子宫内膜高回声,Endometrial dense-echo
1)Endometrial dense-echo子宫内膜高回声
2)Endometrial dense-echo mass子宫内膜强回声团块
1.Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of hysteroscopy on endometrial dense-echo mass in infertile women.目的探讨宫腔镜对不孕患者子宫内膜强回声团块的诊断价值。
1.Analysis of Normal Endometrium with MRS of Childbearing Women in Different Menstrual Cycle;育龄妇女不同月经周期子宫内膜MRS初步分析
2.Expression of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten in mouse endometrium and its effect during blastocyst implantation;PTEN在早孕小鼠子宫内膜的表达及其对胚泡着床的影响(英文)
3.The Expression of Osteopontin in Endometrium and Correlated Diseases;骨桥蛋白在子宫内膜及其相关病变中的表达

1.endometriosis of cervix子宫颈子宫内膜异位
2.endometriosis externa外在性子宫内膜异位症;子宫外子宫内膜异位症
3.The glandular mucous membrane that lines the uterus.子宫内膜排列在子宫上的腺粘膜
4.interstitial endometrosis间质性子宫内膜异位症
5.congenital absence of endometrium先天性子宫内膜缺失
6.traumatic absence of endometrium外伤性子宫内膜缺失
7.irregular ripening of endometrium子宫内膜不规则成熟
8.clear cell carcinoma of endometrium子宫内膜透明细胞癌
9.adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium子宫内膜腺瘤样增生
10.pseudomalignant hyperplasia of endometrium子宫内膜假恶性增生
11.of or relating the endometrium.属于或关于子宫内膜的。
12.atypical hyperplasia of endometrium子宫内膜不典型增生
13.endometrial spiral arterioles子宫内膜螺旋小动脉
14.irregular shedding of endometrium子宫内膜不规则脱落
15.syncytial endometritis合胞体性子宫内膜
16.endometrioid adenocarcinoma of ovary卵巢子宫内膜样腺癌
17.stromal adenomyasis基质性子宫内膜异位
18.endometriosis of pelvis盆腔子宫内膜异位症

Endometrial dense-echo mass子宫内膜强回声团块
1.Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of hysteroscopy on endometrial dense-echo mass in infertile women.目的探讨宫腔镜对不孕患者子宫内膜强回声团块的诊断价值。
1.Analysis of Normal Endometrium with MRS of Childbearing Women in Different Menstrual Cycle;育龄妇女不同月经周期子宫内膜MRS初步分析
2.Expression of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten in mouse endometrium and its effect during blastocyst implantation;PTEN在早孕小鼠子宫内膜的表达及其对胚泡着床的影响(英文)
3.The Expression of Osteopontin in Endometrium and Correlated Diseases;骨桥蛋白在子宫内膜及其相关病变中的表达
1.Objective To observe the effect of Bushenantai recipe on the expression of endometrial heparin-binding epidermal growth factor(HB-EGF) and epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) in mice with embryonic implantation dysfunction(EID).Pd5、6,模型组子宫内膜HB-EGF及其受体EGFR的表达在时间上明显滞后于正常组并且表达量减少,中药组与模型组有显著差异(P<0。
2.Objective To investigate the pathomorphologic features and diagnostic highlights of endometrial tissue in the patients with ectopic pregnancy(EP).目的探讨宫外孕患者子宫内膜组织病理形态特征及诊断要点。
5)uterine endometrium子宫内膜
1.In female procreation, it can regulate cyclic changes of uterine endometrium, follicle growth and maturation, placenta formation and embryonic development by autocrine and paracrine mechanism.胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)系统是人体内广泛存在的一组功能的细胞因子系统,在女性生殖生育中能通过自分泌和旁分泌机制调节子宫内膜周期变化,卵泡的生长成熟,胎盘形成,胚胎发育。
2.Five postpartum Chinese-Holstein cows were used to monitor the changes of the uterine endometrium by scanning electron microscope.应用扫描电镜观察了 5头奶牛产后不同时期子宫内膜的变化。
3.Results Immunoreactivity of COX-2 was found in epithelial and stromal cells in uterine endometrium.目的探讨环氧合酶-2(COX-2)与子宫内膜异位症(Ems)发病的相关性。
1.The Role of Sonographic Endometrial Patterns and Endometrial Thickness in the Differential Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy;超声子宫内膜类型和厚度在异位妊娠鉴别诊断中的作用
2.Value of Ultrasound-guided Hysteroscopic Endometrial Resection;超声引导在宫腔镜子宫内膜切除术中的应用价值
3.Isolation and Characterization of Yak Endometrial Glandular Cell and Stomal Cell in Vitro;牦牛子宫内膜腺上皮和基质细胞的分离培养和鉴定

子宫内膜    子宫内膜    子宫内膜为子宫腔内覆盖的黏膜,呈粉红色。从青春期开始,子宫内膜受卵巢激素影响,其表面2/3会发生周期性变化,称为功能层;靠近子宫肌层的1/3内膜,无周期性变化,称为基底层。子宫内膜在月经周期中及妊娠期间有很大的变化。