月经量,Menstrual blood volume
1)Menstrual blood volume月经量
1.Methods Seventy patients with adenomyosis diagnosed according to clinical symptoms,magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)findings,laparoscopy and/or color-Doppler ultrasound imaging were treated with LNG-IUS,and the menstrual blood volume,dysmenorrhea,uterine volume,hepatic function and serum lipids were observed and evaluated.结果放置LNG-IUS后,月经量显著减少,第1个月为原来的(35±12)%(P<0。
2.METHODS Eighty six patients with adenomysois were followed up in 0,1,2,4,6 months after treating with LNG-IUS, dysmenorrhea, menstrual blood volume, menstrual period and anemia of the patients.方法对86例子宫腺肌病患者放置曼月乐后进行6个月的随访,在1、2、4、6个月时利用VAS评分法分析患者痛经程度、月经量、经期以及贫血症状情况。

1.The Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature Study of Menorrhagia after Inset Intrauterine Device;宫内节育器导致月经量多的中医证治文献研究
2.Menstruation.Used with the.月经月经。与the连用
3.Assists the Quality Manager on the monthly manual revision.协助质量部门经理的月度审核手册。
4.Relationship between Energy Availability and Athletic Menstrual Cycle Irregularities;可利用能量与运动性月经失调的关系
5.She usually has regular menstrual cycles( mc), but this month her period was5 days late and it was heavier than usual.她通常月经周期正常,但这个月经慢了五天,且量比平时还多。
6.Clinical Analysis on the Disease of Delayed and Hypo Menorrhea Treated by Bujingheji补经合剂治疗月经后期量少103例临床分析
7.Comparison of four MRI sequences of trigeminal ganglion appearance and measurement of the trigeminal ganglion三叉神经半月神经节MRI成像方法及测量
8.of or relating to menstruation or the menses.属于、关于月经或月经期。
9.High-street sales have fallen for the fifth consecutive month.主商业街区销量已经连续5 个月下降了。
10.A drug or an agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow.通经药引发或加速月经流量的药物或有同等效用的物品
11.The length of the menstrual cycle and periods may vary; flow may lessen or increase.月经周期和持续时间因人而异,经血流量可能减少或增加。
12.Self-made"ZishenYichong Decoction" Treat 32 Cases of the Delayed Menstrual Cycle,Scanty Menstruation During the Peirmenopausal Period自拟滋肾益冲汤治疗围绝经期月经后期量少32例
13.This month's output exceeds last month's by ten percent.本月的产量超过上月10%。
14.Over time, a lot of soil has been removed, which has caused serious erosion of the land along the River.经年累月,大量的泥土被冲走,导致黄河两岸严重的水土流失。
15.But it has been a contest for years, and is only fought out after a long balance of victory但这是穷年累月的斗争,只有经过长时间的较量才能决定胜负。
16.The12- member Opec has cut its production twice in the last six months.在过去六个月中,欧佩克12个成员国已经两次减少石油产量。
17.Japan already has a large stock of plutonium and could probably develop a bomb within months.日本已经拥有大量的钚并可能在数月内制造出核弹。
18.By the end of September 2002, money supply and the amount of loans had totaled 17,700 billion yuan and 13,500 billion yuan respectively.截至2002年9月底,货币供应量已经达到17.7万亿元,贷款总额13.5万亿元。

Mens-trual Blood月经血量
3)silent menstruation少量月经
4)Excessive menstruation月经量过多
5)increasing blood/therapy月经量增多/治疗
6)Menstrual blood loss月经血量丢失
