杏香兔耳风片,Ainsliaea fragrans Champ tables
1)Ainsliaea fragrans Champ tables杏香兔耳风片
1.OBJECTIVE To evaluate efficacy of Ainsliaea fragrans Champ tables combained radiofreqency thermai ablation in treatment of serious cervical erosion patients.目的评价杏香兔耳风片联合射频热消融治疗重度宫颈糜烂的临床疗效。

1.Therapeutic Effect of Ainsliaea Fragrans Champ Tables Combained Radiofreqency Thermai Ablation on Treating Serious Cervical Erosion杏香兔耳风片联合射频热消融治疗重度宫颈糜烂的疗效观察
2.The Pharmaceutical Study of Xingsiang Tuerfeng Total Phenolic Acid Dispersible Tablet;杏香兔耳风总酚酸分散片的药学研究
3.Studies on Separation and Purification of Total Flavonoids from Ainsliaea fragrans Champ by Macroreticular Absorptive Resin大孔树脂分离纯化杏香兔耳风总黄酮的工艺研究
4.Simultaneous determination of three sesquiterpene lactones in Ainsliaea fragrans by HPLC-ELSDHPLC-ELSD法测定杏香兔耳风中3个倍半萜内酯的含量
5.Determination of Rutin and Chlorogenic Acid in Different Parts of Ainsliaea Fragrans by HPLC with Gradient ElutionRP-HPLC梯度洗脱法测定杏香兔耳风不同部位中绿原酸和芦丁的含量
6.HPLC determination of chlorogenic acid and 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid in Ainsliaea fragrans ChampHPLC法测定杏香兔耳风中绿原酸和3,5-O-二咖啡酰基奎宁酸的含量
7.Determination of Chlorogenic Acid and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic Acid in Ainsliaea Fragrans Champ by Single Internal Standard Multi-control Method单一内标多控法同步测定杏香兔耳风中绿原酸和3,5-二咖啡酰基奎宁酸的含量
8.Effect of Musk Gingko Ye Drop Pills on Stability of Atherosclerosis Mottling in Rabbits麝香银杏叶滴丸对家兔动脉粥样硬化斑块稳定性的影响
9.Effect of Chunxiangcaocongerpian on NO、ET in Patients with Sudden Deafness;唇香草聪耳片对突发性耳聋微循环障碍的影响
10.Please keep dried mushroom and edible fungus in a dry and ventilated place.香菇、木耳,请贮于通风、干燥处。
11.the field spaniel(猎兔等)长耳猎犬
12.Comparative Study on Therapeutic Effect of Qingre Anchuang Tablets Processed by New or Old Technology on Rabbit Ear Acne不同工艺清热暗疮片治疗家兔耳痤疮的比较研究
13.Study on Pharmacokinetics on Colon-specific Delivery Coated Tablet of Syringa Extract in Rabbit Body丁香提取物结肠定位包衣片在家兔体内的药物动力学研究
14.a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers.南美一种非常考究的一年生植物,开紫白色花,略带杏香的花序,羽状叶片。
15.Study on the Processing Technique and CCPs of Flavered Cured Rabbit Sausage风味腊兔肉香肠饼加工工艺及关键控制点的研究
16.`She boxed the Queen's ears--' the Rabbit began.“她打了王后耳光……”兔子说。
17.At the same time, the Hong Kong style has broadened the audience for action movies.与此同时,香港风格扩大了动作片的观众面。
18.pale yellow essential oil obtained from bitter almonds by distillation from almond cake or meal.从杏仁饼、杏仁粉蒸馏得到的苦杏仁中获取的灰黄色香精油。

Ainsliaea fragrans Champ杏香兔耳风
1.Study on the Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Ainsliaea fragrans Champ.by Ultrasonic Radiation;杏香兔耳风总黄酮的超声提取工艺
2.Effect of Ainsliaea fragrans Champ on PGE2 levels in cervix mucosae and subgroups of T lymphocyte in peripheral blood of rats with cervicitis;杏香兔耳风对宫颈炎大鼠宫颈黏膜PGE_2及外周血T淋巴细胞亚群表达的影响
3.Study on Microwave-assisted Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Ainsliaea fragrans Champ;微波辅助提取杏香兔耳风总黄酮的研究
3)Ainsliaea fragrans杏香兔耳风
1.Determination of chlorogenic acid and rutin in Ainsliaea fragrans by RP-HPLC with gradient elution;高效液相梯度洗脱法测定杏香兔耳风中绿原酸和芦丁
2.Chemical Constituents from Ainsliaea fragrans;菊科植物杏香兔耳风的化学成分
4)Xingxiang Tu erfeng Capsule复方杏香兔耳风胶囊
1.Study on Identification by TLC and Determination Method of Fufang Xingxiang Tu erfeng Capsule;复方杏香兔耳风胶囊薄层鉴别和含量测定方法的研究
5)Ainsliaea fragransChamp.extract杏香兔耳风提取物
1.Study on Inhibitory Effects of Ainsliaea Extracts兔耳风提取物的抑菌作用研究

毛叶兔耳风【通用名称】毛叶兔耳风【其他名称】毛叶兔耳风 (《陕西中草药》) 【来源】为罂粟科植物五脉绿绒蒿的全草。 【植物形态】五脉绿绒蒿 多年生草本,全体被金黄色硬毛,有黄色的液汁。叶基生,呈莲座状,狭倒披针形或椭圆状披针形,长5~15厘米,宽1.5~3厘米。花茎单一,直立,高20~40厘米;花浅蓝色或紫色,单生于花茎顶端;萼片2;花瓣4;雄蕊多数;子房有心皮4至多个,有胚珠多数,柱头成一球状体。蒴果直立,宽椭圆形或长椭圆形,长1.5~2.5厘米,近顶部开裂,长1.5~2.5厘米;种子多数,黑褐色。 生于高山草地。分布陕西、甘肃、青海、四川、西藏等地。 本植物的花(五脉绿绒蒿花)亦供药用,另详专条。 【采集】夏、秋采收,阴干。 【性味】辛,平。 【功用主治】镇痉熄风,定喘,清热解毒。治小儿惊风,肺炎,咳喘。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1~2钱。