糜灵膏,Mi-Ling ointment
1)Mi-Ling ointment糜灵膏
2)Zhimiling Suppositorys治糜灵栓
1.Determination the Contents of Matrine and Oxymatrine in Zhimiling Suppositorys by HPLC;HPLC法测定治糜灵栓中苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的含量
1.Effect of Zhimiling against Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro治糜灵栓体外抗阴道毛滴虫的作用

1.Effect of electrocoagulation and Zhimiling tablets effervescents on severe cervical erosion电熨联合治糜灵泡腾片治疗宫颈重度糜烂的疗效观察
2.Treatment of 18 Cases of Chyloperitoneum by"Xiaozhongling Granule"and Western Drugs消肿灵结合西医疗法治疗乳糜腹18例
3.Observe the Curative Effect on the Non-Erosive Reflux Disease Treaded by the "Guanyanling" Particle管炎灵颗粒治疗非糜烂性胃食管反流病疗效观察
4.Anti-Gong Mi Suppository Treatment Chronic Cervicitis and Cervical Erosion(Syndrome of Dampness-heat Pouring Downward) Research抗宫糜栓治疗慢性宫颈炎宫颈糜烂(湿热下注证)临床研究
5.Comparative observation on the results of six methods in treament of chluria and hemotochyluria六种主要措施治疗乳糜尿和乳糜血尿的比较研究
6.Effect of Xiaozhongrumiqing preparations on chyluria and lymphaedema消肿乳糜清系列制剂治疗乳糜尿和淋巴水肿的临床研究
7.Erythromycin Ointment Application to Treat Infants With Skin Crease红霉素软膏治疗婴儿皮肤皱褶处糜烂
8.Clinical study on the chronic cervicitis with the focused ultrasound;高能聚焦超声治疗宫颈糜烂179例分析
9.Observation the Effect of Focused Ultrasonic Treatment on Cervical Erosion;聚焦超声治疗子宫颈糜烂218例观察
10.Experiences in Laparoscopic Ligation of Renal Lymphatic Vessels for the Treatment of Chyluria腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗乳糜尿
11.Curative effect of focused ultrasound treatment on chronic cervicitis (Report of 225 cases)聚焦超声治疗宫颈糜烂225例疗效观察
12.Clinical Analysis on 156 Cases of Cervical Erosion Treated by Microwave微波治疗宫颈糜烂156例临床分析
13.Observation of Effect of the 118 Cases Cervical Erosion Treated by Leep利普刀治疗118例宫颈糜烂疗效观察
14.Clinlical Observation on Curative Effect of Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure for Cervical ErosionLEEP刀治疗宫颈糜烂临床疗效观察
15.Clinical Analysis of 152 Cervical Erosion Patients Treated by LEEPLEEP治疗宫颈糜烂152例临床分析
16.Clinical observation of the external Chinese medicine suppository to treatment cervical CIN Ⅰ中药消糜栓治疗宫颈CIN Ⅰ疗效观察
17.The observation of effectiveness with ablation forcervical erosion therapy自凝刀治疗宫颈糜烂100例疗效观察
18.Clinical analysis of 309 cases with cervical erosion treated by interferon干扰素治疗宫颈糜烂309例临床分析

Zhimiling Suppositorys治糜灵栓
1.Determination the Contents of Matrine and Oxymatrine in Zhimiling Suppositorys by HPLC;HPLC法测定治糜灵栓中苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的含量
1.Effect of Zhimiling against Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro治糜灵栓体外抗阴道毛滴虫的作用
1.Objective To explore the effect of KML (a drug for treating cervical erosion) on experimental rats with cervical erosion,and its anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.目的研究抗糜灵 (Kangmiling ,KML)治疗宫颈糜烂的药理作用。
5)C. lucidum extract灵芝浸膏
6)cure-cancer plaster治癌灵膏

抗栓酶 ,蝮蛇抗栓酶药物名称:蝮蛇抗栓酶英文名:Ahylysantinfarctase别名: 抗栓酶 ,蝮蛇抗栓酶 外文名:Ahylysantinfarctase 适应症: 能明显降低血液粘度、血浆纤维蛋白原、血脂,并能减少血小板数量,抑制其粘附和聚集功能。对脑血栓形成有较好疗效,对血栓闭塞性脉管炎、大动脉炎、静脉系统血栓形成、高凝血症等也有效。 用量用法: 静滴:每次每千克体重0.008单位,用等渗盐水或5%葡萄糖溶液250ml稀释后静滴,滴速每分钟以40滴为宜。 不良反应: 乏力,嗜睡,头痛 注意事项: 1.脑出血或有出血倾向者、活动性肺结核、溃疡病、严重高血压、亚急性细菌性心内膜炎、肝肾功能不全者以及月经期妇女忌用。 2.出现出血倾向或过敏反应需立即停药,或用抗蝮蛇血清中和。 规格: 注射用冷冻粉针剂:每支0.25单位。 类别:溶栓药