种植期,planting season
1)planting season种植期
2)The window of implantation种植窗期

1.The morphological characters of pattern C and pattern A endometriumA、C型子宫内膜种植窗期形态学特征
2.Effect of Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation on Expression of Aquaporin-2 in Mouse Implantation Endometrium;控制性超促排卵对小鼠子宫内膜种植窗期水通道蛋白2的影响
3.On the Correlation of the Successes of Embryo Implantation with the Expression of LIF and Integrin a_vβ_3 in Human Endometrium within the Implantation Window;种植窗期人子宫内膜LIF及整合素α_vβ_3的表达与胚胎种植成功率关系的研究
4.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Lift with Bone Graft and Internal Sinus Floor Elevation and Simultaneous Placement of Implants开窗植骨与闭合冲压上颌窦底提升同期种植的临床研究
5.plant having variegated foliage and used for window boxes.一种叶有斑点的植物,可用作窗口花坛。
6.replant a window box.在窗口花坛中种植新的花草
7.Expression of pinopode during endometrial implantation window of patients with PCOSPCOS患者植入窗期子宫内膜胞饮突的表达变化
8.Study of Onlay Bone Grafts and Nonvascularized Bone Grafts with Placement of Implants Simultaneously;下颌骨表面贴附植骨同期种植及非血管化骨移植同期种植的研究
9.the life cycles of plant species植物种生活周期的长短
10.Investigation on Maxillary Sinus Floor Lifting with Simultaneous Placement of Implants上颌窦外提升同期种植体植入后近期效果观察
11.Study on Gap Characteristics and It s Influence on Plant Species Diversity of Subalpine Coniferous Forest in the Western Sichuan;川西亚高山针叶林林窗特征及其对植物物种多样性影响的研究
12.Clinical application of sinus lift accompanying bone graft supplement implantation上颌窦底提升加植骨及同期种植术的临床应用
13.Experimental Study on Maxillary Sinus Elevation and Bone Grafting with Simultaneous Implantation of Dogs;犬上颌窦提升同期种植体植入术的实验研究
14.Non-vascularized Bone Graft with and without Dental Implants in Dogs and GFP-transgenic Mouse;非血管化游离骨移植及同期种植的实验研究
15.Clinical study on delayed flapless implants placement after bone powder grafted immediately in postextraction sockets牙槽窝即刻植骨延期不翻瓣牙种植的疗效评价
16.Strips of aluminum alloy windows tech window, which you love?木窗铝合金窗塑钢窗,你钟爱哪一种?
17.The soil was almost ruined from the constant cotton planting.由于长期种植棉花,土壤已被破坏。
18.Effects of long-term plant Medicago sativa Linn. on soil nitrogen nutrient.长期种植苜蓿对土壤氮素营养的作用

The window of implantation种植窗期
3)different date of sawing分期种植
4)prolonged plantation长期种植
5)delayed implant延期种植
1.Object:The aim of this study was to evaluate the papilla aesthetic effectiveness between the immediate implant group and the delayed implant group in single maxilla anterior implant.目的:分析比较上颌前牙区单个即刻种植和延期种植修复对龈乳头美学效果的影响。
1.Investigation on Maxillary Sinus Floor Lifting with Simultaneous Placement of Implants上颌窦外提升同期种植体植入后近期效果观察

欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权  【欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权】期权合约所规定的权利有一定的时效期,过了失效日后,权利即行作废。一些期权规定权利仅能在有效期的最后一天执行,这种期权被称为欧洲式期权(ell功pean叩tions);另一些期权则容许在有效期内任何一天执行,这种期权被称为美国式期权(一~oPtions)。值得指出的是,虽名为欧洲式或美国式期权,但已无任何地理上的意义。由于欧洲式期权的规定过于严格,又出现了一种“改变的欧洲式期权”,它允许期权在一定的时间范围内进行交易。可见,美国式期权为期权购买者提供了更多的选择机会,因此,它的购买者也往往需支付更高的保险费。近年来无论在欧洲或美国,所交易的期权均以美国式为主,欧洲式期权虽仍存在,但其交易量已比不上美国式期权。 在so年代末期,市场上又出现了一种所谓亚洲式期权(asian ontions),但也无地理上的意义,其差别主要在于履约价值(exe而sev公此)的计算。以买权为例,无论是美国式期权或是欧洲式期权,执行权利所能得到的履约价值均为当时标的物的市价减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量,但亚洲式期权的履约价值则为权利期间内标的物市价的平均(计算至履约日为止),减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量。