保守性手术,Conservative surgery
1)Conservative surgery保守性手术
1.Analysis report for the relevant factors of the salpingocyesis conservative surgery and the persistent ectopic pregnancy;输卵管妊娠保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的相关因素分析
2.The effect of conservative surgery for tubal pregnancy and the influence of fertility prognosis;保守性手术治疗输卵管妊娠疗效及对生育的影响

1.Prevention of persistent ectopic pregnancy after laparoscopic conservative operation腹腔镜保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的预防
2.The Clinical Analysis of the 48 cases in Conservative Operation of Tubal pregnancy Under the Celioscope腹腔镜下输卵管妊娠保守性手术治疗48例
3.Recurrent Ectopic Fetation-clinical Analysis of 48 Cases保守性手术后再发异位妊娠48例临床分析
4.To prevent persistent ectopic pregnancy in post-conservatism operation of ectopic pregnancy by laparoscope异位妊娠腹腔镜保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的预防
5.Prevention of persistent ectopic pregnancy after laparoscopic conservative opertation腹腔镜保守性手术后甲氨碟呤预防持续性异位妊娠158例临床观察
6.Influence of laparoscopic conservative therapy for tubal pregnancy on tubal patent degree腹腔镜保守性手术治疗输卵管妊娠对患侧输卵管通畅度的影响
7.Clinical analysis on conservative surgery for severe endometriosis-associated infertility in 127 cases127例重度子宫内膜异位症合并不孕保守性手术临床分析
8.The study of pregnancy and endocrine function of ovaries with endometrioid cyst after operation under laparoscope卵巢内膜样囊肿腹腔镜保守性手术后卵巢功能及妊娠结局的研究
9.Results In the caesarian section group, conservative operations were performed in six patients, and subtotal hysterectomy in two.③结果  8例剖宫产手术病人 6例行保守性手术治疗 ,2例行次全子宫切除术 ;
10.Surgical treatment was done in all patients (21 cases received conservativ e surgical treatment, 2 cases received cesa rean hysterectomy).2 3例患者全部采用手术治疗(保守性手术2 1例,次全子宫切除术2例)。
11.Meta-analysis of Adjuvant Medical Therapy after Conservative Surgery for Endometriosis-associated Infertility子宫内膜异位症相关不孕患者保守性手术后药物治疗疗效的meta分析
12.Evaluation the effects of conservative surgery of tubal pregnancy under laparoscopy by hydrotubation under hysteroscopy for application on improving re-pregnancy rate医用生物蛋白胶在腹腔镜下输卵管保守性手术中提高患者再孕率的应用
13.Comparison between surgical and conservative treatment for flail chest连枷胸保守治疗与手术治疗对比研究
14.One case was fai-led to conservative treatment andoperation was performed.1例因保守治疗无效且病情恶化而手术治疗,其它均保守治疗。
15.The Analysis of Clinical Curative Effect of Proximal Humerus Fractures Treated by Conservative Management and Surgical Treatment;肱骨近端骨折保守治疗与手术治疗疗效分析
16.Effects of Surgical Therapy and Conversative Treatment on Moyamoya Disease手术治疗与保守治疗烟雾病的对照研究
17.Clinical analysis of laparoscopic conservative operation for tubal pregnancy in 45 cases输卵管妊娠腹腔镜保守手术45例临床分析
18.Comparison of the Curative Efect Between Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment for Proximal Humeral Fractures保守治疗与手术治疗肱骨近端骨折的疗效探讨

Conservative operation保守性手术
1.Clinical analysis of 149 cases conservative operation treating tubal ectopic pregnancy;输卵管妊娠保守性手术临床研究(附149例分析)
2.Objective: To evaluate the operation ways of conservative operation with small incision treating fallopian pregnancy and it s value.目的:探讨输卵管妊娠小切口保守性手术的方法及临床应用价值。
3.Methods The conservative operation was performed on 60 patients with tube pregnancy, fenestration on the position of tube pregnancy or taking out embryos from the tube crevice by laparoscopic surgery.结论 腹腔镜下保守性手术治疗输卵管妊娠创伤小,并发症少,术后恢复快,并能保留育龄妇女的生育功能,可作为有生育要求的输卵管妊娠患者首选的手术方式。
3)Half conservative surgery半保守性手术
4)old-line operation保守性手术治疗
5)ovarian conservative surgery卵巢保守性手术
6)Preserving laryngopharyngeal surgery喉咽保守性手术

子宫内膜异位症保守性手术子宫内膜异位症保守性手术 此术可为年轻尚未生育的妇女保留生育功能。手术时尽量切除病灶,但保留子宫、卵巢(双侧、一侧或部分卵巢)以利受孕。手术范围可为腹腔镜下子宫内膜异位病灶清除术,如电灼、激光等,还可行粘连分离术,单侧附件切除,巧克力囊肿剥除(一侧或双侧)。开腹手术范围同上,或行子宫悬吊术。手术后大多疼痛减轻,大50%~60%能怀孕。但复发率高,再次手术的可能性占10%以上。