1.Study on adsorption for p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions with a new amphiphilic hypercrosslinked resin;一种新型两亲性超高交联树脂对p-硝基苯酚的吸附行为研究
2.Enhanced effect of cetyl pyridinium chloride in bentonites treatment of waste water containing p-nitrophenol.;CPC在膨润土处理含p-硝基苯酚废水中的增强效应
1.Electrochemical behavior and determination of p-nitrophenol at a prussian blue analogue film doped with rare-earth ions modified glassy carbon electrode;对硝基苯酚在铕离子掺杂类普鲁士蓝化学修饰玻碳电极上的电化学行为及分析测定
2.Degradation of p-nitrophenol by a Mangrove Bacterial Rhodococcus sp. Ns;Rhodococcus sp. Ns对硝基苯酚的好氧生物降解
3.Adsorption mechanisms and sorption behavior of p-nitrophenol onto insoluble humic acid;对硝基苯酚在不溶性腐殖酸中的吸附行为
1.Study on adsorption for p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions with a new amphiphilic hypercrosslinked resin;一种新型两亲性超高交联树脂对p-硝基苯酚的吸附行为研究
2.Enhanced effect of cetyl pyridinium chloride in bentonites treatment of waste water containing p-nitrophenol.;CPC在膨润土处理含p-硝基苯酚废水中的增强效应
1.Electrochemical behavior and determination of p-nitrophenol at a prussian blue analogue film doped with rare-earth ions modified glassy carbon electrode;对硝基苯酚在铕离子掺杂类普鲁士蓝化学修饰玻碳电极上的电化学行为及分析测定
2.Degradation of p-nitrophenol by a Mangrove Bacterial Rhodococcus sp. Ns;Rhodococcus sp. Ns对硝基苯酚的好氧生物降解
3.Adsorption mechanisms and sorption behavior of p-nitrophenol onto insoluble humic acid;对硝基苯酚在不溶性腐殖酸中的吸附行为
1.A strain,which can use methylparathion,and its degradation substrate ρ-nitrophenol as source of carbon,was isolated from polluted water pool of Huayang Pesticide Plant.从生产甲基对硫磷的华阳农药厂污水曝气池中,分离到1株能以甲基对硫磷及其降解中间产物对硝基苯酚为唯一碳源生长,且能够将其彻底降解为CO2和H2O的细菌L-W,经鉴定,为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp)。
2.It has been indicated that Yw18 could utilize methylparathion and ρ-nitrophenol,a main metabolite product for the insecticide,as sole source of carbon and it was identified as Ochrobacterum sp,and capable of degrading 50 mg·L-1 of methylparathion,ρ-nitrophenol,rapidly in 0.从农药厂污水处理池中分离到一株能很好降解甲基对硫磷和对硝基苯酚的菌株Yw18,它能以甲基对硫磷或对硝基苯酚为惟一碳源生长,经鉴定,为苍白杆菌(Ochrobacterumsp。
3.From polluted water of Huayang pesticide plant,isolated a L-W strain which can grow with methylparathion,ρ-nitrophenol which produced during degradation as the sole source of carbon,and turn them to carbon dioxide and water,it was identified as Arthrobacter sp.从生产甲基对硫磷的华阳农药厂污水暴气池中,分离到1株能以甲基对硫磷及其降解中间产物对硝基苯酚为惟一碳源生长,且能够将其彻底降解为CO2和H2O的细菌L-W,经鉴定,为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp)。
1.Character of p-nitrophenol degradation by methyl parathion degrading strain DLL-E4.;甲基对硫磷降解菌DLL-E4降解对-硝基苯酚特性
2.Preparation of cyclodextrin-modified zeolite and effects on adsorption characters of p-nitrophenol;环糊精改性沸石制备方法及对对-硝基苯酚吸附性能的影响
3.5g/L and pH value of 5,the percentage of p-nitrophenol removal was about 98.优化超声波、内电解和两者联用的条件,利用常用流程处理10mg/L模拟废水对-硝基苯酚的降解率超过96%,达到国家排放标准和相关行业标准。

对硝基苯酚  分子式  NO2C6H4OH   CAS号  100-02-7  性质  纯品为浅黄色结晶。无味。相对密度1.479(20/4℃)。熔点114~116℃。沸点216℃,分解温度279℃。常温下微溶于水(1.6%,25℃),不易随蒸汽挥发。易溶于乙醇、氯仿及乙醚。可溶于碱液。 用途  用作染料中间体、医药及农药的原料    毒性 有毒。易燃。与皮肤接触会引起中毒。生产操作人员应穿戴防护用具。生产场所应有良好通风条件。设备应密闭。   包装储运  用复合编织袋内衬聚乙烯避光袋包装,每袋净重50kg或100kg。应存放于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房中。远离火种,不得和食品添加剂共贮混运。