甲硝唑注射液,Metronidazole injection
1)Metronidazole injection甲硝唑注射液
1.Objective To find out the effects which influence the external appearance of metronidazole injection after sterilization.目的探讨甲硝唑注射液灭菌后溶液外观变黄的原因。
2.S Injection and Metronidazole Injection.9%NaCl)、甲硝唑葡萄糖注射液(甲—G)、甲硝唑注射液(甲硝唑)等六种大容量灭菌制剂中内毒素和5-HMF的质控新标准。
3.objective: Techno-Measure through Improving Clarity of Metronidazole Injection.目的:研究提高甲硝唑注射液澄明度的技术措施。

1.The determination of chloramphenicol and metronidazole in compound metrodazole injecta by K-ratio method系数倍率法测定复方甲硝唑注射液中氯霉素和甲硝唑的含量
2.Conclusion: The metronidazole to episiotomy wound at postpartum to prevent infection is safe and effective.结论:产后应用甲硝唑注射液擦洗会阴及切口,可有效预防伤口感染,有利于伤口愈合。
3.Determination of 2-Methyl-5-nitroimidazole in Metronidazole and its Injection by GC甲硝唑及注射液中2-甲基-5-硝基咪唑的GC测定
4.Compatible stability between metronidazole disodium phosphate for injection with four kinds of injection in transfusion注射用甲硝唑磷酸二钠与4种注射液在输液中的配伍稳定性试验
5.Compatibility of secnidazole injection in four kinds of intravenous transfusion塞克硝唑注射液与几种常用输液配伍的稳定性
6.Determination of Content of Ornidazole in Ornidazole and Sodium Chloride Injection by UV Spectrophotometry紫外分光光度法测定奥硝唑氯化钠注射液中奥硝唑含量
7.Compatible stability of enoxacin injection combined with ornidazole and sodium chloride injection依诺沙星注射液与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液配伍稳定性考察
8.Objective: To establish a bacterial endotoxins test for tinidazole injection.目的:建立替硝唑注射液细菌内毒素检测方法。
9.Bacterial endotoxin test for levoornidazole and glucose injection左旋奥硝唑葡萄糖注射液细菌内毒素检查
10.Studies on Stability of Cefmetazole Sodium for Injection Mixed with Ornidazole and Sodium Chloride Injection头孢美唑与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液配伍的稳定性考察
11.Quantitative determination of metronidazole in metronidazole gargles by HPLCHPLC法测定甲硝唑漱口液中甲硝唑的含量
12.Intravenous antibiotics including Penicillin, Gentamicin and Metronidazole were urgently administered together with crystalloid rehydration.随即静脉滴注晶体溶液和抗生素包括青霉素、庆大霉素和甲硝唑。
13.Conclusion: Cefuroxime Sodium could combine with Tinidazole and Glucose injection.结论:头孢呋辛钠可与替硝唑葡萄糖注射液配伍应用。
14.Method: Interference tests in tinidazole injection were performed with limulus test agents provided by different factories.方法:应用不同厂家鲎试剂对替硝唑注射液进行干扰实验。
15.CONCLUSION Gatifloxacin for injection can be mixed in ornidazole sodium chloride injection.结论:加替沙星与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液可以配伍使用。
16.Conclusion: The bacterial endotoxins test can be used instead of pyrogen test for tinidazole injection.结论:细菌内毒素检测方法可取代替硝唑注射液热原的检查。
17.OBJECTIVE To determine the content of ciprofloxacin and tinizole in composite ciprofloxacin injection.目的:测定复方环丙沙星注射液中环丙沙星和替硝唑的含量。
18.Investigation of Stability of Cefepime in Arnidazole and Sodium Chloride Injection by Means of Spectrophotometry;头孢吡肟在奥硝唑氯化钠注射液中的稳定性研究

