
1.Study on Removal of Chromium in Electroplate Wastewater by the Method of Oxidation-Reduction-Neutralization-Flocculation-Precipitation化学氧化还原-中和-絮凝沉淀法处理电镀废水中铬的研究
2.Besides electrons, an atom contains protons and neutrons .除了电子,原子还含有质子和中子。
3.Market of the Vat Dyesfuf and Development of New High-Quality Vat Dyestuff;还原染料市场和新型高品质还原染料
4.IL-type Triple-I Algorithm and Its Reductor, and Filter Lattices on R_0 Algebra;IL型三I算法及其还原性和R_0代数中的滤子格
5.NO Formation and Reduction in Fuel-N-Doped CH_4/Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames燃料型NO在对冲扩散火焰中的生成和还原特性
6.Direct Detection of Mercury Atoms in Vapor and Aerosol from Chemical Atomization and Nebulization in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer;用火焰原子吸收分光光度计直接测定气相和气溶胶中的还原态汞
7.Determination of Exchangeable and Reducible Manganese in Soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry土壤中交换态和易还原态锰的原子吸收分光光度测定法
8.restitution, compensation and rehabilitation归还、补偿和恢复原状
9.Isolation, Purification and Properties of APS Reductase and Sulfate Reductase from Sulfate-reducing Bacterium;硫酸盐还原分离菌APS还原酶和亚硫酸盐还原酶的纯化及性质研究
10.You can back up files and settings, or restore them from a previous backup.您可以备份文件和设置,或者从以前的备份中将文件和设置还原。
11.Oxidation-reduction reactions are important in the solubilization and precipitation of iron and manganese.氧化还原反应在铁和锰的增溶和沉淀中具有重要作用。
12.The Joy of Appreciating Poetry Comes from Recovering and Creating Poem s Beauty:On the Task and Way of Appreciating Poetry;在还原和创造诗美中获得欣赏诗的乐趣——论诗歌欣赏的任务和方法
13.Witch of the Wasteland and Goddess of Yuanjiang River --Comparing Eustacia (The Return of the Native) and Cuicui (Bian Cheng);“荒原女巫”与“沅水女神”——比较《还乡》中的游苔莎和《边城》中的翠翠
14.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of reduced sugar and non-reduced sugarGB/T5513-1985粮食、油料检验还原糖和非还原糖测定法
15.The Dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ) Reduction and Effect on Cr(Ⅵ) Reduction in Paddy;水稻土中异化铁还原及其对铬(Ⅵ)还原的影响
16.They have occupied our Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits and are contemplating an atomic war.他们侵占中国的台湾和台湾海峡,还想发动原子战争。
17.The U.S. affiliate might also: supply the Chinese company with parts or raw materials required for manufacturing process.该公司还要向中国公司提供生产加工的另部件和原材料。
18.The Change of hot strength of iron ore pellets during oxidizing roasting and reduction was researched.研究了球团矿在氧化焙烧和还原过程中抗压强度的变化规律。

iron reduction-neutralization and precipitation铁还原中和沉淀
3)iron reduction neutralization coagulation precipitation铁还原-中和-混凝沉淀
4)Neutralizing-Reduction Precipitation中和还原成矿作用
5)neutral reduction中性还原
6)Reduce and adsorption还原和吸附

钨铁电炉出铁(吉林铁合金厂)钨铁电炉出铁(吉林铁合金厂)  吻 他排由帕中桩了士朴屏人乙曰“