CAG多态性,CAG polymorphism
1)CAG polymorphismCAG多态性
1.Recently,many studies have proved that the AR-CAG polymorphism is associated with PCOS,which may provides an effective evidence for the pathogenesis and therapy.近年越来越多实验结果证明,AR的CAG多态性与PCOS间存在相关性,可能为PCOS发病机制及治疗提供有效依据。

1.Study on correlation between CAG polymorphisms of androgen receptor gene and the acne cystica of Han population in Hunan Province雄激素受体基因CAG多态性与囊肿型痤疮的相关性研究
2.The Study of the Relation between the Androgen Receptor, AR CAG Polymorphism of Gene, Level of Sex Hormone and the Risk Factor of Coronary Disease;雄激素、雄激素受及AR基因CAG多态性与冠心病危险因素的相关性研究
3.Relationship between the CAG Microsatellite of Androgen Receptor Gene and the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome of Han Ethnic Women in Shandong Province;山东汉族育龄妇女雄激素受体基因微卫星CAG多态性与PCOS相关性研究
4.Association Study of(CAG)n Repeat Polymorphism in Androgen Receptor(AR) Rene with Running Economy in Chinese Men;中国北方汉族人群AR基因(CAG)n多态性与跑节省化的关联性研究
5.A study on the relationship between cytokine gene polymorphisms and risk of developing gastric cancer and chronic atrophy gastritis by DNA sequencingDNA测序研究胃癌易感性相关基因多态性与CAG的关系
6.Association of Male Infertility with (CAG)n Polymorphism of the Androgen Receptor Gene:A Meta-Analysis雄激素受体基因CAG重复多态性与男性不育关系的Meta分析
7.CAG Repeat Length Polymorphism at the Androgen Receptor Gene Exon 1 is Associated to Development of Bladder Carcinoma in Males and Lung Cancer;雄激素受体基因第一外显子CAG重复序列长度多态性与肺癌及男性膀胱癌的发生有关
8.The CAG Repeat Polymorphism at Androgen Receptor Gene Exon 1 is Associated with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease;雄激素受体基因第一外显子CAG重复序列长度多态性与冠心病严重程度相关
9.Pilot Study on the Androgen Receptor Gene CAG Repeat Polymorphism and Relationship between Androgen and Atherosclerosis;雄激素受体基因CAG重复序列多态性及雄激素与动脉粥样硬化关系的初步研究
10.Dynamic Variation of (CAG)n Repeats in SCA_1 and SCA_3/MJD Genes Studying and Applicating in the Clinical Diagnosis;SCA_1和SCA_3基因中(CAG)n动态性变化研究及在临床上的应用
11.Fast computation of electromagnetic scattering characteristics for 2-D fractal rough surface by SMFSIA/CAGSMFSIA/CAG快速计算二维分形粗糙面的电磁散射特性
12.Clinical Research of Modified CAG Regimen for the Treatment of Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia改良CAG方案治疗成人复发性急性髓系白血病的临床研究
13.Molecular Cloning, Expression and Antigenicity Analysis of Artificial SARS-CAG Gene;人工合成SARS抗原基因CAG的克隆、表达和抗原性分析
14.Gene Diagnosis and CAG Repeat Analysis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Cases of Guangxi Region脊髓小脑性共济失调病人的基因诊断和CAG重复扩增研究
15.Treating Four Refractory and Relapse Acute Myelocytic Leukemia Patients with Sequential Dual Induction Chemotherapy: FA Combined with Priming ChemotherapyFA+CAG序贯双诱导治疗复发难治急性髓系白血病4例
16.The outcome of CAG regiment combined with Shenmai Injection to elderly acute myeloid leukemiaCAG方案联合参麦注射液治疗老年急性髓系白血病疗效观察
17.The state or fact of being plural.多数状态,多重性多数的状态或事实
18.fragment length polymorphism片段长度多态性,片长多态性

CAG polymorphisms of gene基因CAG多态性
3)CAG length polymorphismCAG重复序列多态
1.Objective To analyze CAG length polymorphism of androgen receptor gene in older men.目的研究自然人群中老年男性雄激素受体(AR)基因CAG重复序列多态。
4)CAG (chronic atrophic gastritis)慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)
5)Dynamic polymorphism动态多态性
1.C++ language supports static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism.多态性是面向对象技术的重要特性之一,C++语言支持静态多态性和动态多态性。

CA 是以精制短棉绒经醋酸活化,在硫酸催化剂存在下,用醋酸和酯酐混合液使之乙酰化,然后加稀醋酸水解到所需的酯化度的产物。按照酯化度不同,可分为一醋酸纤维素、二酯酸纤维素、三醋酸纤维素。酯化度不同而有不同的性质和用途。酯化度大小对溶解性能有很大影响,酯化度降低则在极性溶剂中的溶解度增加,但在非极性溶剂中溶解度减小。醋酸含量60%-61.5%的三醋酸纤维素,因含羟基少,对水不敏感,可溶于二氯甲烷等。醋酸含量51%-58%的二醋酸纤维素为一般工业上用的醋酸纤维素,可溶于丙酮。三醋酸纤维素和 二醋酸纤维素为白色无定形屑状或粉状固体,无明显熔点,220 ℃开始软化。相对密度1.27-1.32,吸水性(24h)1%-4%。 醋酸纤维素可用于配制溶剂型胶粘剂,粘接眼镜、玩具等塑料制品。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内。防雨、防晒。