生殖预后,Reproductive prognosis
1)Reproductive prognosis生殖预后
2)reproduction after death死后生殖
1.The development of biological science and medical technology has made the artificial reproduction after death possible,but the ethical and legal controversies continuously emerged facing to the happened artificial reproductive cases after death in different regions of the world.生物科学和医疗技术的发展使死后生殖成为可能,但是,面对世界不同地域所发生的死后生殖案例,伦理和法律的争议层出不穷。
3)postgenital segment生殖后节
4)reproduction intervention生殖干预
1.The multiple-factor analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicinal symptoms affecting the prognosis of the advanced cancer patients;晚期恶性肿瘤患者中医症状为主的生存预后多因素分析

1.Survival Analysis in Recurrent of Ovarian Epithelial Carcinma: A Review of 56 Cases;56例复发性卵巢上皮癌的生存预后分析
2.Analysis of Prognostic Factors on Long-term Survival of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia急性早幼粒细胞白血病长期生存预后因素分析
3.Predict patients' prognosis and fututre surviving state.用于预测患者预后和远期生存状态。
4.Study of Prognosis in Patients with Chronic Severe Hepatitis;慢性重型肝炎患者的生存及预后研究
5.The Survival Tree Method and Its Application in Prognostic Analysis;生存树方法及其在预后分析中的应用
6.Survival and prognostic analysis of 221 patients with advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated by surgery221例晚期喉鳞癌患者术后的生存和预后分析
7.Analysis on the affecting factors and survival analysis of post-operation large cell lung cancer大细胞肺癌术后预后的危险因素及生存分析
8.The Relationship between Expression of Peripheral-blood Survivn and Prognosis of Breast Cancer;外周血中生存素的表达与乳腺癌预后关系初探
9.Prognostic Factors for Patients with Astroglioma and Set up COX s Proportional-Hazards Model;脑星形细胞瘤患者预后多因素COX模型生存分析
10.Quality of Life and Rehabilitation Nursing Intervention in Post-stroke Patients;脑卒中后患者生存质量和康复护理干预的研究
11.Childhood acute Lymphoblastic leukemia prognostic survival study;儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病预后因素的生存研究
12.Clinical Study of Prognosis and Survival Time for Liver Failure;影响肝衰竭患者预后和生存时间的临床研究
13.The prediction of the survival time of hepatectomy patients with artificial neural network method;肝癌术后无瘤生存期的人工神经网络预测
14.The Study of Survival and Prognostic Factors of Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma卵巢上皮癌的生存分析及预后影响因素的研究
15.Effect of Chinese Medicine on the Quality of Life after Kidney Transplantation中医药干预对肾移植术后患者生存质量的影响
16.Analyses of Prognostic Facters of 435 Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer435例非小细胞肺癌患者生存时间预后因子分析
17.The Survival Condition and Prognostic Factors of Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastases大肠癌肝转移生存状况及预后因素分析
18.The Survival and Prognosis in 194 Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer after Radical Surgery;194例非小细胞肺癌患者根治术后的生存和预后分析

reproduction after death死后生殖
1.The development of biological science and medical technology has made the artificial reproduction after death possible,but the ethical and legal controversies continuously emerged facing to the happened artificial reproductive cases after death in different regions of the world.生物科学和医疗技术的发展使死后生殖成为可能,但是,面对世界不同地域所发生的死后生殖案例,伦理和法律的争议层出不穷。
3)postgenital segment生殖后节
4)reproduction intervention生殖干预
1.The multiple-factor analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicinal symptoms affecting the prognosis of the advanced cancer patients;晚期恶性肿瘤患者中医症状为主的生存预后多因素分析
6)artificial insemination after death死后人工生殖

预后不良预后不良unfavourable prognosis〖DK〗,pro?〖JP〗gnosis mald  对病人某一疾病的预后效果估计差。如恶性肿瘤、某些遗传代谢性疾病等均属预后不良。