2)offensive odor臭气,恶臭
1.Effects of biofilter media and operating parameters on biofiltration of odor from chicken manure composting;生物滤池填料及工艺参数去除鸡粪堆肥臭气效果研究
2.Determine the Odor Concentration by Method of Triangle Odor Bag;三点比较式臭袋法测定环境中臭气浓度
3.Progress in Control Measures of Odor form MSW;垃圾堆肥厂臭气的生物脱臭技术综述

1.To mask or neutralize the odor of.除臭掩盖或中和…的臭气
2.Capable of masking or neutralizing odors.可除臭的可以掩臭或中和臭气
3."Pewter has an odor."“锡有一股臭气。”
4.A poisonous or foul-smelling gas emitted from the earth.臭气从地里冒出的有毒或恶臭气
5.Throw that decayed fish away, it stinks to high heaven!把那臭鱼扔了吧,臭气熏天的!
6.Those rotten eggs have stunk the place up.那些臭蛋把这个地方搞得臭气熏天。
7.The rank smell of vomit reached me.我闻到了呕吐物的臭气
8.He wrinkled up his nose at the bad smell.闻到臭气,他皱起了鼻子。
9.the fetor of polluted waters;受污染水体的臭气
10.She wrinkled her nose at the bad smell.闻到臭气,她皱起了鼻子。
11.The odorous fumes given off by waste or decaying matter.臭味从废物或腐烂的物体中发出的臭气
12.of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution.指大气污染中有毒的臭气
13.The only lavatories are foul-smelling public ones.仅有的洗手间是臭气熏天的公共厕所。
14.column content of ozone大气气柱中的臭氧含量
15.To convert(oxygen)to ozone.使臭氧化把(氧气)变成臭氧
16.This gas gives out a bad smell.这种气体发生一种臭味。
17."deodorising, cleansing & air freshening"除臭、去污及清新空气
18.Pure air is colourless and odourless.纯空气是无色无臭的。

offensive odor臭气,恶臭
1.Effects of biofilter media and operating parameters on biofiltration of odor from chicken manure composting;生物滤池填料及工艺参数去除鸡粪堆肥臭气效果研究
2.Determine the Odor Concentration by Method of Triangle Odor Bag;三点比较式臭袋法测定环境中臭气浓度
3.Progress in Control Measures of Odor form MSW;垃圾堆肥厂臭气的生物脱臭技术综述
4)odorous gas臭气
1.The catalytic activated carbon deodorizing device was used for purifying odorous gases in sewage pumping station.采用催化型活性炭除臭装置对污水泵站产生的臭气进行净化。
2.Such system can offer a new technique to purify complex gases containing many components such as the odorous gas in monosodium glutamate plants.此外,研究表明,在净化氨氮臭气取得良好效果的生物膜基础之上,加入特定菌液能较快地培养出适宜处理味精厂内恶臭废气的微生物种群,且能获得满意的净化效果。
3.lectrostatics for odorous gas control is a developing new techniques.研制设计了适合臭气处理用的窄脉冲高压电源。
1.Research of indoor odours abroad;国外关于室内空气中臭气的研究
2.A Grey Correlation Analysis for the Factors of Influencing Odour Concentration of Layer house;蛋鸡舍臭气浓度影响因素的灰色关联分析
3.: Kraft pulp mills generate a variety of sulphur compounds. These odours can be health hazards common sources of these odours occur through condensate losses to the sewer and anaerobic activity in holding ponds.Some pulp and paper mill successfully employed H2O2 to minimize or eliminate odours. This paper discusses four separate applications of H_2O_2 fro odour control硫酸盐浆厂产生各种各样的含硫化合物,这些臭气会危害健康,其主要来源是冷凝液流至地沟和处理池中的厌氧活性。
1.The increasing intensivism of animal breeding improves the economic benefit, but at the same time brings out serious pollution to environment, especially pollution of stench and feces. 近半个世纪中国的畜牧业得到了迅速发展,而且集约化程度越来越高,集约化使养殖业的经济效益提高了,但同时带来了严重的环境污染,特别是臭气和粪便的污染。
2.The pollutants from intensive pig farms content dung and urine,producing stench as well.集约化猪场的污染物除了粪、尿以外,还有臭气。
