不同促排卵方案,Different ovulation-inducing treatments
1)Different ovulation-inducing treatments不同促排卵方案

1.The rapeutic effect of different methods of promoting ovulation combining intrauterine insemination on infertility不同促排卵方案联合宫腔内人工授精疗效分析
2.Effects of Different Ovulation-inducing Treatments in Ininfertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome78例多囊卵巢综合征患者不同促卵排卵方案的疗效分析
3.Clinical observation of infertility patients for two ovulation induction in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome两种促排卵方案在多囊卵巢综合征不孕患者中的临床观察
4.Different Protocols of Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in Diminished Ovarian Reserve Patients不同促排卵方法在卵巢储备功能下降患者中的应用
5.Comparison of Effects of 4 Triptorelin Down-regulation Protocols in COH and Factors;不同降调方案诱发排卵效果比较及其影响因素
6.Minimal Ovarian Stimulation for IVF卵巢微刺激促排卵方案在IVF周期的应用
7.Influence of Different Starting Time of Ovulation Induction on IVF-ET不同促排卵启动时机对IVF-ET的影响
8.Study on the Mechanism of Ovulation Promoting Fang in Ovulation Promoting to Kidney-Deficiency Sterile Rats;促排卵方对肾虚不孕大鼠模型促排卵作用机制的实验研究
9.Effect of Uterine Receptivity Based on Different Ovarian Stimulation Protocols of Mice s;不同方案超排卵对小鼠子宫内膜容受性影响的研究
10.Comparison of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist and GnRH agonist short protocol in poor responders undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation比较GnRH拮抗剂与GnRHa短方案在卵巢低反应患者超促排卵中的应用
11.Discussion of Effectiveness of Mini-Stimulation Protocol in IVF-ET;微刺激方案在体外受精—胚胎移植促排卵中的应用探讨
12.Application of Mini-stimulation Combined with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Antagonist for COH in IVF-ET微刺激联合拮抗剂方案在体外受精-胚胎移植促排卵中的应用
13.Study on effect of Bushenhuayufang on promoting ovulation and Luteinizing hormone receptor expression in the ovary of sterile rat补肾化瘀方对不孕大鼠促排卵及卵巢促黄体生成素受体表达的影响
14.Pregnancy outcomes of ovarian stimulation in PCOS patients with different intervals after Diane 35 treatment多囊卵巢综合征患者达英-35治疗后不同间隔启动促排卵的妊娠结局
16.Effects of different protocols of vitrification on the mouse ovarian tissues不同玻璃化冷冻方案对小鼠卵巢组织的影响
17.Study on the Action of the Luo s Ovulation Promoting Fang in the Ovulation Inhibition. Diseases;罗氏促排卵方对肾气(阳)虚型排卵障碍性疾病的作用研究
18.Objective To observe the effects of combined drug treatment on stimulating ovulation for anovulatory infertile women.目的:观察联合用药对无排卵性不孕妇女促排卵疗效。

Regimes of ovarian stimulation促排卵方案
3)Minimal ovarian stimulation微刺激促排卵方案
4)The Luo's Ovulation Promoting Fang(LOPF)罗氏促排卵方
5)Ovarian stimulation促排卵
1.Objective: To explore the effect of the letrozole (LE) undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF-ET/ ICSI in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).目的:研究来曲唑(LE)在多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者超促排卵行IVF-ET中的应用。
1.Effect of two different doses of letrozole in promoting ovulation in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome;两种不同剂量来曲唑对多囊卵巢综合征不孕患者促排卵的对照研究
2.Results: The ovulation, pregnant, and luteinize d unruptured fol licle rates in acupuncture group and control group were 83.方法:选择符合PCOS诊断标准126例患者,共计303个治疗周期,分为两组:治疗组66例146个治疗周期,采用针刺治疗促排卵;对照组60例157个治疗周期,采用克罗米芬(CC)+绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)诱发排卵。
3.The approaches include controlling the criterion for superovulation, limiting the number of embryos transferred, elective single embryo transfer, cryop-reservation program and multifetal pregnancy reduction.本文阐述助孕技术与多胎妊娠的关系,以及如何通过严格控制超促排卵指征、控制移植胚胎数量、冻存胚胎、选择性单胚胎移植、减胎术的应用等方法来获得最佳妊娠率,同时降低助孕术后的多胎妊娠特别是三胎及三胎以上妊娠的发生。
