子宫发育异常,Uterine dysplasia
1)Uterine dysplasia子宫发育异常
2)Congenital Vtricular disease in Growth子宫先天发育异常
3)uterine anomalies子宫异常
1.【Objective】To compare the frequencies of uterine anomalies in women with two,and three or more spontaneous miscarriages through hysteroscopy.目的通过宫腔镜检查比较连续2次和3次或以上自然流产患者的子宫异常的发生频率。

1.Clincal Research on the Clinical Effect of GongHuanZhiXue Decoction Therapy on the Uferine Bleeding after Inset IUD;宫环止血汤对置宫内节育器后所致子宫异常出血的临床研究
2.Effect Evaluation of Gongxuening Capsules to Treat Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Caused by Intrauterine Device宫血宁治疗宫内节育器致子宫异常出血的效果评价
3.Clinical effect observation on integrated estrogen and progesterone in treatment of patients with abnormal uterine bleeding after medical abortion雌、孕激素联合治疗药流后子宫异常出血的观察
4.The Clinical Observation on Xuejie Capsule(血竭胶囊) for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Caused by IUD血竭胶囊治疗宫内节育器致子宫异常出血疗效观察
5.The Significance of Angiopointin-1,-2 Expressions in the Endometrium of Women with Abnormal Bleeding Induced by Intrauterine Device;促血管生成素-1,-2在宫内节育器引起子宫异常出血中的作用
6.The Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature Study of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding after Inset Intrauterine Device;宫内节育器导致子宫异常出血的中医证治文献研究
7.hypertonic dysfunction of uterus高张力性子宫功能异常
9.Clinical study of uterine balloon therapy for abnormal uterine bleeding子宫热球仪治疗异常子宫出血的临床研究
10.Clinical Value of Hysteroscopy for Diagnosis about Abnormal Uterine Bleeding宫腔镜检查用于诊断异常子宫出血的临床价值
11.Endometriosis: Disorder of the female reproductive system in which endometrium (uterine lining) grows in an abnormal location子宫内膜异位症: 女性生殖系统疾病,子宫内膜生长在异常位置。
12.Research Progress in DNA Abnormal Methylation of Endometriosis子宫内膜异位症DNA异常甲基化的研究进展
13.Expression of Aquaporins in Normal and Abnormal Human Endometrium;水通道蛋白在正常及异常人子宫内膜中的表达
14.endometriosis of cervix子宫颈子宫内膜异位
15.S100A4 expression in the eutopic and ectopic endometria from women with and without endometriosisS100A4在子宫内膜内异症患者在位、异位子宫内膜及正常人子宫内膜组织中的表达
16.A condition, usually resulting in pain and dysmenorrhea, that is characterized by the abnormal occurrence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus.子宫内膜异位指功能性子宫内膜组织出现反常的位于子宫外的情况,通常导致疼痛和痛经
17.Expression of estrogen receptor α,estrogen receptor β in normal endometriums,hyperplasia endometriums and endometrial carcinoma.ERα和ERβ在正常子宫内膜、异常增生子宫内膜和子宫内膜癌组织中的表达及意义
18.Analysis of 9 cases of endometrioid carcinoma of the pelvis with endometrial abnormality伴有子宫内膜异常的盆腔子宫内膜样癌9例分析

Congenital Vtricular disease in Growth子宫先天发育异常
3)uterine anomalies子宫异常
1.【Objective】To compare the frequencies of uterine anomalies in women with two,and three or more spontaneous miscarriages through hysteroscopy.目的通过宫腔镜检查比较连续2次和3次或以上自然流产患者的子宫异常的发生频率。
4)Ut erine development子宫发育
5)abnormal development发育异常
1.We explored the relation of TCDD - induced abnormal development in rats to insulin - like growth factor 2 ( IGF2 ) gene expression as well as the methylation status.我们应用TCDD构建胎鼠生长发育异常的动物模型。
1.Clinical Analysis of 13 Cases of Sex Disdifferentiation and Dysplasia;性分化与性发育异常13例分析

子宫颈发育异常子宫颈发育异常  病名。包括两大类:一类 指伴有子宫等发育异常的所谓非单纯子宫颈发育异常(详见子宫发育异常条);另一类为单纯 子宫颈发育异常。后者子宫发育正常,只出现宫颈发育异常。如宫颈短小、宫颈管狭窄、宫 颈过长等。宫颈狭窄或宫颈短小可引起痛经、经血潴留或不孕。宫颈过长可致先天性糜烂, 使阴道分泌物增多等。对性生活影响不大。通过妇科检查及造影等可明确诊断。治疗:宫颈 短小、宫颈管狭窄可行宫颈扩张术;宫颈过长可行宫颈部分切除术。