热休克蛋白65,Heat shock protein 65
1)Heat shock protein 65热休克蛋白65
1.Objective To construct a nucleotide vaccine based on the recombinant plasmids of heat shock protein 65(HSP65) gene of mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Strain and G2 gene segment of Hantavirus H8205 Strain.目的构建以结核分枝杆菌热休克蛋白65(HSP65)和汉坦病毒G2糖蛋白重组融合基因为基础的真核表达载体,为进一步研究其在结核病和出血热防治中的作用奠定基础。
2.Objective To investigate strengthening effect of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis conservative B cell epitopes and study the relationship between heat shock protein 65(HSP65)and atherosclerosis.目的:通过分枝杆菌热休克蛋白保守性B细胞表位多次免疫小鼠,研究热休克蛋白65(HSP65)与动脉粥样硬化之间的关系。
3.Expression and purification of the fusion protein comprising Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 65 and human interleukin 2;目的获得融合表达的结核分枝杆菌热休克蛋白65与人白细胞介素2的重组蛋白,为进一步研究其对结核疫苗的作用奠定基础。

1.Construction and Functional Study of Heat Shock Protein 65-HER2 Multi-Epitopes Fusion Protein;热休克蛋白65-HER2多表位融合蛋白的构建及其生物学功能研究
2.Construction, Expression and Identification of a Recombinant BCG Vaccine Encoding Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Heat Shock Protein 65人结核杆菌热休克蛋白65重组卡介苗疫苗的构建、表达及鉴定
3.Tumor Cell Lysate Plus Mycobacterial Heat Shock Protein 65 Induced Anti-lung Cancer Immunity肿瘤细胞裂解物—结核分枝杆菌热休克蛋白65的抗肺癌作用
4.The Effect of HSP65 and Its Two Functional Peptides in Adjusting Atherosclerosis热休克蛋白65及其两个功能表位在调节动脉粥样硬化中的作用
5.Cloning,Purification of Heat Shock Protein 65(HSP65) and Its Activity Determination牛型分枝杆菌卡介苗热休克蛋白65(HSP65)基因的克隆、分离纯化及活性研究
6.Cloning and Expression of Human Heat Shock Protein 70 and Constitutive Heat Shock Protein 70人热休克蛋白70和热休克固有蛋白70的基因克隆和表达
7.Chlamydial Heat Shock Protein 60 and Immunopathogensis沙眼衣原体热休克蛋白60与免疫致病
8.The Role of Heat Shock Proteins in the Rejection of Transplantation;热休克蛋白在移植排斥反应中的作用
9.The Purification of HSP70 from the Human s Lung Cancer Tissues;人肺癌组织中热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的纯化
10.The Studying Actuality of HSP in the Field of Sports Medicine;热休克蛋白在运动医学界的研究进展
11.Research Development of Heat Shock Protein 72 and Training;热休克蛋白(Hsp72)与运动训练的研究进展
12.The Anti-tumor Function of 70KD Heat Shock Protein of Salmonella Typhi;伤寒杆菌70KD热休克蛋白的抗肿瘤作用
13.Research advance of heat shock protein 70 in Entomology昆虫热休克蛋白Hsp70的研究进展
14.Research Progress in the Structure and Function of Heat Shock Protein 22热休克蛋白22结构和功能研究进展
15.The Function and Application of Heat Shock Protein70热休克蛋白70的主要功能和应用前景
16.HSP70 expression in irradiating cervical carcinoma宫颈癌放疗前后热休克蛋白70的表达
17.KLF4: a Novel Modulator of Heat Shock Response and the Expression of Heat Shock Proteins;KLF4:一个热休克反应和热休克蛋白表达的新调控介质
18.Study on Heat Stress Damages and Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression in Broiler Tissues;肉鸡热应激损伤与热休克蛋白70表达的研究

1.Construction and expression of eukaryotic co-expression plasmid containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis Hsp65 and Ag85A genes;人结核杆菌热休克蛋白65和Ag85A基因真核双表达质粒的构建和体外表达
3)Heat shock protein 65(Hsp65)热休克蛋白65(Hsp65)
4)BCG vaccine heat shock protein 65卡介苗热休克蛋白65
5)heat-shock protein (HSP)卡介苗热休克蛋白65 (HSP65)
6)heat shock protein热休克蛋白
1.Advances on heat shock proteins and their roles in retinopathy;热休克蛋白与视网膜视神经疾病的研究进展
2.Expression of heat shock protein 70 after transpupillary thermotherapy;恒河猴经瞳孔温热疗法与热休克蛋白相关研究
3.Heat shock protein 70 expression of transpupillary thermotherpy on experimental choroidal neovascularization in the mouse;实验性脉络膜新生血管经瞳孔温热疗法后热休克蛋白70的表达及意义

普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)