1.It is believed from analysis that the most fundamental cause leading to said problems is unreasonable design of EP\'s parameters,especially the small specific dust collection area(SDCA).燃煤电厂现役电除尘器普遍存在烟尘排放不达标的问题,分析认为电除尘器关键参数设计不合理,尤其比集尘面积小是造成这种问题的最根本原因。
2)specific collecting surface集尘面积
3)specific area of aggregate集料比表面积
1.Numerical simulation of displacement ventilated room with dust on floor;考虑地面积尘时置换通风的数值模拟
5)road dust路面积尘
1.Study on element character of environmental chemistry road dusts in Xi'an;西安市路面积尘微量元素环境化学特征研究
2.Study on road dust with grain diameter distribution and mineral composition of various grains in Xi'an demonstrated that road dust mainly existed in grains with a diameter of 30~50 mesh(0.对西安市路面积尘粒径分布和不同粒径中矿物质量组成的研究表明,路面积尘质量主要集中在30~50目(0。
3.Different samples of road dust are taken in Nanjing city.采集了南京市区不同的路面积尘试样,进行了试样的粒径与元素的相应实验分析,得出了相应的粒径分布规律、元素组成和元素含量;并对路面积尘的应用基低热值和分形维数进行了分析和计算,其应用基低热值在5 385。

1.Experimental Investigation on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Road Dust in Nanjing南京市区路面积尘的物理与化学特性实验研究
2.Pollution caused by raised dust was controlled. The area of washed down roads reached 20 million square meters.控制扬尘,全市冲刷道路面积达到2000万平方米。
3.The dusty road made the travelers dusty too.满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。
4.Accumulation Features and Influencing Mechanism of PGEs in Urban Road Dust城市道路灰尘PGEs累积特征及影响机制
5.Road Dust PAHs in Urban Area of Beijing北京城市道路积尘中多环芳烃的分布特征
6.The floorspace was very restricted, because all round the walls were stacked innumerable dusty picture-frames.铺子里陈列的面积有限,四面墙根都靠着许多积满尘土的相框画架。
7.The sprinkler was sprinkling water on a dusty street洒水车在多尘的路面上洒水。
8.Are there any Canaletto canvases gathering dust in the back of your cupboards?你衣柜后面有积了灰尘的卡纳莱托的油画吗?
9.Research on Distribution Regularity of Deposited Dust in Return-air Way of Coal Face采煤工作面回风巷沉积煤尘分布规律的研究
10.Simulation of deposition of aerosol particles on a single fiber surface粉尘颗粒在单纤维表面沉积的计算机模拟
11.The Research on Dust-preventing Technological in Open-pit Road;露天矿汽车运输路面扬尘防治技术的研究
12.A Comparison Study on the Organic Pollutants & Elemental Composition in Road Dusts and Gully Sediments from Guangzhou and Hong Kong Metropolis Area;广州和香港两地都市区路尘和下水道积尘中有机污染物及元素组成比较研究
13.Size distribution and influencing factors of road dust PAHs in Beijing,China北京城市道路积尘多环芳烃的粒度分布特征及其影响因素
14.There were 3,369 smoke/dust control zones established, covering an area of 23,000 square kilometers;全国建成了3369个烟尘控制区,面积达2.3万平方公里;
15.The old book has been kicking around for months, gathering dust.那本旧书搁在一边已有好几个月了,上面积满了灰尘。
16.Simulation of Deposition of Aerosol Particles on Fibres Surface粉尘颗粒在纤维过滤介质表面沉积的计算机模拟
17.All roads paved, and grounds planted in grass, or otherwise landscaped, to minimize dust formation.铺平所有道路,地面种草或采取其他美化地面的方法以减少灰尘。
18.The bookshelves were coated in dust. ; The bookshelves were coated with dust.书架上积了一层灰尘。

specific collecting surface集尘面积
3)specific area of aggregate集料比表面积
1.Numerical simulation of displacement ventilated room with dust on floor;考虑地面积尘时置换通风的数值模拟
5)road dust路面积尘
1.Study on element character of environmental chemistry road dusts in Xi'an;西安市路面积尘微量元素环境化学特征研究
2.Study on road dust with grain diameter distribution and mineral composition of various grains in Xi'an demonstrated that road dust mainly existed in grains with a diameter of 30~50 mesh(0.对西安市路面积尘粒径分布和不同粒径中矿物质量组成的研究表明,路面积尘质量主要集中在30~50目(0。
3.Different samples of road dust are taken in Nanjing city.采集了南京市区不同的路面积尘试样,进行了试样的粒径与元素的相应实验分析,得出了相应的粒径分布规律、元素组成和元素含量;并对路面积尘的应用基低热值和分形维数进行了分析和计算,其应用基低热值在5 385。
6)treatment area收尘面积
1.Taking the gridiron electronic precipitator with 30,000 m3/h gas amount as an example,the paper discloses the relationship among the efficiency,the treatment area of precipitator,the particle speed and gas output of the precipitator.针对高压静电除尘器除尘效率的提高问题,以30000m3/h的格栅式电除尘器为例,提出了静电除尘器除尘效率与除尘器的收尘面积、尘粒驱进速度及单位处理量的关系。

比集1.排比﹑汇集。 2.频频栖止。 3.亲近集结。