生育能力保存,Fertility preservation
1)Fertility preservation生育能力保存
2)hold facility保存能力

1.Tending to preserve or capable of preserving.有保护能力的倾向于保护或保存的,有保护或保存能力
2.The Basic Ways Used by the State to Respect and Ensure the Right of Existence;生存能力、生存权利与生存权利的保护方式
3.Viability of GV Oocytes Collected from Carcasses Kept at Room Temperature室温下保存的小鼠屠体卵巢GV卵的发育能力
4.self preservative instinct保存自我本能保存自我本能
5.Cell populations can be preserved in the frozen state for long periods and r etain their viability.在冰冻状态下,可长期保存细胞株,并保持其生活能力。
6.Studies on the effect of cryopreservation on the biomechanical properties of bovine dentin深冷冻保存对牛牙本质力学性能影响的生物力学研究
7.An energy crisis compels fuel conservation.能量危机迫使保存燃料
8.Books do not last forever.图书不能永久保存。
9.The general sent the troops committed to his charge into battle.The word can also refer to giving over for preservation or confinement:将军派由他指挥的部队去战斗。此单词也能指努力保存或限制:
10.But I do know that we all have the ability to maintain our sense of place in the world.但是,我很清楚一点:我们大家都有能力在这个世界上保持存在感。
11.Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as an anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil.在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油的抗氧化能力。
12.Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as a anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil.在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油抗氧化能力。
13.I'm afraid not. I'm full. Will this keep until tomorrow?我无能为力,已经太饱了。这些东西可以保存至明天吗?
14.Study on Cryopreservation of Oocytes and Mechanisms Impacting Post-Warming Developmental Competence in Pig;猪卵母细胞的超低温冷冻保存及影响其冻后发育能力的机理研究
15.Studies on the Method of Improving Liquid Storage of Goat Semen and Elevating Fertilizing Ability of Goat Spermatozoa;改进山羊精液液态保存方法提高受精能力的研究
16.Kinetics of Red Blood Cell Carrying Oxygen and Storage Effect on Erythrocyte's Oxygen-carrying Function红细胞携氧动力学研究及血液保存对红细胞携氧功能的影响
17.Thought on Informational Warfare Viability of Equipment Support Organization in Armored Mechanization Troop对装甲机械化部队装备保障机构信息化作战生存能力的思考
18.The Effect of Pre-storage Leukocyte Filtration on Preventing the Occurrence of FNHTR and Improving the Erythrocytes Deformation Index保存前滤除白细胞对预防FNHTR及改善红细胞变形能力的作用

hold facility保存能力
1.Experimental study on the Sanxiansinli capsule against fatigue and viability of mice;三仙信力胶囊对小鼠抗疲劳及生存能力的实验研究
2.Study of Setting up the mold of The Radar Material s Mobile Viability;雷达装备机动生存能力建模评估
3.Thought on Informational Warfare Viability of Equipment Support Organization in Armored Mechanization Troop对装甲机械化部队装备保障机构信息化作战生存能力的思考
1.Research on survivability evaluation and tradeoff of networking air defense missile systems;网络化防空导弹体系生存能力的评估与权衡
2.Survivability influence quantitative research of camouflage and mobile to the field command post;伪装和机动对野战指挥所生存能力影响定量研究
3.Evaluation of surface ship survivability under conventional attack;常规攻击下的水面舰艇生存能力评定
5)survival ability生存能力
1.The mobile missile launch platform(MMLP) is the weapon of army,while the autonomous defense technology(ADT) plays more important role in improving the survival ability of weapon and equipment.介绍了某型导弹机动发射平台是陆军压制武器,说明了自主防御技术正在提高武器装备生存能力等方面发挥着日益重要的作用。
2.Thus the dynamic description of weapon system s survival ability is mainly divided into the four stages of being discovered,hit,damaged and renovated.武器系统生存能力的动态描述主要划分为四个阶段:被发现阶段、被命中阶段、被毁伤和修复阶段。
3.Although Sweden is a very small country in north Europe,It has advanced education,its embodied on four educational ideology:education Equality,cooperation ability,survival ability and innovation ability.其发达的教育具体体现为以下四项基本教育理念:教育平等、协作能力、生存能力和创新能力。

生育1.生长;养育。 2.生子;产仔。 3.指生日。