囊实性包块,Cystic-solid mass
1)Cystic-solid mass囊实性包块
2)mixed solid cystic mass囊实性肿块

1.Conclusion The honeycomb like soft tissue bump with sharp margin within bone broken area is more useful than fluid fluid level in ABC diagnosis.④结论边界清楚的骨质破坏区内蜂窝状囊实性肿块征象较液-液平面征象更有诊断价值。
2.Ultrasonograph can demonstrate the position and the size of abdominal mass,and can distinguish the mass texture to be sacculated or to be solid.超声图像能显示腹部肿块的位置及大小,区别肿块为囊性或实质性。
3.Ultrasound B-flow Imaging for Detecting Turbid Breast Cystic LesionsB-flow超声显像技术诊断乳腺混浊性囊性肿块
4.The first case involves a59- year-old male who had intermittent right scrotal mass for2 years.首例为59岁男性间断性有右侧阴囊肿块达两年。
5.CT Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Cystic Masses in Lateral District of Neck颈外侧部囊性肿块的CT诊断及鉴别诊断
6.CT diagnosis of primary malignant solid cystic ovarian neoplasm卵巢原发恶性囊实性肿瘤的CT诊断
7.calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum阴囊钙化性皮脂腺囊肿
8.aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor颅内囊肿性肿瘤吸引术
9.Study of Xiaorukuai Capsule on Mammary Carcinogensis Induced by 9, 10-Dimethlben (a) Anthracene (DMBA) in Rats;消乳块胶囊预防DMBA诱发大鼠乳腺肿瘤的实验研究
10.After tumor resection, myxoma with internal hemorrhage was proved by pathology.病理报告证实,此一肿瘤为罕见囊性黏液瘤。
11.congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung先天性肺支气管性囊肿
12.Qualitative diagnosis and surgical decision of pancreatic head parenchmatous mass胰头部实质性肿块的定性诊断与外科抉择
13.nonfilarial chylocele of tunica vaginalis非丝虫性鞘膜乳糜囊肿
14.perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens穿掘脓肿性毛囊周炎
15.congenital hydrocele of spermatic cord先天性精索鞘膜水囊肿
16.A multicystic dysplastic kidney (also known as cystic renal dysplasia) has been sectioned to reveal the variably sized cysts that replace the renal parenchyma.多囊性发育不良肾也称为多囊肾发育不良,切开发现,大小不等的囊肿取代了肾实质。
17.Retroperitoneoscopic unroofing of simple renal cyst后腹腔镜肾囊肿去顶术治疗单纯性肾囊肿
18.The tumors were soli din 39 cases(66.1%), cystic in 13 cases(22%), and the remaining 7 cases not stated.39例(66.1%)肿瘤为实质性,13例(22%)为囊性,7例记载不详。

mixed solid cystic mass囊实性肿块
3)Abdominal cystic mass腹腔囊性包块
4)Cystic-solid mixed mass囊实混合性肿块
1.To analyze the breast cyst′s diognosis and treatment;乳腺囊性肿块的诊治分析
6)inflammatory mass炎性包块

先天性囊性纤维性骨炎综合征及棕色素斑综合征先天性囊性纤维性骨炎综合征及棕色素斑综合征 病名。即多发性骨纤维结构不良综合征。详见该条。