1.Objective:To establish a HepG2 cell line stably overexpressing hsa-mir-122 by transfecting the HepG2 cells with pEZX-hsa-mir-122 vectors,so as to observe the influence of miR-122 on the lipid metabolism in the liver cells.目的:利用稳定表达人miR-122前体的表达载体,转染低表达miR-122的人肝癌细胞系HepG2细胞,获得过量表达miR-122的稳定转染细胞系,探讨miR-122对肝脏细胞脂代谢的影响及其机制。
1.Objective:To investigate the effects of microRNA-99b(miR-99b)up-regulated on proliferation and apoptosis of HeLa cells and its possible mechanism.目的:探讨上调microRNA-99b(miR-99b)表达对宫颈癌HeLa细胞增殖和凋亡的作用及可能的机制。
4)Ji 122冀122
1.The Development of High Yielding,Disease Resistant,High Quality and Early Mature Cotton New Variety Ji 122;高产、抗病、优质、早熟抗虫棉新品种冀122的选育
5)miR-206 precursormiR-206前体
1.In this study,the porcine miR-206 precursor is!cloned and sequenced from skeletal muscle through comparative genomics approach.生物信息学分析表明miR-206前体序列在不同物种间具有较高的保守性。
6)miR16 familymiR-16家族

1.Function Research of miR-16 Family on Tumor Cell Cycle Regulation;miR-16家族在肿瘤细胞周期调控中的作用研究
2.The Study of miR-15a and miR-16-1 Inhibiting the Growth of Raji Cells and Enhancing Ara-C SensitivitymiR-15a和miR-16-1抑制Raji细胞生长及增强阿糖胞苷敏感性的研究
3.On Consolidation of England as a National State and Growth of English National Consciousness During the 16th Century论16世纪英国民族国家的强固与民族意识的发展
4.The 16~(th) Century Chaozhou Scholar-bureaucrats:Family Construction and History Reformulation;16世纪潮州士大夫的家族建构与家史重写——以翁万达的举丁翁氏家族为例
5.All of the16 known groups originate in water birds, especially ducks and gulls.所有这16个家族都是来源于水鸟,尤其是鸭子和海鸥。
6.On the Family Marriage Condition Recorded in Folk Literature from 16~(th) to 20~(th) Century-with the Xi Family in Dongting, South of Yangtse River as a case study;16至20世纪中叶民间文献中有关家族婚姻状况的研究——对江南洞庭席氏家族的考察
7.Study on the Function of miR-483 and miR-34a;miR-483和miR-34a功能研究
8.Tea farmers of Bajiaodong ethnic group are picking tea leaves on November 16, 2005.2005年11月16日,芭蕉侗族茶农在采冬茶。
9.The Mutation Analysis of miR-155、miR-32 Gene in Lung Cancer;miR-155、miR-32基因在肺癌中的突变分析
10.The Tissue Expression of miR-155 and miR-21 in Breast Cancer;miR-155和miR-21在乳腺癌组织中的表达
11.the 16th-century Spanish and Portuguese navigators16世纪西班牙和葡萄牙的航海家.
12.Article 16 Adoption of Panel Reports第16条 专家组报告的通过
13.according to the textual research, the famous writer belongs to 16th century据考证,这位著名作家属于16世纪。
14.political thought of the Reformation欧洲16世纪宗教改革家政治思想
15.He had run away from home and gone to sea when he was only sixteen years old.他16岁时就离家出走当水手去了。
16.Analysis of the Drugs Used in 16 Hospitals of Chengdu in the Years 1997~20001997年~2000年成都市16家医院用药分析
17.The Change of English Family from 16th to 18th Century;试析16-18世纪英国家庭的演变
18.Wives Contribution to Families in England from the 16 th to 19 th Century;16-19世纪英国妻子对家庭经济的贡献

1.Objective:To investigate the effects of microRNA-99b(miR-99b)up-regulated on proliferation and apoptosis of HeLa cells and its possible mechanism.目的:探讨上调microRNA-99b(miR-99b)表达对宫颈癌HeLa细胞增殖和凋亡的作用及可能的机制。
4)Ji 122冀122
1.The Development of High Yielding,Disease Resistant,High Quality and Early Mature Cotton New Variety Ji 122;高产、抗病、优质、早熟抗虫棉新品种冀122的选育
5)miR-206 precursormiR-206前体
1.In this study,the porcine miR-206 precursor is!cloned and sequenced from skeletal muscle through comparative genomics approach.生物信息学分析表明miR-206前体序列在不同物种间具有较高的保守性。
6)miR16 familymiR-16家族

《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》 《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》   药学著作。又名《广群芳谱·药谱》。八卷。清·刘灏著。刊于1708年。本书为《佩文斋广群芳谱》卷九十三-一百,共收药物720余种,系在《二如亭群芳谱·药谱》的基础上增补而成。每种药物标记的“原”字下,均为《群芳谱》原文,“增”字下,为新增加的内容,特别是新增的“汇考”及“集藻”二项,补充各种文史资料尤为丰富。此外还新增补了一些新药。但却删去了原书中种植、修治、服食、疗治等内容。现存三种清刻本,及商务印局馆铅印本。