静脉淤血,Vein congestion
1)Vein congestion静脉淤血

1.The Effect of Portal Blood Stasis on Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;门静脉淤血对肝脏缺血再灌注损伤的影响
2.Observation of combination of ovarian vein embolization and prescription with invigorating the kidney and promoting blood flow on pelvic congestion syndrome卵巢静脉栓塞结合补肾活血方治疗盆腔静脉淤血综合征临床观察
3.MRI Study of Pelvic Veins in Patients with Pelvic Congestion Syndrome and Healthy Women in Their Reproductive Years;盆腔静脉淤血综合征和健康育龄女性盆腔静脉的MRI研究
4.Ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic venous congestion syndrome:report of 20 cases盆腔静脉淤血症的超声诊断(附20例报告)
5.Application of transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of pelvic congestion syndrome经阴道彩色多普勒血流显像在盆腔静脉淤血症中的应用
6.Hepatic Venous Congestion and Liver Regeneration of Donor-recipients after Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Multi-slice Spiral CT Study活体肝移植术后供、受者肝静脉淤血及肝再生的多层螺旋CT研究
7.Experimental Study on Effect of Natural Hirudin on Vein Congestion of Random Skin Flap in Porcine Models天然水蛭素对猪随意型皮瓣静脉淤血影响的实验研究
8.Microscopically, the nutmeg pattern results from congestion around the central veins, as seen here. This is usually due to a "right sided" heart failure.镜下可见,中央静脉周围淤血导致槟榔样表现,病因一般为右心衰。
9.venous thrombosis & thrombo phlebitis静脉血栓及血栓静脉炎
10.If the passive congestion is pronounced, then there can be centrilobular necrosis, because the oxygenation in zone 3 of the hepatic lobule is not great.如果淤血显著,由于肝小叶3区(位于中央静脉周围)血液含氧量不足,将发生肝小叶中心坏死。
11.change venous blood into arterial blood.把静脉血转化为动脉血。
12.The condition of having varicose veins.静脉曲张具有静脉曲张的血管的状况
13.painful thrombosis of the femoral vein in the leg following childbirth.产后出现的股静脉血栓性静脉炎。
14.Analysis of the spermatic vein blood gas in patients with varicocele精索静脉曲张不育患者静脉血气分析
15.variceal hemorrhage.静脉曲张导致的出血
16.thrombosis of mesenteric vein肠系膜静脉血栓形成
17.cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis海绵窦血栓性静脉炎
18.fibre-optic arteriorenous oximeter光纤动静脉血氧定量计

Portal blood stasis门静脉淤血
3)hepatic venous congestion肝静脉淤血
1.Toevaluate the reasons, extent and prognosis of hepatic venous congestion (HVC) afterLDLT using MSCT.利用MSCI平扫、增强及灌注检查评价LDLT术后供、受者肝静脉淤血(HVC)的原因、程度及预后。
4)Venous congestion-reperfusion静脉淤血再通
5)pelvic venous congestion syndrome盆腔静脉淤血症
1.Objective To investigate the value of laparoscopy for pelvic venous congestion syndrome(PVCS).目的总结分析腹腔镜检查对盆腔静脉淤血症(pelvic venous congestion syndrome,PVCS)的作用。
6)Local delivery继发性静脉淤血

静脉    静脉    把血液从身体各部运回心脏的血管。静脉的管壁较简单由内膜、中膜和外膜组成。中膜内的平滑肌和弹性纤维较少,故弹性差。一些静脉的内膜常有成对的内褶称静脉瓣,它们有助于血液的回流。静脉有深浅之分,深静脉位于深筋膜的深方,大多与动脉伴行。浅静脉位于皮下组织内,也称皮下静脉,上、下肢的浅静脉较发达,临床上常选择这些静脉作抽血、输血和静脉注射之用。