垂体瘤转化基因,pituitary tumor transforming gene
1)pituitary tumor transforming gene垂体瘤转化基因
1.Antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide of pituitary tumor transforming gene inhibits proliferation of glioblastoma;垂体瘤转化基因反义寡核苷酸抑制胶质瘤增殖的实验研究
2.Effect of ionizing radiation on the expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene in glioma C6 cells;电离辐射对胶质瘤C6细胞垂体瘤转化基因表达的影响
3.Objective To investigate the effect of siRNA-targeted pituitary tumor transforming gene(PTTG)on human prolactin pituitary adenoma(HPA)cell apoptosis.目的探讨垂体瘤转化基因(PTTG)对人泌乳素型垂体瘤(HPA)细胞凋亡的影响。

1.Expression of Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene (PTTG) in Estrogen-induced Pituitary Tumorigenesis in Wistar Rats;垂体瘤转化基因(PTTG)在雌激素诱导的大鼠垂体腺瘤中的表达
2.Expression of Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene and C-myc Gene in Patients with Multiple Myeloma垂体瘤转化基因和C-myc基因在多发性骨髓瘤中表达的研究
3.Effect of insulin-like-growth factor-1 on pituitary tumor transforming gene in C6 cells of glioma胰岛素样生长因子-1对胶质瘤C6细胞垂体瘤转化基因的影响
4.Expression of Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene and Matrix Metalloproteinases in Human Pituitary Adenomas: Relationships to Clinical Tumor Behaviors;垂体瘤转化基因、基质金属蛋白酶的表达与垂体腺瘤生物学行为关系研究
5.Expression and Clinical Significance of PTTG and C-myc in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma;垂体瘤转化基因PTTG和C-myc在肺鳞癌组织中表达及意义的研究
6.Association of PTTG Expression with Biological Behaviors of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer非小细胞肺癌中垂体瘤转化基因的表达及临床意义
7.Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene in C6 Cell of Glioma in Different Time Point不同时间点电离辐射对胶质瘤C6细胞垂体瘤转化基因影响的实验研究
8.The Research Progress Between Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene and Gynecological Tumor垂体肿瘤转化基因与妇科肿瘤研究进展
9.The Expression and Significance of Human Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene Protein in the Endometrial Carcinoma;人垂体肿瘤转化基因(hPTTG)在子宫内膜癌发生发展中作用的研究
10.Expression of the Pituitary Tumor-transforming Gene in Endometrial Carcinoma;垂体肿瘤转化基因PTTG在子宫内膜癌组织中的表达及意义
11.The Role of Human Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene Protein in the Tumorigenesis and Progression of Endometrial Carcinomas人垂体肿瘤转化基因在子宫内膜癌发生发展中作用的研究
12.A Study on the Expression of PTTG-1 and bFGF in Uterine Leiomyoma;子宫肌瘤中垂体肿瘤转化基因-1和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子表达的研究
13.Expression of PTTG and FGF-2 in Prostate Cancer;垂体肿瘤转化基因和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子在前列腺癌中的表达
14.Expression of PTTG and Survivin in hepatocellular carcinoma and their clinical significant垂体肿瘤转化基因和Survivin在肝组织、肝硬化和肝癌中的表达及其临床意义
15.Expression of PTTG and Its Relation with the Expression of bFGF Protein in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer;垂体肿瘤转化基因PTTG在卵巢上皮性癌组织中的表达及其与bFGF蛋白表达的关系
16.Preoperative MR Signal Intensity Prediction of Pituitary Adenomas Consistency and the Gene Expression of Promote Fibrosis Factors in Pituitary Adenomas;术前磁共振信号强度预测垂体腺瘤质地及垂体腺瘤中致纤维化因子的基因表达
17.Methylation and mRNA expression of promoter region of apoptotic protease activating factor-1 gene in pituitary adenomas垂体腺瘤凋亡蛋白酶活化因子-1基因启动子区甲基化与其mRNA表达
18.The Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between P16 Gene Expression,Deletion,Mutation,Methylation Status and Clinico-Pathological Features in Human Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas;垂体腺瘤P16基因表达、缺失、突变及甲基化与临床病理的相关研究

