1.Deodorant Effect of New Type Microbial Wanjiefen on Wastes新型微生物源万洁芬对垃圾除臭效果的研究

1.Deodorant Effect of New Type Microbial Wanjiefen on Wastes新型微生物源万洁芬对垃圾除臭效果的研究
2.Application of Microbial Antibacterial Deodorant Wanjiefen in Livestock Breeding微生物源抗菌除臭剂——万洁芬在禽畜养殖中的应用研究
3.The population of Finland amounts to fewer than five million inhabitants.芬兰的人口不到500万。
4.Finnish Moneybags Fined 170,000 Euros for Speeding芬兰富翁因超速行驶被罚款17万欧元
5.Nanhai Wisdom Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.南海市万斯敦洁具有限公司
6.The Concise Proofs of Two Properties of the Universal Teichmüller Space关于万有Teichmüller空间两个性质的简洁证明
7.The population of Finland amounts to fewer than five million inhabitants.The Finns,who make up the basic nucleus of the population,came originally from the Urals in the early centuries of the Christian age.芬兰的人口不到500万,而在基督兴起时代从乌拉尔移民过来的芬兰人是当今芬兰人的主体。
8.The experiences of supervision in the project of Sino-Finish 200,000 ton SC paper中芬合资20万吨SC纸工程项目监理的体会
9.Pharmaceutical factory grade-one hundred thousand is clean workshop building reconstruction project design制药厂十万级洁净厂房改造工程的设计
10.Applied Research on Ozone Sterilization Technology for 100,000 Class Clean Areas of Pharmaceutical Plant臭氧灭菌技术在药厂10万级洁净区的应用研究
11.Their traditional livelihood revolves around reindeer, which number about200,000 in Finland.他们传统的生计是靠芬兰国内的大约20万只驯鹿。
12.Record of Great Physician LIANG Han-fen of Lingnan in Modern Times拯救苍黎超十万 算来桃李足三千——记近代岭南名医梁翰芬
13.Urban Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning By the end of 2001, the areas of the urban roads being swept and cleaned hit 1.84162 billion m2.城市环境卫生、保洁工作截止2001年底,城市道路清扫保洁面积184162万平方米。
14."TOTO is the largest toilet manufacturer in the world, producing more than 7 million toilets annually."TOTO是世界上最大的卫生洁具制造商之一,年产量超过7百万件卫生洁具。
15.Standard finish of gasket surface is125-200 micro-inch maximum roughness.垫圈表面的标准光洁度最大为125-200百万分之一英寸粗糙度。
16.The Clean Water Act, as a result of the 1987 Amendments, now provides for administrative penalties of up to $250,000.《洁净水法案》经1987年修正,现在规定的行政处罚高达250万美元。
17.NSN's headquarters locate in Finland, its R&D distribute all over the world, and the employees is exceed 60000.总部设在芬兰赫尔辛基,研发及办公机构遍布全球各地,总员工超过6万人。
18.Scientists near Chicago, Illinois, say the great German music composer, Ludwig van Beethoven, may have suffered from lead poisoning.伊利诺州芝加哥市附近的科学家宣称,德国伟大的作曲家路德维?万?贝多芬可能患有铅中毒。

Stain Remover万洁灵
3)100,000 class clean area10万级洁净区
4)Wan(ten thousand)万
5)Nanhai Wisdom Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd. - Shanghai Office南海市万斯敦洁具有限公司上海办事处
1.Simultaneous determination of metronidazole and fenbufen in Yazhoukang capsule by coefficient multiplying ratio spectrophotometry;系数倍率法测定牙周康胶囊中的甲硝唑和芬布芬(英文)
2.Determination of Plasma Fenbufen Content by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定血浆中芬布芬的含量
3.Assaying of Fenbufen Tablets by Uitraviolet Spectrophotometry;紫外分光光度法测定芬布芬片的含量
