蠲痛饮,Endometriosis Rats
1)Endometriosis Rats蠲痛饮

1.The Impact of Juan Tong Decoction over IL-2 of Endometriosis Rat蠲痛饮对子宫内膜异位症大鼠血清IL-2含量的控制
2.Experimental Study on Analgesia and Anti-inflammation Effect of Yi-fu Juan-bi Granule蚁附蠲痹颗粒镇痛抗炎作用的实验研究
3.go on a drinking [shopping]spree痛饮 [疯狂采购]
4.That night we partied until dawn.那晚我们痛饮到天亮
5.Let's make a night of it.让我们痛饮一晚吧。
6.The horse satisfied its thirst at the river.那马在河中痛饮解渴。
7.The champagne flowed all night.人们整夜痛饮香槟酒。
8.The Experimental Study of the Effect of Piantongyin to Migraine;偏痛饮活血、镇痛、化痰作用的研究
9.Tim was handed a glass filled with a thick, orange liquid. It slipped down pleasantly enough.蒂姆接过一杯橙色的浓饮料,痛痛快快地一饮而尽。
10.She broke loose in the store and spent every cent.她在店中痛饮,花完了所有的钱。
11.The rugby players were swilling mugs of beer at the bar.橄榄球运动员正在酒吧间痛饮啤酒。
12."Every time Roy and Sammy come to Guangzhou, they want to paint the town red."罗伊和萨米每次来广州都痛饮狂欢
13.He had been aboard carousing to his mates他上了船就和他的朋友们痛饮。
14.When I meet my old friend, we is gonna paint the town red.每逢老朋友见面,我们总是狂欢痛饮。
15.He smiled and took a swig from the bottle.他笑了笑,拿过瓶子痛饮了起来。
16.The stranger drinks deep night after night at the hotel那个异乡人在旅馆里夜夜痛饮。
17.Shenyingsyangzhenyin in Migraine Treatment神应养真饮治疗偏头痛临床疗效观察
18.A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.提神饮料,兴奋剂一种饮料,通常是含酒精的饮料,作为兴奋剂或治疗头痛的饮料服用

Juanyin Decoction蠲饮汤
1.The Observation of the Effect of Juanyin Decoctionand Intrathoracic Chemotherapy for Malignant Hydyothorax;蠲饮汤配合腔内化疗治疗恶性胸腔积液疗效观察
3)Juantong capsule蠲痛胶囊
4)Juan Tong decoction蠲痛汤
5)Yibitongluo Yin蠲痹通络饮
1.Objective: It is to observe the clinical effect that Baxian Plaster applied and Yibitongluo Yin drunk were used to treat trigeminal neuralgia.目的:观察外敷八仙膏,内服蠲痹通络饮治疗三叉神经痛的临床疗效。
6)Yi Shen Juan Tong Decoction益肾蠲痛汤
1.The Clinical Study on Yi Shen Juan Tong Decoction Combined With Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures;益肾蠲痛汤并PVP治疗骨质疏松脊椎压缩骨折腰背疼痛的临床研究