1.Expression of Tumor Transforming Gene (PTTG) in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma;垂体瘤转化基因(Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene,PTTG)在喉鳞状细胞癌中的表达研究
2.1. Expression of PTTG in Gallbladder Carcinoma 2.The Effects of PTTG Antisense cDNA on Gallbladder Carcinoma Cells;1.垂体瘤转化基因在胆囊癌组织的表达及意义 2.垂体瘤转化基因反义cDNA对胆囊癌细胞的作用
3.Association of PTTG Expression with Biological Behaviors of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer非小细胞肺癌中垂体瘤转化基因的表达及临床意义
3)Pituitary tumor-transforming gene垂体瘤转化基因
1.To explore the expression of pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG) in elderly patients with multiple myeloma (MM)and its relationship with MM, the expressions of PTTG mRNA were detected in bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNC) from 33 patients with MM and 10 normal controls by using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) .为了研究垂体瘤转化基因(pituitarytumor-transforminggene,PTTG)在老年多发性骨髓瘤(multiplemyelo-ma,MM)患者中的表达并分析它与MM发生的关系,采用RT-PCR方法检测33例MM患者及10例正常对照者骨髓单个核细胞中PTTG的表达。
2.Expressions of Pituitary tumor-transforming gene and c-myc gene in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia;目的:检测垂体瘤转化基因(PTTG)在慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)患者中不同临床阶段的基因表达,为阐明CML演变的可能机制提供依据。
4)pituitary tumor transforming gene垂体肿瘤转化基因
1.The expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene and basic fibroblast growth factor and their relationship in glioma;垂体肿瘤转化基因和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子在胶质瘤中的表达及意义
2.Pathological significance of the expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG) in gallbladder cancer tissues;胆囊腺癌垂体肿瘤转化基因mRNA表达的临床意义
3.Objective To investigate the expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene and basic fibroblast growth factor in prostate cancer and their relationship with clinicopathological features,and the correlation between expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene and that of basic fibroblast growth factor in prostate cancer.目的:探讨垂体肿瘤转化基因和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子在前列腺癌中的表达及其与临床病理学特征之间的关系,并探讨两者表达的相关性。
5)pituitary tumor transforming gene(PTTG)垂体肿瘤转化基因
6)pituitary tumor-transforming gene垂体肿瘤转化基因
1.Progression of pituitary tumor-transforming gene;垂体肿瘤转化基因的研究进展
2.Objective To study the relationship between the expression of pituitary tumor-transforming gene(PTTG) and basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) and clinical and pathological parameter of non small-cell lung cancer.目的:探讨垂体肿瘤转化基因(PTTG)和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)表达水平与非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)临床及病理学参数之间的关系。

垂体瘤垂体瘤 一种从垂体前叶和后叶细胞发生的肿瘤,其发生率约占全部颅内肿瘤的10%。过去按细胞染色及形态分为嫌色细胞腺瘤、嗜酸性细胞腺瘤、嗜碱性细胞腺瘤和混合型腺瘤。而以嫌色细胞腺瘤最常见,大多数为良性腺瘤,少数为增生或腺瘤。早期可无临床症状,发展到症状明显时主要表现为:①肿瘤压迫垂体及其周围组织的而出现一系列症状。造成垂体促激素的靶腺萎缩和功能低下;或压迫周围组织引起头痛,视力减退、眼底改变和视野缺损等。②激素分泌异常的表现:垂体正常组织受压而破坏,激素分泌减少,尤以促性腺激素分泌减少而闭经、不育或发生阳痿。目前垂体前叶细胞按功能分类,不同功能的细胞可以发生不同种类的腺瘤。由于肿瘤细胞分泌激素过多常引起垂体功能亢进的表现。不论功能性或无功能性肿瘤均可瘤内出血,患者发生头痛、视力障碍,伴有垂体前叶功能突然下降,临床称为"垂体性卒中",必须及时抢救。治疗包括外科手术治疗,放射治疗和药物治疗等。