绒山羊,cashmere goat
1)cashmere goat绒山羊
1.Initial analysis of genetic diversity status and phylogenetic relationship of Chinese cashmere goats breeds using microsatellite makers;中国4个绒山羊品种微卫星DNA遗传多样性和亲缘关系的初步分析
2.Effects of daidzein and its compound on villus and serum hormone concentrations in the cashmere goat;大豆黄酮及其复合制剂对绒山羊绒毛性状和血液中激素水平的影响
3.Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Chinese cashmere goats based on microsatellite DNA markers;中国绒山羊遗传多样性现状和系统发生关系的微卫星分析

1.Study on the Hoxd9 Genes of Cashmere Goat and Mongolia Sheep;绒山羊和蒙古羊Hoxd9基因的研究
2.Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Skull Bone of Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat, Tibetan Antelope and Pseudois Nayaur;内蒙古白绒山羊、藏羚羊、岩羊头骨比较解剖
3.The experiment effect of Hybrid progeny about Liaoning Cashmere Goats crossbreeding mongolian-tibetan Cashmere Goats in Gannan辽宁绒山羊改良当地蒙藏山羊试验效果观察
4.Effects of FGF5 gene on fibre traits on Inner Mongolian cashmere goatsFGF5基因对内蒙古绒山羊绒毛性状的影响
5.Effect of the environmental factors on cashmere Production performance Of the cashmere goats浅谈环境因子对绒山羊产绒性能的影响
6.Effects of Dietary Sulfur Levels on Nutrient Digestion and Metabolism and Cashmere Production Performance of Liaoning Cashmere Goats during the Cashmere Growing Period不同硫水平日粮对辽宁绒山羊生绒期消化代谢及产绒性能的影响
7.Affecting Factors of Cashmere Diameter and Control Measures of Shanbei White Cashmere Goat陕北白绒山羊羊绒细度的主要影响因素及控制措施
8.Study on LAMS Scheme of Inner Mogolia Cashmere Goats;内蒙古绒山羊LAMS育种方案的研究
9.Genetic Analysis of Liaoning New Breed of Cashmere Goats by Microsatellite Markers;辽宁新品系绒山羊的微卫星遗传分析
10.A Study on Limiting Amino Acids in Inner Mongolian White Cashmere Goats;内蒙古白绒山羊限制性氨基酸的研究
11.Study on Hoxc13 Gene and KAP16 Gene of Inner Mongolian Cashmere Goat;内蒙古绒山羊Hoxc13和KAP16基因的研究
12.Genetic Analysis on the Lambing Effects in Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goats内蒙古白绒山羊产羔效应的遗传研究
13.Effect of FSH Dose on Superovulation in Cashmere GoatFSH剂量对绒山羊超数排卵效果的研究
14.Industry Status of Chinese Cashmere Goat and Analysis of Its Prospects中国绒山羊产业现状与发展前景分析
15.Compared with blood biochemistry targets between high and low production cashmere goats高低产绒山羊血液生化指标比较试验
16.Research on the Cloning and Sequencing of Cytb Gene in Liaoning Cashmere Goat辽宁绒山羊Cytb基因的克隆和序列测定
17.Study on the Genetic Parameter of Reproductive Traits of Liaoning Cashmere Goat辽宁绒山羊繁殖性状遗传参数的研究
18.goat suede leather for making gloves and garment山羊皮绒面手套服装革

Cashmere goats绒山羊
1.Effects of dietary copper on plasma Melatonin and fiber characteristics in cashmere goats;日粮铜水平对绒山羊血浆褪黑激素水平及产绒性能的影响
2.Study on Sequence Variation of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene and Phlogenetic Relationships of Two Kinds of Cashmere goats;两种绒山羊线粒体细胞色素b序列分析与系统进化
3.Effects of photoperiod and implanted melatonin on nitrogen partitioning and production performance in Inner Mongolia white cashmere goats;光照和埋植褪黑激素对内蒙古绒山羊氮分配和生产性能影响的研究
1.Quantitative analysis method of cashmere/wool blending yarn;山羊绒/绵羊毛混纺纱的定量分析
2.An identification method for cashmere and fine wool based on Bayes model;基于贝叶斯方法的山羊绒与细羊毛的鉴别
3.Study on the crovo feet flaw and cause of cashmere worsted knitting;山羊绒精纺针织物鸡爪痕及其成因分析
4)cashmere like仿山羊绒
1.The process of wool fiber's cashmere like modification was discussed.采用枯草杆蛋白酶对细羊毛进行改性整理 ,对整理后的羊毛纤维在细度、强度、鳞片形态和表面摩擦特性等方面进行性能分析 ,探讨了羊毛仿山羊绒改性整理的工艺 ,并且取得了较好的效果。
5)white cashmere wethers白绒山羊
1.In tis experiment fluorescence quantification real-time PCR was used to quantify three pre-dominant fibre degrading bacteria and entodinium in ruminal samples of Inner Mongolian white cashmere wethers under different forage to concentrate ratio.试验采用荧光定量PCR技术,在不同精粗比日粮条件下对内蒙古白绒山羊瘤胃内容物中内纤毛虫和3种主要纤维分解菌进行定量研究。

辽宁绒山羊  中国的山羊地方品种。其特点是内层绒毛产量高于外层粗毛。绒毛洁白、纤细、轻柔、保暖性强,适宜作上等毛纺原料。原产于辽宁省辽东半岛东南部的盖县、复县、岫岩和庄河等地;陕西、甘肃、新疆和内蒙古等省(自治区)曾引进本品种改良当地土种山羊获得初步成效。    公羊角粗大,向两侧平直伸展;母羊角较细,向后上方伸开。额部均有卷毛,颌下有髯,颈部宽厚,背腰平直,后躯发达,四肢坚实,结构匀称(见彩图)。成年公?蛱逯?68~82千克;母羊40~75千克。成熟较晚,5月龄左右发情,配种适龄宜在18月龄左右,产区多于11月配种,翌年3~4月份产羔。成年公羊绒毛产量平均736克,高的可达1375克;粗毛650克。母羊绒毛产量平均575克,高的可达1025克;粗毛525克。绒毛平均细度80支(折合16.4微米),净绒率75%以上。产绒量以2~6岁时最高。产区终年放牧,冬春补饲。抓绒前10~15天加喂精料。如分两次抓绒,中间可相隔10~15天。抓绒后半个月左右剪毛,胡子和尾毛的价格较高,应另行包装。