1.Firstly, the biodegradation of biomarkers, such as pristane/phytane, hopanes, alkyl-PAHs have been studied by lab and field experiment.结果表明,在60天的降解时间内,三种原油BZ34-1、BXPT和SZ36-1中类异戊二烯类生物标志物姥鲛烷/植烷都发生了明显降解,降解率分别在15%~96%和20%~75%,姥鲛烷/植烷降解率随原油的密度增大而减小;而不同油品中姥鲛烷/植烷发生明显降解的阶段不同,对于轻质原油BZ34-1和BXPT,其姥鲛烷/植烷组分在实验初期(前20天)没有发生明显降解,实验中后期(20~60天)才开始被生物所利用;而对于重质原油SZ36-1,其姥鲛烷/植烷在生物降解初期就发生了显著降解。
2)pristanephytane rotio姥鲛烷-植烷比率
1.The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes, Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland;金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究
2.The characteristics of normal alkanes ( n \|alkanes) and the ratio of pristane to phytane are related to the sedimentary environments.姥鲛烷/植烷( w(Pr)/w(Ph))值对于判断原始沉积环境氧化—还原条件有重要意义。

1.The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes, Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland;金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究
2.That's my grandmother and grandfather.那两个是我的姥姥姥爷。
3.Without Grandmas, mamas wouldn't be possible. Thank you Grandma.没有姥姥,就不会有妈妈。谢谢您,姥姥。
4.Grandma said,"shut up, you!", and leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual, back-handed slaps on my mouth.姥姥说“你给我住嘴
5.Granny, I want to set off firecrackers too!姥姥,我也想放鞭炮。
6."I love you,Grandma Elsie.""我爱你,姥姥埃尔西。
7."They left her straining her ears, with bated breath, as she waited there in silence."刘姥姥屏声侧耳默候
8.His mother and grandmother are Chinese!他妈妈和姥姥是中国人!
9.Besides, C misses Grandma and Grandpa quite a bit, too.再说C也挺惦记姥姥、姥爷的呢。
10.Those are the clothes that were worn when your grandfather and grandmother were young.这是姥姥、姥爷小时候穿的衣服。
11.type genus of the Chimaeridae.银鲛科的一个模式属。
12.He takes out a little shagreen case.他取出一个鲛皮小匣子。
13.A fish(Hydrolagus collei) of Pacific waters, having a long narrow tail.银鲛太平洋水域中的一种鱼类(银鲛),尾巴细长
14.Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea, such as the Spanish mackerel.马鲛鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛
15."After a short exchange of polite inquiries, she asked Granny Liu whether she just happened to be passing or had come with any special object.""又问些别后闲话.又问刘姥姥:""今日还是路过,还是特来的?""刘姥姥便说:"
16.Then I blundered and wounded Granny's soul.后来,我做错了事,伤了姥姥的心。
17.I told Granny that she was not responsible for my soul.我告诉姥姥她不用管我的灵魂。
18.Granny would prepare a lunch for the all-night praying session.姥姥给通宵祷告的人们打点好便饭。

pristanephytane rotio姥鲛烷-植烷比率
1.The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes, Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland;金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究
2.The characteristics of normal alkanes ( n \|alkanes) and the ratio of pristane to phytane are related to the sedimentary environments.姥鲛烷/植烷( w(Pr)/w(Ph))值对于判断原始沉积环境氧化—还原条件有重要意义。
1.The characteristics of normal alkanes ( n \|alkanes) and the ratio of pristane to phytane are related to the sedimentary environments.姥鲛烷/植烷( w(Pr)/w(Ph))值对于判断原始沉积环境氧化—还原条件有重要意义。
