1.Structure of the mtDNA control region and phylogeny of the Mustelidae species鼬科动物线粒体DNA控制区结构分析

1.Either of two species in the carnivore family Mustelidae.鼬科鼬属2种兽类的统称。
2.Of, relating to, or belonging to Mustelidae, the family of fur-bearing mammals that includes the badger, mink, otter, and weasel.鼬科的属于或有关于鼬科的,鼬科包括獾、水貂、水獭和黄鼠狼等产毛皮哺乳动物
3.Structure of the mtDNA control region and phylogeny of the Mustelidae species鼬科动物线粒体DNA控制区结构分析
4."Rare species of marten (Martes pennanti, family Mustelidae) found in northern forests of North America."学名为Martes pennanti。鼬科北美洲北方森林中罕见的食肉动物。
5.agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels.身体细长、行动敏捷、树栖的鼬科动物,比黄鼠狼有些大。
6."Any of eight species of stout-Bodied carnivores (family Mustelidae) that possess an anal scent gland, powerful jaws, and large, heavy claws on their forefeet.""鼬科,身躯短胖的食肉动物,都具肛门臭腺。颚强有力,前脚上具大而有力的爪。"
7.chiefly deep-sea fishes related to the Ophidiidae.主要为深海鱼类,与鼬鳚科有关。
8.largest family of living sharks; found worldwide esp. in tropical waters; dorsal fin lacks spines: requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharks.最大的鲨鱼科;世界各地都有,尤其是在热带水域;背鳍无刺;包含鼬鲨和油翅鲨的真鲨科。
9.The encyclopedia will describe every aspect of every species from aardvark to zorilla, an African skunk-like mammal.这套百科全书会描述一切物种,从非洲食蚁兽到非洲艾虎,非洲一种类似臭鼬的哺乳动物。
10.Any of various related mammals of Asia, especially Mustela eversmanni of central Asia.鼬鼠科动物与鸡貂有亲缘关系的几种亚洲哺乳动物的任一种,尤指中亚的亚洲雪貂
11.A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.一只臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩发臭,而树墩又认为臭鼬发臭。
12.Did she also take the skunk to her bosom?她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?
13.Fur--Yellow weasel skinsGB/T14787-1993裘皮黄鼬皮
14.a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail.尾巴长而细的海岛猫鼬。
15.Either of two small carnivorous mammals(Galictis vittata or G. cuja) of Central and South America, having grizzled fur, a slender body, and short legs.灰鼬产于中南美洲的两种小型食肉哺乳动物(灰鼬属浅灰鼬或半灰鼬),毛灰白,体态修长,腿短
16.A weasel(Mustela erminea)of northern regions, having a black - tipped tail and dark brown fur that in winter changes to white.白鼬北部地区的一种鼬(白鼬鼬属),尾部为黑色,深棕色皮毛在冬天变白
17.Eventually the creature was recaptured.白鼬最终被逮着了。
18.A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica)having a dark brown coat with tawny markings.亚洲鼬欧亚北部的一种鼬(黄鼬鼬鼠属),有带黄褐色斑点的深棕色毛皮

mustelidae animal鼬科动物
1.Microstructure observation of several mustelidae animal hair几种鼬科动物毛绒显微结构观察
4)type genus of the family Dasyuridae: native cats.袋鼬科的模式属;袋猫。
5)Mustela sibirica黄鼬
1.Studies on Rat-Control with Yellow Weasel Mustela sibirica Pallas I.Preliminary Observations on Rat-Control Capabilities of the Yellow Weasel;利用黄鼬控制害鼠的研究Ⅰ.黄鼬控制害鼠能力初探
2.Development and Histological Structure of Gonad in Male Mustela Sibirica;黄鼬雄性生殖腺的发育及组织结构
6)Siberian weasel黄鼬
1.Siberian weasels in Changbaishan area were surveyed in December,2007,by snow track trailing method,and 120 20×20 m quadrates were set for survey.2007年12月在吉林省蛟河市采用雪地足迹链跟踪法,对长白山地区黄鼬冬季120个利用样方的生境变量进行因子分析,应用主成分分析法,迭代8次,使用Varimax最大方差法进行因子旋转,使用回归方法计算因子得分,根据因子的特征值大于1得出3个公因子:第一为食物因子,第二为地形因子,第三为气候因子。
2.Siberian weasel is species of small body size in musteline family.黄鼬是小型鼬科动物,生活在不同生境中的黄鼬东北亚种的毛被性状存在一定的差异性,这种差异性在一定程度上显示出了遗传分化。
