1.Trends in development of self-complementary adeno-associated virus vector自身互补型腺相关病毒载体发展趋势

1.Trends in development of self-complementary adeno-associated virus vector自身互补型腺相关病毒载体发展趋势
2.Our vital interests were complementary, the penalty for independent action was overwhelming.我们大家的切身利益是互相补充的,各自为政的不良后果是再大不过了。
3.Both government regulation and market mechanism all have one's own defect that cannot be overcome, complementary functions are the cut-in point for the two to combine.政府规制和市场机制都存在自身不可克服的缺陷,功能互补是二者结合的切入 点。
4.Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism:Three Different but Complementary Ecological Views;儒、道、释:三种相异而互补的自然生态观
5.Adaptive and complementary watermarking algorithm based on image edge基于图像边缘的自适应互补水印算法
6.message complementary sense信息互补(链),有义互补(链)
7.silicon gate self aligned junction isolated cmos硅栅自对准结隔离互补金属氧化物半导体
8.But he also maintained that we look for someone with complementary needs.但是,他也坚持说我们寻找与自己互补的人。
9.The practice of developing each other's advantages and learning from each other's strong points to offset respective weaknesses has benefited both sides.发挥各自优势,互相取长补短,对合作双方都有利。
10.The Complementary Chaos of the Linear Nonautonomous System with the SU(2) Dynamical Group and Its Application;SU(2)线性非自治量子系统的互补混沌及其应用
11.Analysis of the Competitive and Complementary Relationship in the Sino-Australia Free Trade Agreement Negotiation;中澳自由贸易谈判中的竞争性和互补性分析
12.A study of the viewpoints of the complementary relationship between heaven and man of the ancient Chinese philosophers Mencius and Xunzi--The best model of the relationship between man and nature;孟荀互补的天人观——自然与人关系的最佳模式
13.Exclusion li Complement Between Gaining Scholanly Honow li Freedom In Chinese Literature;中国文学功业意识与自由精神的相黜与互补
14.Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithms based on complementary mutation operators基于互补变异算子的自适应差分进化算法
15.A smoothing self-trust region method for the NCP(F)求解非线性互补问题的自适应光滑信赖域方法
16.Automatic compensation equipment for PT secondary voltage drop电压互感器二次回路压降的自动补偿装置
17.An Aggregate-Function-Based Self-adjusting Interior Point Algorithm for Solving Linear Complementarity Problems基于凝聚函数的互补问题的自调节内点算法
18.The Interaction and Complementarity between the Market and the Government: A Comparative Study on the Liberalism Economics of two schools;要市场,也要政府:互动中的互补——两大自由主义经济观比较

self-compensation situation自身补偿
1.To evaluation self-compensation situation of township hospitals poverty areas, put forward a proposal and strategy on developing the management of hospitals in villages and towns and improving the economic benefits.针对海南省和湖南省贫困地区201所乡镇卫生院的运营和自身补偿状况进行分析,结果发现受政府补偿方式的误导,卫生人力资源配置不够合理;乡镇卫生院业务量差异大,影响农民对基本卫生服务需求的可及性;乡镇卫生院工作效率低,病床利用率低,影响到乡镇卫生院自身补偿能力;乡镇卫生院服务能力不足,造成病人流失和病人负担的加重;贫困地区乡镇卫生院自身补偿能力差,政府补偿有限,影响其生存和发展并提出相关增强贫困地区乡镇卫生院自身补偿建
3)auto-complentary code自互补码
4)self compensate press frame自补偿机身
5)self-biased complementary自偏压互补
1.Showing that frequency is little related to input impedance of the mutual-complementary antenna,antenna of this type is a ultra wide band one.通过论证自互补结构天线的输入阻抗基本与频率无关的角度证明了该天线具有超宽带特性。

等长自身调节等长自身调节 心脏泵功能的自身调节方式之一。指通过心肌细胞本身收缩活动的强度和速度的改变,以增强心肌收缩力,增加搏出量和搏功。这种调节与初长度的改变无关。在某些生理或病理情况下,心脏搏出量和搏功所发生的剧烈而持久的变化,主要靠心肌的收缩力来调节,心肌收缩力与心脏搏出量和作功能力呈正变关系。凡是能影响心肌收缩力的因素,都能通过等长自身调节来调节搏出量,如交感神经活动增强,血中儿茶酚胺浓度增加和某些强心药(如洋地黄)都能增加心肌收缩力,使搏出量增加。