1.Present situation and prospect for bioenergy;生物能源的研究现状及展望
2.Informatics Study on International Development of Bioenergy;国际生物能源发展的情报学研究

1.Industrial Revolution:The Shift from Biological Energy to Mineral Energy工业革命:从生物能源向矿物能源的转变
2.Preliminary Thoughts on the Establishment of Woody Bioenergy Resources in Yunnan;对云南木本生物能源资源培育的初浅设想
3.Survey and Screening of Bioenergy Trees in Fujian Province;福建生物能源树种的调查和筛选研究
4.Benefit analysis of developing forestry of biomass energy in Henan Province;河南省发展林业生物能源林效益分析
5.The Developing Future and Countermeasures of Biological Energy Industry in China;我国生物能源产业的发展前景与对策
6.The Actual Significance and Long-term Value of Developing the Biological Energy;发展生物能源的现实意义和长远价值
7.Study on Some Problems of Biomass Energy and Energy Forestry;生物质能源与能源林业若干问题研究
8.Biology quality energy is the most potential regeneration energy source.生物质能是最有潜力的可再生能源。
9.Current Situation and Development of Biomass Resources in China;我国林业生物质能源资源现状与潜力
10.Exploitation and Utilization of Tree Species as Bio-energy Resources in Guizhou Province;贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用
11.Preliminary evaluation on Chinese non-food plant resources for biodiesel production中国非粮生物柴油能源植物资源的初步评价
12.Investigation on Germplasm Resources of Energy Plant--Saccharum arundinaceum Ratz.in Sichuan Province生物质能源潜力植物——斑茅种质资源考察与收集
13.Analysis on potential raw materials for China s bioenergy resources;中国生物质能源未来可能的原料分析
14.Development of Woody Biomass Energy and Establishment of Energy Forest in China;林木生物质能源的发展和我国能源林建设
15.Soil Microbial Biomass Acts as Source and Sink of Energy Material C Flou in Mountainous Soils of Guizhou.贵州山区土壤中微生物生物量是能源物质碳流动的源与汇
16.The Design Limitation of Unit Power of Defibrator and the Analysis on the Measures of Economizing Energy我国林业生物质能源资源蓄积量的估算
17.Study on Biomass Energy Resource Potentiality and Development Strategy in Linyi City临沂市生物质能源资源潜力与开发战略研究
18.It's an energy field created by all living things.它是所有生物所造成的能源力场

1.Research progress on the utilization and production technology of bio-energy materials;生物能源的开发利用及生产技术研究进展
2.Brief introduction of a bio-energy crop-Panicum virgatum;生物能源植物柳枝稷简介
3.Thoughts on the countermeasures towards the healthy development of Chinese bio-energy industry;我国生物能源产业健康发展的对策思考
3)biological energy生物能源
1.Domestic and overseas experience in biological energy utilization and the inspiration for Yunnan Province in industrial development;国内外生物能源利用经验及对云南产业发展的启示
2.Current researches on spirulina platens as a source of biological energy;螺旋藻作为生物能源的研究进展
3.Research progress and breeding strategy of Jatropha curcas as a species of biological energy;生物能源树种麻疯树的研究进展及育种探讨
1.It help us to know much more about the plant genomics in the molecular and cellular levels, then hence may improve us to make better use of the plant biomass in other applications, such as agriculture, biofuel, etc.识别和刻画植物基因组中的各种功能元素是解读它们在植物中的功能的第一步,帮助我们从分子和细胞水平上进一步深入了解植物基因组,从而有可能有助于我们更好地利用植物资源为农业生产、生物能源等方面的研究做出贡献。
2.With the serious situation and intensive challenge of energy supply and environmental pollution,people paid more attention to the algae biofuel production.藻类能源在这一领域发挥着独特的作用,除了微藻柴油以外,以蓝藻为目标的生物能源的研发也得到了关注。
3.The emerging of microalgal technology offers the possibility to deeply purify the water quality, remove nitrogen/phosphorus and produce biofuel.微藻培养技术的出现,为水质深度净化、氮磷高效去除和生物能源生产提供了可能。
5)biological energy sources生物能源
6)Biomass energy生物能源
1.Japan has been studying biomass energy development for more than two decades.日本生物能源的研究已经进行了20多年。

发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重the share of energy for electricity generation in total primary energy  fad旧n nengyuan za一y一ei nengyuan x.oofe一zhong由b lzhong发电能源在一次能派消费中的比,(theshare of energy for eleetrieity罗neratinn in totalprimary energy)是表征一个国家国民经济电气化程度的一个指标。在一次能源总消费中,发电用能源的比例越大,电力在能源系统中的地位越重要,国民经济电气化的程度就越高。由于使用电力比直接使用石油、天然气和煤炭等一次能源的效率高,且电力用途广泛,使用灵活方便,不污染环境,可靠性高,因此.世界各国的电力生产和消费以高于能源的速度增长,发电用能源在一次能源总消费t中的比例日益增大。下表列出了一些国家发电用能源占一次能源总消费的比例变化情况。一些日家发电能一占一次能派总消.一的比,(%)┌──┬───┬───┬──┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│年份│美国 │日本 │德国│加章大│法国│英国 │中国 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1970│28.4 │31。1 │ │43.3 │23.8│ │ │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1980│37。65│44.9 │30.7│57.1 │36.1│39.7 │20.60 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1990│41.79 │50.30 │33.7│58.9 │46.0│37。6 │24.68 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1995│40.50 │51.50 │35.8│63.7 │57.0│36.7 │29.58 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1996│41。0 │50.7 │34.9│64。3 │54.2│35.4 │30.76 │└──┴───┴───┴──┴───┴──┴───┴───┘ 注:1.资料来浑日本海外电力调查会《海外电气事业统 计》和《中国电力统计资料》. 2.说明:(l)电力消费t系按电厂的发电t或净发电 t计算;(2)美国、日本、法国、英国系按供电热 效率计算煤耗,铭国、加幸大系按发电热效率计算 煤耗,中国则立接按发电煤耗计算;(3)发电能浑 消费(含火电、水电、核电等)均用上述计算的煤 耗乘以各自的总发电t。