1.Oxidative damage of mitochondria and micriosome in testis cells induced by nickel sulfate in rats;硫酸镍致大鼠睾丸细胞线粒体及微粒体损伤
2.Correlation Between the Expression of iNOS and Oxidative Stress on Testis After Cigarette Smoke Exposure;香烟烟雾致睾丸氧化应激损伤与iNOS表达的关系
3.Effect of nolyphenol on the expression of aromatizing enzyme in mice testis;壬基酚对小鼠睾丸芳香化酶表达的影响

1.4-chlorotestosterone acetate醋酸-4-氯睾丸
2.Haller's rete哈勒氏网, 睾丸
3.Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes;非特异性睾丸睾丸生精上皮的改变
4.What you had all the time was a third testicle.你一直长着三只睾丸
5.absence of one of both testes.两个睾丸中缺少一个。
6.The scrotumtightening sea.使人的睾丸紧缩的海。
7.remove the testicles of a male animal.将雄性动物的睾丸割去。
8.(of a male animal) having the testicles removed.(指雄性动物)去除睾丸
9.radical treatment of hydrocele testis睾丸鞘膜积液根治术
10.unction of testis原发性睾丸机能减退
11.excision and eversion of tunica vaginalis testis睾丸鞘膜切除及外翻术
12.Leydig cell aplasia睾丸间质细胞发育不全
13.Klinefelter syndrome先天性睾丸发育不全
14.a colt with undescended testicles.睾丸未降到阴囊的小马。
15.incision and drainage of testic abscess睾丸脓肿切开引流术
16.Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum.有时睾丸未能降入阴囊。
17.gonocytoma of testis睾丸生殖母细胞性肿瘤
18.Surgical removal of the serous membrane covering the testis and epididymus.覆盖在睾丸和附睾丸的浆膜的外科移植手术

1.The effect of cryopreservation on the function of transplanted rabbit testicle;睾丸灌注超低温冷冻对家兔移植睾丸功能的影响
2.Effects of Formaldehyde and Benzene on Total Antioxidant Capacity,ATPase and Ca~(2+) in Testicle of Mice;甲醛和苯对小鼠睾丸总抗氧化能力和ATP酶及钙的影响
3.To Observe the Changes of Testicle Ultrastructure Experimental Diabetes Mellitus Rats;实验性糖尿病大鼠睾丸超微结构变化
1.Effects of Diethylstilbestrol on Adult Hamster Testes Spermatogenesis;己烯雌酚对成年仓鼠睾丸生精的影响
2.Expression of Neuropeptide Y gene in mouse testes during testicular development;睾丸发育过程中小鼠睾丸神经肽Y基因的表达(英文)
3.Expression of toxin-related human mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase 3 in human testes;与毒素有关的人类单腺苷二磷酸-核糖基转移酶3(ART3)在人类睾丸中的表达
1.Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of testicular seminoma.目的探讨二维及彩色多普勒超声显像在睾丸精原细胞瘤诊断中的价值。
2.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Mouse testicular germ cells were exposed to50,100,500and1000μmol/L lead acetate in vitro,and then exposed to12.材料与方法以50、100、500、1000μmol/L醋酸铅处理离体小鼠睾丸生殖细胞,阴性对照加PBS;用12。
3.We studied the expression of NYD-SP6 gene in testiculars of azoospermia patients and normal men of different age to discuss the important role in testicular development and spermatogenesis .目的 NYD-SP6基因是江苏省生殖医学重点实验室克隆出的一条成年睾丸高表达的全长新基因。
6)epididymis (testis)副睾(睾丸)
