感染性疾病,Infectious diseases
1)Infectious diseases感染性疾病
1.Relationship between vitamin A deficiency and infectious diseases among children;儿童维生素A缺乏与感染性疾病的关系
2.Advances on DNA vaccine of infectious diseases (A review);感染性疾病DNA疫苗研究进展(综述)
3.Radix Isatidis and infectious diseases caused by viruses板蓝根防治病毒感染性疾病的研究概况

1.Clinical analysis of 513 caes of neonatal infections diseases in 16 years.16年新生儿感染性疾病513例分析
2.Effect of vitamin A deficiency of children on infectious diseases儿童维生素A缺乏对感染性疾病的影响
3.Role of Interleukin-10 in Infectious Diseases白细胞介素-10在感染性疾病中的作用
4.Epidemiology of Rotavirus Infections and Its Vaccine Research轮状病毒感染性疾病流行病学及其疫苗的研究
5.Superiority and Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Viral Communicable Diseases中医药治疗病毒性感染性疾病的优势和特色
6.Research of Relationship between the Correlated Diseases Infected by HBV and Fas/FasL;乙肝病毒感染性疾病与Fas系统相关性研究
7.The Prevalent Trend of Etiology of Children s Infectious Disease in Hospital;住院小儿常见感染性疾病的病原流行趋势调查
8.Radix Isatidis and infectious diseases caused by viruses板蓝根防治病毒感染性疾病的研究概况
9.It is the highest mortality infectious diseases of simplex cause.它是单因素所致感染性疾病中死亡率最高的疾病。
10.Humane Health Education for Children with Infectious Diseases and Their Care Providers感染性疾病患儿及其家属的人性化健康教育
11.Analysis of 132 patients with infectious diseases misdiagnosed as epidemic hemorragic fever感染性疾病误诊流行性出血热132例分析
12.The present status of infectious diseases of laboratory animals in Bangladesh孟加拉国实验动物的感染性疾病的现状
13.Pneumonectomy for Inflammatory Lung Disease: Indications and Complications;全肺切除术治疗肺感染性疾病:适应症与并发症
14.The Law of the Unity of Opposites in Bacterial Diseases and Quorum Sensing System;细菌感染性疾病中的对立统一规律与Quorum Sensing系统
15.Study on prevalence and disease burden of infectious diarrhea in Guangxi广西感染性腹泻发病及疾病负担分析
16.Viral infections can cause that chronic progressive neurololgical disease.病毒感染可引起慢性进行性神经性疾
17.become infected with(an illness)感染上,传染上(疾病)
18.Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by TYPE A flu virus.禽流感是由A型流感病毒引起的传染性疾病。

Infectious disease感染性疾病
1.Analysis on present status of antibiotic use in paediatrics infectious diseases in Changchun city;长春市儿科感染性疾病抗生素使用现状分析
2.Procalcitonin: sign of whole body serious infectious disease;降钙素原——全身严重感染性疾病的标志物(综述)
3)susceptiBility to disease疾病感染性
4)virus infectious diseases病毒感染性疾病
1.Until today,there are three difficult issues pertaining to modern medicine handling virus infectious diseases:(1)there is no specific powerful remedy;(2)most of the antiviral drugs accompany with many side effects;(3)the efficacy of the developed vaccines and antiviral drugs expires after the viruses getting mutated.目的:现代医学对于病毒感染性疾病,直到今日仍存在以下三个难题:(一)没有特效药,(二)抗病毒药物多有副作用,(三)当病毒突变时所开发的疫苗及抗病毒药失效的问题。
5)Acute infectious diseases急性感染性疾病
1.Exploration of red cell immune function in children with acute infectious diseases;小儿常见急性感染性疾病红细胞免疫功能探讨
6)Infectious bone diseases感染性骨疾病

感染性疾病感染性疾病〖HT5”SS〗infective disease  由病原微生物侵入人体引起的疾病。在人群中不易引起流行的传染病,有时称为感染性疾病。