.The Chemical mechanical polishing technique in the field of semiconductor industry was introduced.介绍了半导体工业中蓬勃发展的化学机械抛光 (CMP)技术。
5)Semiconductor enterprise半导体企业
1.Research on EHSMS Assessment System in Semiconductor enterprises;半导体企业的EHSMS评价体系研究
6)semiconductor industry半导体产业
1.The Past,Present and Future of China Semiconductor Industry;中国半导体产业发展态势分析
2.The world semiconductor industry has entered a maturity.全球半导体产业已步入成熟期。
3.The Semiconductor industry enjoys constant recognition from arbiters of various science fields and governments.半导体产业是目前世界上发展最快、最有影响力的产业之一,它的发展极大地推动了世界经济和技术的快速发展。

半导体导电性(见半导体的导电与电荷输运)半导体导电性(见半导体的导电与电荷输运)electrical conductivity of semiconductor  半导体导电性eleetr、ea一conou以,v:‘,_‘ 一J一“。,瓜米早伙鼓幕由乌教着给话_