1.Analysis of superiority of tunnel arrangement new mode in coalbed group with the small inclination;小倾角煤层群开拓新模式优越性的分析
2.On the superiority of ringshaped network with multi-heat sources;浅谈多热源环状管网的优越性
3.Lebesgue Integral Theory s Superiority Analysis;对Lebesgue积分理论优越性的探讨

1.And "Socialism is in no way superior!"“社会主义没有优越性
2.an exposition of the advantages of nuclear power对核动力优越性的阐释.
3.A position, condition, or opportunity that is likely to provide superiority or an advantage.优越的地位可能提供优越性或优势的位置、状况或机会
4.The concrete filled-steel tube( CFT) structure is adopted in civil engineering because of its good behaviors.钢管混凝土结构因其诸多的优越性得到越来越多的应用。
5.Finite element method has become more and more important in the loudspeaker design because of its advantages.有限元方法凭借其优越性,在扬声器设计中起着越来越重要的作用。
6.Compared with each method itself,united test has superiority in some degree.联合试验较单独试验有一定的优越性
7.Here is proof of the superiority of our people's democratic dictatorship.这也证明我们人民民主专政的优越性
8.Democratic centralism is another of our advantages.再如民主集中制也是我们的优越性
9.So this network must have some advantages.这一网络肯定有优越性了。
10.Basically there are three key advantages from the point of view of the network.从网络的观点出发,主要有三个优越性
11.Can this be called the superiority of socialism?这叫什么社会主义优越性
12.If they were, how would socialism be superior?否则社会主义有什么优越性呢?
13.That will really demonstrate the superiority of socialism.社会主义的优越性就真正体现出来了。
14.Does the second advantage have something to do with revenues?ISDN的第二个优越性是否与效益有关?
15.What are some of the advantages of shopping and eating underground?在地下购货和下馆子有什么优越性呢?
16.This is the only way to demonstrate the superiority of socialism.只有这样,才能表明社会主义的优越性
17.How can we demonstrate the superiority of socialism and communism?社会主义、共产主义的优越性如何体现?
18.The digital simulation verified the advantage of the controllers.数字仿真验证了该控制器的优越性

1.Discussion on the advantage and the development actuality of the sell-and-plate heat exchanger;板壳式换热器发展现状及优越性
2.Advantages of the Socialist Market Economy As Seen in Financial Crisis从应对金融危机的视角看社会主义市场经济的优越性
3.The advantages,features and key execution technique of deep-hole explosion are explained.本文着重论述了深孔爆破的优越性、特点以及实施的关键技术,并对深孔爆破机械化施工的未来发展提出了一些建议。
1.Advantages of immersed tube tunnel option in river- or gulf-crossing;沉管隧道穿越江河海湾的优越性
2.An Analysis of the Advantages of Four-hand Joint playing in TTC Piano Teaching;浅析师专钢琴教学中四手联弹教学的优越性
3.The Advantages of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy beyond Mini-wound腹腔镜胆囊切除术微创以外的优越性
1.This paper mostly concludes the superority of the accouting methods of fixed assets which has been reformed in many respects such as conception,allowance for devaluation,depreciation,follow-up expenditure and procedure of disposal etc.本文主要归纳固定资产会计核算历经多次改革后,在相关定义、减值准备、折旧、后续支出、处置程序等方面彰显的优越性,分析其中尚存的不足,并提出相应的改进建议,特别是关于已确认固定资产减值损失转回的核算方法。
1.Subsurface pipe drainage in drought-prone region is superior to surface drainage in draining off water and salt, controlling ground water-level, and increasing crop output, etc.以明沟排水为对照,论述了内陆干旱重盐碱区暗管排水在排水排盐、控制地下水位、提高土壤脱盐效果及提高作物产量等方面的优越性
2.The paper discusses the superior for the security,economy,maintainability,efficiency of information management system on terminal technology environment of windows 2003.本文讨论了基于Windows 2003终端技术环境下的信息管理系统的经济性、安全性、可维护性、高效性等各种优越性以及与C/S系统、B/S系统的差别,并给出了该环境下的网络拓扑结构。
6)superior (high) performance性能优越

陶瓷刀具在切削加工中的优越性陶瓷刀具在切削加工的以下方面,显示出其优越性:      1、可加工传统刀具难以加工或根本不能加工的高硬材料,例如硬度达HRC65的各类淬硬钢和硬化铸铁,因而可免除退火加工所消耗的电力;并因此也可提高工件的硬度,延长机器设备的使用寿命;      2、不仅能对高硬度材料进行粗、精加工,也可进行铣削、刨削、断续切削和毛坯拔荒粗车等冲击力很大的加工;      3、刀具耐用度比传统刀具高几倍甚至几十倍,减少了加工中的换刀次数,保证被加工工件的小锥度和高精度;      4、可进行高速切削或实现“以车、铣代磨”,切削效率比传统刀具高3-10倍,达到节约工时、电力、机床数30-70%或更高的效果。      陶瓷刀具适用于加工以下多种材质的产品:①高锰钢;②高铬、镍、钼合金钢;③冷硬铸铁(HS80~90);④各类淬硬钢(HRC55~65);⑤各类铸铁(HB200~400)等,并已在国内汽车(齿轮、飞轮、轴、轴承等加工)、轧辊、渣浆泵(叶轮、涡壳、护板、护套等加工)、模具、缸套等行业广泛使用,解决了各行各业中高硬度难加工材料的切削加工,并能提高工作效率,大幅度地节约加工工时及电力,获得了巨大的经济效益。