柔嫩艾美尔球虫,Eimeria tenella
1)Eimeria tenella柔嫩艾美尔球虫
1.Therapeutic Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Prescription on Eimeria tenella in Chickens;中药复方对鸡柔嫩艾美尔球虫病的疗效观察
2.Observation of Pathology and Separation of Eimeria tenella;柔嫩艾美尔球虫的分离及病理学观察
3.Study on the Biology of Eimeria tenella,Xiamen Strain;柔嫩艾美尔球虫厦门株(Eimeria tenella)生物学研究

1.Drugresistance Proteins Study of Eineria Tenella;柔嫩艾美尔球虫耐药株的蛋白质研究
2.Pharmacodynamics of Chinese Herbal Medicine Prescription on Eimeria Tenella in Chickens中药复方口服液对鸡柔嫩艾美尔球虫病的疗效
3.Bioinformatics Analysis of Microsatelltes from EST in Eimeria tenella Genome柔嫩艾美尔球虫EST序列中SSR的获取及分析
4.Studies on sHSP and HSP60 Genes of Eimeria Tenella柔嫩艾美耳球虫sHSP与HSP60基因的研究
5.Research of Eimeria Necatrix and Eimeria Tenella Subcultured in Avian Embryo毒害艾美耳球虫与柔嫩艾美耳球虫鸡胚传代研究
6.Effect of Chinese medicine Qiukang preparation on ultrastructure of Eimeria tenella中药“球康”对柔嫩艾美球虫超微结构的影响
7.The Investigation of the Chicken Coccidia Species in Harbin and Prokaryotic Expression of Eimeria Tenella 3-1E Gene哈尔滨地区鸡球虫种类调查及柔嫩艾美耳球虫3-1E基因的原核表达
8.Preliminary Study on Prevention and Treatment of Greemix on Eimeria Tenella in AA Broilers;绿源素抗肉鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫效果的研究
9.Protective Effects of Recombinant SO7 Antigen of Eimeria Tenella;鸡柔嫩艾美球虫重组SO7抗原的免疫保护作用
10.Eimeria Tenella: Selection and Characteristics of a Precocious Strain;柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟株选育及生物学特性研究
11.The Study on Drug Resistance and Isozyme of Four Eimeria Tenella Strains;4株柔嫩艾美耳球虫耐药性检测及同工酶分析
12.The Study on the Prevention and Treatment of E.tenella Coccidiosis in Chickens with Chinese Herbal Medicine;中药饮水剂防治鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫病的研究
13.Transient Expression of Extrogenic Proteins in the Oocysts of Eimeria Tenella;外源蛋白在柔嫩艾美耳球虫卵囊中的瞬时表达
14.Eimeria Tenella: Experimental Studies on the Development of Resistance to Maduramycin;柔嫩艾美耳球虫对马杜霉素抗药性的研究
15.Proceedings of Research on the Mechanism of E. tenella Disease Development;鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫病的发病机制研究进展
16.Relation of Calcium Overloads and Damnification by Eimeria tenella in Chickens细胞钙超载与鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫病损伤关系
17.Drug Sensitivity Test on E.tenella Isolated from Xining Town柔嫩艾美耳球虫西宁分离株的药物敏感性试验

1.Studies on Relation of Specific High Immunized Vitelline Antibodies and Pathogenicity of E.tenella on Chickens;特异性高免卵黄抗体与鸡柔嫩艾美尔球虫致病关系的研究
2.Immunogenicity of Soluble Antigen from E.tenella Sporulated Oocysts Selected by the Capacity to Activate T cells;柔嫩艾美尔球虫T细胞刺激性抗原的免疫原性
3.An Experiment of Serum Proteins Acetocellulose Membrane Electrophoresis on E.tenella-infected Chickens;雏鸡感染柔嫩艾美尔球虫后鸡血清蛋白醋膜电泳分析
3)E. tenella柔嫩艾美尔球虫
1.These showed tha E.采用鸡体药效试验法测定了柔嫩艾美尔球虫对球佳、球安、加福三种药物的抗药性。
2.Broilers infected of E.目的:鸡盲肠球虫病,即鸡柔嫩艾美尔球虫(E。
4)Eimerria tenella oocyt柔嫩艾美尔球虫卵囊
5)Eimeria tenella柔嫩艾美球虫
1.Construction and Screening of Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Expressing Eimeria tenella F2 Hybrid Strain SO_7 Gene;柔嫩艾美球虫杂交株F2 SO_7基因重组鸡痘病毒的构建和筛选
2.Immunoprotection Induced by Recombinant Plasmids pVAX1-Mzp5-7 of Eimeria tenella;柔嫩艾美球虫重组质粒pVAX1-Mzp57的免疫保护性试验
3.Development of Hybrid Strains from Geographic Isolates of Eimeria tenella and Their Immunoprotection;不同地理株杂交培育的柔嫩艾美球虫及其免疫保护率
1.Selection and Characteristics of a Precocious Strain of E.tenella;柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟株选育及相关生物学特性
2.Study on Immunogenicity and Attenuated Method of E.tenella Hybridization F2 Strain;柔嫩艾美耳球虫杂交F2株致弱方法及免疫原性的研究
3.Immune Procedure, Cross-Immunity and Stability of pEtK2-IL-2 DNA Vaccine Against E.tenella;鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)DNA疫苗pEtK2-IL-2免疫程序、交叉免疫及稳定性研究
