静脉点滴,Intravenous infection
1)Intravenous infection静脉点滴

1.Conclusion Tight control of the dripping rate of intravenous ciprofloxacin can decrease the incurrence of phlebitis in a marked degree.结论严格控制环丙沙星静脉点滴速度可以显著减少静脉炎的发生。
2.At the same time puerarin injection 400mg was given by intravenous drip to the two groups for 30d.两组均联合葛根素注射液400mg静脉点滴共30d。
3.human serum albumin through an intravenous drip together with inhalation of oxygen in a high volume flow.人血白蛋白等药静脉点滴和大量氧气吸入
4.and for the second time with intravenous drip of pitocin on July 23, 1996, But it was not successful on Both ocasions.第二次于1996年7月23日行静脉点滴催产素进行引产,但两次未成功。
5.She was treated with administration of dextrose, dextran, through an intravenous drip together with inhalation of oxygen in a high volume flow给予葡萄糖、葡聚糖等药静脉点滴和大量氧气吸入。
6.and was treated with cygotaxime 2g in 5% glucose 250c.c. IV drip twice a day for 7 days.给予先锋6号2克放在5%葡萄糖液250ml内静脉点滴每日两次共…周。
7.Evaluation of the efficacy of furosemide intravenous infusion in refractory congestive heart failure静脉点滴呋噻米治疗难治性充血性心力衰竭23例
8.The DF-521 group received Batroxobin 10BU at the first time and 5BU every other day by intravenous drip. One course consisted of 4 times.试验组(DF-521组)静脉点滴东菱迪芙首次10BU,隔日给5BU,连用4次一个疗程;
9.Standard-dose of Idarubicin in Combination with Continuous Infusion of Cytarabine as Induction Therapy in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia标准剂量去甲氧柔红霉素联合阿糖胞苷持续静脉点滴治疗急性髓系白血病
10.Conclusion Intravenous drip in small transfusion bottle replacing intravenous injection was safe and economical.结论小密封瓶静脉滴注替代静脉推注具有安全、省时、省材等优点。
11.Commonly used for administration of arterial injection and intravenous drip.常用给药途径为动脉注射和静脉滴注。
12.Impact of two drip rates on phlebitis of intravenous ciprofloxacin静脉输液滴速对环丙沙星所致静脉炎的影响
13.The nursing of 23 patients with the seepage of pituitrin intravenous drip;23例垂体后叶素静脉滴注渗漏的护理
14.Abnormal mental symptoms associated with an intraveous infusion of methylprednisolone甲泼尼龙静脉滴注相关异常精神症状
15.Neutropenia following an intravenous infusion of vancomycin万古霉素静脉滴注致中性粒细胞减少
17.Volume kinetics of lactated Ringer's solution during isoflurane anaesthesia in patients undergoing gynecologic surgery异氟烷麻醉下妇科手术期间静脉滴注乳酸钠林格液的液体动力学特点
18.A research about the proper time when using self-designed hemostatic belt to press vein after mainline自制止血按压带用于静脉滴滴降纤酶拔针后按压时间的探讨

Continuous intravenous drips omeprazole持续静脉点滴噢美拉唑
3)Intravenous drip静脉滴注
1.Intravenous drip pHGF of one case of anaphylactic shock;静脉滴注促肝细胞生长素致过敏性休克1例
2.Analysis of 136 cases of adverse drug reactions of intravenous drip of antibacterials;136例静脉滴注抗菌药物不良反应分析
3.Effect of procaine intravenous drip combined with nerve block for postherpetic neuralgia;普鲁卡因静脉滴注联合神经阻滞治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛疗效观察
4)Intravenous infusion静脉滴注
1.Pharmacokinetics of single dose intravenous infusion of magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate in patients with chronic hepatic impairment慢性肝病患者单剂量静脉滴注异甘草酸镁药代动力学研究
2.Objective To establish a calculation of dosage regimen design of intravenous infusion administration of antimicrobial agents.目的设计抗菌药物静脉滴注给药方案。
3.AIM: To establish a new method for calculating the pharmacokinetic parameters of bi-compartmental drugs based on the plasma level of the drug during the intravenous infusion phase.目的 :建立一种根据血药浓度的微分特征计算静脉滴注双室模型药物动力学参数的新方法。
5)intravenous injection静脉滴注
1.Objective: In order to search out the most suitable intravenous injection dilution.目的:探讨小规格包装鱼腥草注射液(10ml/支)静脉滴注最适当的稀释方法。
6)intravenous drip静脉内滴注

静脉    静脉    把血液从身体各部运回心脏的血管。静脉的管壁较简单由内膜、中膜和外膜组成。中膜内的平滑肌和弹性纤维较少,故弹性差。一些静脉的内膜常有成对的内褶称静脉瓣,它们有助于血液的回流。静脉有深浅之分,深静脉位于深筋膜的深方,大多与动脉伴行。浅静脉位于皮下组织内,也称皮下静脉,上、下肢的浅静脉较发达,临床上常选择这些静脉作抽血、输血和静脉注射之用。