先天性子宫畸形,Congenital uterine malformation
1)Congenital uterine malformation先天性子宫畸形
2)congenital deformity先天性畸形

1.A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape.尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形,头的顶部形成锥形或尖形
2.Radiographic Analysis of Congenital Deformity of Kidney and Ureter肾脏及输尿管先天性畸形的X线分析
3.Research and analysis of congenital malformation in 5253 cases of new-born5253例围产儿中先天性畸形的调查分析
4.a congenital deformity [disease]先天性的畸形 [疾病]
5.The Clinical Analysis of 106 Female Patients with Congenital Genital Malformation;女性先天性生殖器畸形106例临床分析
6.X-ray Diagnosis of Newborn Congenital Digestive Tract Malformation新生儿先天性消化道畸形x线诊断
7.Congenital Deformity of Middle Ear先天性中耳畸形(附14例16耳报告)
8.The research of animal model setting-up in congenital heart disease小鼠先天性心脏畸形动物模型的建立
9.Imaging findings on 101 cases with congenital urinary malformations.101例先天性泌尿系畸形的影像学研究
10.Echocardiographic features of congenital mitral valve anomalies先天性二尖瓣畸形的超声心动图特征
11.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
12.Nephrotic Syndrome and Congenital Multi-Malformation Syndrome肾病综合征与先天性多发畸形综合征
13.Diagnosis of congenital multlimb malformation with 64-slice CT:case report64层螺旋CT诊断先天性多肢畸形1例
14.Appearance of Multi Slice CT in Congenital Inner Ear Development Malformations先天性内耳发育畸形的MSCT表现
15.Combined Congenital Heart Diseases Treated with Simultaneous Transcatheter Therapy同期介入治疗先天性心脏病复合畸形
16.Treatment on congenital microphthalmia and eye socket deformity先天性小眼球及隐眼的眼窝畸形矫治
17.Analysis of diagnosis and treatment for the congenital superior cervical deformity先天性上颈椎畸形的诊断与治疗分析
18.Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation mimicking congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation in a newborn1例酷似先天性肺囊性腺瘤样畸形的新生儿肺动静脉畸形

congenital deformity先天性畸形
3)Congenital malformation先天性畸形
1.The Anatomical and Histological Observation of Appendix in Several Congenital Malformation Fetus;几种先天性畸形胎儿阑尾的解剖及组织学观察
2.Analysis on the composition of 481 neonates with congenital malformation and their associated factors;新生儿先天性畸形481例构成和相关因素分析
3.Purpose: To study the anatomical and histological structure of colon of congenital malformation fetus,to discuss the relationships between several malformations and the development of colon.目的:研究先天性畸形胎儿结肠的解剖及组织学结构,探讨几种畸形与结肠发育之间的关系。
4)Congenital spinal deformity先天性脊柱畸形
1.Collection and hereditary research of pedigrees of microtia;先天性小耳畸形家系收集和遗传学研究
2.Relationship Between Mutation of Goosecoid Gene and Microtia;Goosecoid基因突变与先天性小耳畸形的关系
3.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
6)congenital nasal malformation先天性鼻畸形
1.Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of congenital nasal malformation with triple nostrils appearance(literature review and clinical analysis);外观呈三鼻孔样先天性鼻畸形的诊断与鉴别诊断——文献复习及临床分析

先天性先天性congenitalness  不论其原因为何,凡出生时与生俱来或出生前所赋有的状况,均称为先天性。