塞肛,Inserting method
1)Inserting method塞肛

1.Treatment of Prostate Pain by Relaxing Pelvic Floor Muscle and"Qianliean Suppository"盆底肌松解法结合前列安栓塞肛治疗前列腺痛临床观察
2.Insert the pointed end deeply into the anus, and hold it tightly shut for4 to5 seconds.把栓剂尖的一端深深塞入肛门内,然后收紧肛门四至五秒。
3.Observation of Therapeutic Effects of Kaiselu Clyster on Obstipation开塞露纳肛改善顽固性便秘的效果观察
4.The director of the prison said the gang members had introduced the cell phones, wrapped in plastic bags, into their bodies through their anuses.监狱狱长说,这些囚犯将手机装在塑料袋,从肛门处塞进体内。
5.Clinical Study of Effect of Glycerine Enema Replacing Soft Soap Solution Enema before Operation术前开塞露纳肛法替代肥皂水灌肠法的临床研究
6.Clinical Observation of Anal Fistula Treatment with Acellular Extracellular Matrix & Traditional Chinese Medicine生物组织补片填塞并术后中药内服治疗肛瘘的临床观察
7.Clinical observation of allogenic acellular dermal matrix in the treatment of anal fistula脱细胞异体真皮基质填塞治疗肛瘘50例疗效观察
8."Drugs may be given by mouth, by injection, by inhalation, rectally, or through the skin."药物的使用法有口服、肛门塞剂、皮下注射、肌肉注射、静脉注射和吸入等。
9.perianal abscess脏毒;肠痔;肛门周围脓肿;肛旁脓肿;肛周脓肿
10.Defecate with soap water is a necessary and idea option for those with constipation for 3 days or constipation after using of glycerin.结论肥皂水低压灌肠对3天内无大便或以开塞露肛注后仍不能排便者是很有必要且较为理想的方法。
11.Of, relating to, or near the anus.肛门属于、关于或接近肛门的
12."anal: Of, relating to, or near the anus."肛门: 属于、关于或接近肛门的
13.Clinical Application of Ultrasonic Diagnosis on Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula超声诊断在肛周脓肿、肛瘘的临床应用
14.Primary radical surgery procedure in the treatment of perianal abscess 34 cases with therapeutic instrument for proctological disease肛肠治疗仪一次性根治肛周脓肿34例
15.Study of Anorectal Manometry Before and After Fistula Surgery肛瘘手术前后肛管直肠压力测定研究
16.Anal sex: Usually this term specifically refers to a penis penetrating an anus in anal intercourse.肛交:通常是专指在肛门性交过程中阴茎插入肛门。
17.Ednosonographic Evaluation of Internal Anal Sphincter in Children Underwent Surgery for Hirschsprung's Disease经肛超声测量肛门内括约肌评估巨结肠术后肛门直肠功能
18.MR Imaging of Perianal Fistulas:Value of Using an Innovative Self-adaptive Ano-rectal Water Plug for the Classification肛瘘磁共振成像:探讨自制可调节肛肠水囊在肛瘘分级中的价值

perianal/anal canal肛周-肛管
1.Objective To explore the nursing approach of photodynamic therapy(PDT) of perianal/anal canal condyloma acuminatum with topical adminstration of 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA).目的探讨5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗肛周-肛管尖锐湿疣患者的护理方法。
3)anal fistula肛瘘
1.Clinical observation of anal fistula treatment with acellular extracellular matrix;脱细胞异体真皮基质治疗肛瘘临床研究
2.Treatment of anal fistulas in Crohn s disease;Crohn病致肛瘘的治疗
3.Comparison of tunnel thread-drawing therapy and fistulectomy therapy for low-complex anal fistula;隧道式拖线法与瘘管切除法治疗低位复杂性肛瘘的疗效比较
1.The Simple Way to Soak The Rat s Anus by Medicines;大鼠肛门行药物浸洗的简易方法
2.Objective: To explore the simple method effecting a radical cure of Hischsprung disease through anus modification Soave s art reaches his surgical operation effect under minute circumstances about creating.目的:探讨单纯经肛门改良Soave术根治先天性巨结肠的方法及其手术效果。
3.Methods: The pressures and periods of the radial 8 channels manometry in the anus were compared on an experimental model of 10 dogs pre- and post-operatively.方法 :在杂种犬动物模型上 ,通过肛管直肠测压的方法 ,比较手术前后各导联的反映肛门括约肌复合体高压区的压力及间期变化情况 ,探讨肛管直肠测压在肛门外伤中的定位诊断价值。
5)Anal canal肛管
1.Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal anatomy of anal canal;肛管正常解剖结构的MRI研究
2.The demonstration of the normal anal canal and perianal structures by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging with a phased-array coil;相位阵列线圈高分辨MRI显示肛管和肛周结构及其意义
3.Topographic distribution of the intramural microvessels of the anal canal in fetus and its clinical significance;胎儿肛管微血管分布特点及其临床意义
6)anal fissure肛裂
1.Therapeutic effects observation of 172 cases of lateral incision cross-sectional suture and lysis in treatment of chronic anal fissure;侧切横缝松解术治疗陈旧性肛裂172例疗效观察
2.Clinical observation on the efficacy of MEBO in treating anal fissure;美宝湿润烧伤膏治疗肛裂的疗效观察
3.Analysis of the efficacy of MEBO in treating 51 cases of anal fissure;湿润烧伤膏治疗肛裂51例分析

塞因塞用塞因塞用 塞因塞用   治疗学术语。系反治法之一。谓因塞证而用塞法。前“塞”为塞法,指补养固涩;后“塞”为塞证,指本虚标实之满胀不通的病证。《素问·至真要大论》:“塞因塞用,通因通用,必伏其所主,而先其所因。”