Metronidazole-G.S Injection甲硝唑葡萄糖注射液
3)compound metronidazole injecta复方甲硝唑注射液
1.For the determination of chloramphenicol and metronidazole in compound metronidazole injecta,the K-ratio method was established.建立复方甲硝唑注射液中氯霉素和甲硝唑的系数倍率测定法。
4)Tinidazole injection替硝唑注射液
1.Study on the stability of three antibiotics in Tinidazole Injection;三种抗生素在替硝唑注射液中的配伍稳定性实验
2.Pharmacokinetics of tinidazole injection in patients with continuous renal replacement therapy after simultaneous liver-kidney-pancreas transplantations;替硝唑注射液在肝肾胰联合移植伴连续性肾脏替代治疗患者体内的药代动力学
3.The bacterial endotoxin test for tinidazole injection;替硝唑注射液细菌内毒素检查方法的研究
5)Ornidazole Injection奥硝唑注射液
1.Stability Study of Ornidazole Injection and Other Injections in Common Use;奥硝唑注射液与常用注射剂配伍稳定性概述
2.Enhancement or inhibition test for detecting bacterial endotoxin in Ornidazole injection with LAL;鲎法检测奥硝唑注射液内毒素的增强抑制实验
3.The study on stability of mixed liquor of ornidazole injection and xylitol injection;奥硝唑注射液与木糖醇注射液配伍的稳定性实验
6)secnidazole injection塞克硝唑注射液
1.Measurement of bacterial endotoxin in secnidazole injection by kinetic turbidimetric method;塞克硝唑注射液中细菌内毒素的定量检测研究

甲硝唑注射液【通用名称】甲硝唑注射液【其他名称】甲硝唑注射液 甲硝唑注射液 拼音名:Jiaxiaozuo Zhusheye 英文名:Metroniddazole Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-158 本品为甲硝唑的灭菌水溶液。含甲硝唑(C6H9N3O3)应为标示量的93.0%~107.0 %。 本品中加有氯化钠调节等渗。 【性状】 本品为无色或几乎无色的澄明液体。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品适量(约相当于甲硝唑10mg),照甲硝唑项下的鉴别(1) 项 试验,显相同的反应。 (2) 取本品适量(约相当于甲硝唑0.1g),置水浴上蒸干,残渣照甲硝唑项下的鉴 别(2) 项试验,显相同的结果。 (3) 取含量测定项下的溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A)测定,在277nm 的波长处 有最大吸收,在241nm 的波长处有最小吸收。 (4) 本品显钠盐与氯化物的鉴别反应(附录Ⅲ)。 【检查】 pH值 应为4.5 ~7.0 (附录Ⅵ H)。 氯化物 精密量取本品适量(约相当于甲硝唑50mg),加水至50ml、加2%糊精溶 液5ml 、碳酸钙0.1g与荧光黄指示液5~8 滴,摇匀后,用硝酸银滴定液(0.1mol/L)滴 定,至浑浊液由黄绿色变为微红色。消耗硝酸银滴定液(0.1mol/L)应为13.2~14.6ml 或35.1~38.8ml(250ml:500mg规格)。 不溶性微粒 取装量为100ml 的本品1 瓶,依法检查(附录Ⅸ C),应符合规定。 细菌内毒素 取本品,依法检查(附录Ⅺ E),每1ml中含内毒素量应小于0.35EU。 无菌 取本品适量(不少于10ml),用薄膜过滤法处理后,增加生孢核菌菌液阳性 对照管,依法检查(附录Ⅺ H),应符合规定。 其他 应符合注射剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ B)。 【含量测定】 精密量取本品适量,加盐酸溶液(9→1000) 定量稀释制成每1ml 中 约含甲硝唑12.5μg 的溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在277nm 的波长处测定吸收 度,按C6H9N3O3的吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为377 计算,即得。 【类别】 同甲硝唑。 【规格】 (1) 10ml:50mg (2) 20ml:100mg (3) 100ml:500mg (4)250ml:500mg (4) 250ml:1.25g 【贮藏】 遮光,密闭保存。