
1.Contradiction and Conflict Between Humanization and Non-humanization of Psychology;心理学非人性化和人性化的矛盾与冲突
2.nonconforming personality非尊奉人格 非尊奉性格
3.part-time firemen非全日性工作消防人员
4.full-time static cleaner全职非流动性清洁工人
5.Personal, Nonexclusive Licenses个人和非排他性的许可
6.Rationality and Irrationality:Investigation from the Perspective of Human Capacity;理性与非理性——以人性能力为视域
7.Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性
8.Study on Characteristic of Nonlinear Waves in Artery Blood Vessel of Human;人体动脉血管中非线性波的特性研究
9.On the Thought of "Humanism" in the Rational and Irrational Contradictory Perspectivity;理性和非理性矛盾透视中的“以人为本”
10.To offer sympathy and kindness to inhuman entities is necessitated by the human nature rather than the intrinsic value of inhuman entities or human utilitarianism.人把同情、善心给予非人存在物是人性之必须,并非出于非人存在物的内在价值或人的功利。
11.Researchers' skepticism is fueled in part by their professional aversion to anothropomorphism, the very nonscientific tendency to attribute human qualities to nonhumans.人格化是把人类的特性强加到非人类事物上的非常不科学的做法。
12.a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause).一个受非理性的狂热所支配的人。
13.Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.私通,通奸并非夫妻的两人进行的性交
14.voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other.并非夫妻的两人自愿进行的性交行为。
15.sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another.并非夫妻的两人进行的性交行为。
16.procurement of another person by threats以威胁促致他人作非法的性行为
17.Measures were taken to keep down non - productive expenses.为紧缩非生产性开支人们采取了措施。
18.procurement of another person by false pretences以虚假借口促致他人作非法的性行为

1.The result shows that: junior English teachers got higher emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment scores but depersonalization scores are lower.采用改编的英语教师职业倦怠问卷,对朝阳市初中英语教师的职业倦怠状况进行调查与分析,结果发现:初中英语教师情绪衰竭程度偏高,非人性化现象不太严重,个人成就感较强。
3)non-coterie character"非同人"性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-