发芽率,germination rate
1)germination rate发芽率
1.Study on correlation between Atractylodes macrocephala viability and germination rate;白术种子生活力测定方法及其与发芽率的相关性研究
2.Effects of various seed sources and different storage conditions on seed germination rate of Valeriana officinalis;不同种质资源及贮藏条件对缬草种子发芽率的影响
3.Study on the seed germination rate improvement of centipedegrass;提高假俭草种子发芽率的研究

1.Germinate experiment and Germination rate of Chinese olive seedlings橄榄实生种子发芽实验及发芽率研究
2.The Influence of Cd to the Wheat Sprout Rate and the Activity of Amylase镉对小麦发芽率及淀粉酶活力的影响
3.Study on pollen germination percentage in different position of Chinese jujube and wild jujube枣、酸枣不同部位花粉发芽率的研究
4.Studies on the Improvement of Seed Germination in Kobresia sp. and Their Mechanism;提高嵩草属种子发芽率及其机理研究
5.The Effect of Sewage Sludge on Seed Germination Rate of Cucumber and Three-colored Amaranth;污泥对黄瓜和苋菜种子发芽率的影响
6.Influencing Factors in Germination Percentage of Hybrid Rice Seeds影响杂交水稻种子发芽率的因素探讨
7.Study on enhancing germination rate of strawberry seeds提高草莓种子离体培养发芽率的研究
8.Difference of contamination and sprout rate existed among cultivars.不同品种的污染率和发芽率有一定差异.
9.The Effect of Hot Air on Paddy Drying and Germinating Rate;热风温度对种子稻谷干燥速率与发芽率的影响
10.Results showed that the seed germination rate, germination index and vigor index rose with the increasing temperature.结果表明,随着温度的升高,金钟藤种子发芽率、芽指数、力指数均上升。
11.The results show that with higher air temperature, the lower the initial moisture content and initial germination rate, the seed germination rate loss will be larger.结果表明,气流温度越高,种子初始水分或初始发芽率值越低,发芽率损失速率越大。
12.Based on the normal distribution theory of of seed germination rete loss during drying, a predicting model is developed.根据种子干燥过程中发芽率损失的正态分布理论,建立了一个发芽率预测模型。
13.Thats important to grain seed, orinfluence germination percentage.这对种子用谷粒尤为重要,否则影响其发芽率
14.Study on Improving the Modification of Low Germination Rate Barley by Using Geotrichum Candidau;利用白地霉提高低发芽率大麦溶解性能的研究
15.Influence on the Seed Germination Rate of Used Battery Leaching Solution;废旧电池浸出液对农作物种子发芽率的影响
16.The Effect of ~(60)Co-γ on Different Cultivars Pollen of Peach and Apricot~(60)Co-γ射线对不同桃、杏品种花粉发芽率的影响
17.Effects of Low Temperature Freezing Conditions on Seed Germination of Maize低温冷冻条件对玉米种子发芽率的影响
18.Effects of Temperature on Germination and Dormancy of Cottonseeds棉种贮藏过程中温度对发芽率和休眠的影响

germination percentage发芽率
1.Affection of different seed soaking treatments to sugar beet seed germination percentage;不同浸种处理对甜菜种子发芽率的影响
2.Correlation analysis and prediction study on sugar beet seeds germination percentage;甜菜种子发芽率相关分析及预测研究
3.Factors effecting pollen germination percentage of L.chinensis var rubrum and L.chinensis;不同因素对红檵木和檵木花粉发芽率的影响
1.Effect of γ-ray Irradiation on Germination Rate of Seed and Seeding Growth of Purtulaca grandiflora;γ射线辐射对松叶牡丹种子发芽率及幼苗生长的影响
2.Effects of nonwovens film and plastic film on soil ecosystem and peanut′s germination;非织造布地膜与塑料地膜对土壤及花生发芽率的影响
3.Effect of ~(60)Co-γ Ray Irradiation on Seed Germination Rate and Seeding Growth of Tagetes patura;~(60)Co-γ射线对孔雀草种子的发芽率及幼苗生长的影响
4)germination ratio发芽率
1.Influence of different disposal ways on germination ratio of large-leaved gentian seeds;不同处理方法对秦艽种子发芽率的影响
2.The germination ratio treated with water extract was 60%~70%;the germination ratio treated with 10% ethanol extract was low,even no germinate;the germination ratio treated with 2.5%)的结果表明,水浸提液处理的发芽率均为60%~70%;浓度为10%的乙醇浸提液处理的种子发芽率很低,甚至不发芽;浓度为2。
3.The pollens have different sensitivities to 60Co γ rays and ultraviolet: the friar pollen germination ratio dropp.观察不同剂量的60Coγ射线和紫外线为辐射源对帚型山桃、凯特杏、黑宝石李等三种果树花粉进行照射的发芽率
5)rate of germination发芽率
1.This study is focused on the effects of different soaking media on rate of germination and length of shoots of germinated brown rice.3%的H2O2较其它浸泡液更能促进糙米发芽,缩短萌芽时间;在发芽48h后,经不同浸泡液处理的糙米,发芽率无显著差异。
2.The experiments and comparison indicate that the method can raise the uniformity of drying; improve the rate of germination; shorten the drying time; increase the rate of production and save energy.经试验分析比较,两级干燥工艺有提高种子干燥均匀度,保证种子发芽率,缩短干燥时间,提高生产率,节约能源等优点,具有很高的推广应用价值。
3.3gram seed; The seed s rate of the disrepair is lowest which got by the threshing method of hammering by manpower, and it s purity and rate of germination is topmost; The seed threshing method of the wood knife threshing machine(sieve poleF 0.比较了八种脱粒方法对东非狼尾草种子数量和质量的影响,结果表明:人工锤打脱粒法获得的种子破损率最低,纯净度和发芽率最高;木刀脱粒机脱粒法(筛孔F0。
6)germination percentage(GP%)发芽率(GP%)
