前庭大腺脓肿,bartholin abscess
1)bartholin abscess前庭大腺脓肿

1.Efficacy of 102 cases of bartholin cyst and abscess前庭大腺囊肿和前庭大腺脓肿102例的治疗观察
2.LEEP Treatment of Bartholin's Gland cyst or Abscess Efficacy Analysis高频电波刀治疗前庭大腺囊肿或脓肿疗效分析
3.Application of Self-Clotting Cutter Radiofrequency in Treatment of Cyst of Bartholin Gland射频自凝刀在前庭大腺脓囊肿治疗中的应用
4.excision of cyst of Bartholin's gland前庭大腺囊肿切除术
5.Size of 3*2*2 of cyst of vestibular big gland, without painful, urticant.前庭大腺囊肿3*2*2大小,无痛、痒。
6.Pancreatic abscess obviously requires drainage.胰腺脓肿显然需要引流。
7.The clinical analysis of improved drainage stoma and traditional operation in the treatment of Bartholin cyst改良造口引流术和传统术式治疗前庭大腺囊肿的临床分析
8.In purulent parotitis,only unilateral gland swelled with irregular liquid dark area or cellular small cavities different from the sonographic appearance in the epidemic.化脓性腮腺炎多为单侧肿大,脓肿形成期见不规则液性区或蜂窝状小腔。
9.Methods The clinical data of3 cases of prostatic abscess were studied, and the related literatures were reviewed.方法分析3例前列腺脓肿的临床资料,并复习有关文献。
10.Effects of TNF-α on β3-adrenoreceptor Expressions in Myocardium of Rats with Sepsis;肿瘤坏死因子α对脓毒症大鼠心肌β3肾上腺素能受体影响的研究
11.an infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus.比疖子大的脓肿上有出脓的孔。
12.The Curative Effect and Clinical Application Value of Endoscopic Transpapillary Cyst Drainage on the Huge Pancreatic Pseudocysts and Pancreatic Abscess;内镜经乳头引流治疗巨大胰腺假性囊肿(脓肿)的临床应用研究和疗效评估
13."Goitre: Enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a prominent swelling at the throat."甲状腺肿: 一种临床征象,表现为甲状腺体积增大,导致颈部前方肿胀。
14.embolic abscess插子性脓肿, 栓性脓肿
15.An acute, inflammatory, contagious disease caused by a paramyxovirus and characterized by swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotids, and sometimes of the pancreas, ovaries, or testes.流行性腮腺炎是由腮腺炎病毒引起的腮腺非化脓性肿胀,伴有疼痛。
16.Neomycin Induced Damage to Rat Vestibules and Gene Transfer into Vestibule Using Repliation Defective Adenovirus新霉素对大鼠前庭的损伤及复制缺陷型腺病毒前庭导入的研究
17.Minimally invasive therapy of residual abscess in the late stage of serious acute pancreatitis重症急性胰腺炎病程后期残余脓肿的微创治疗
18.A noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at the front of the neck, that is often associated with iodine deficiency.甲状腺肿甲状腺非癌病变的肿大,是一个在颈前部可以看见的肿瘤,通常是由缺碘引起的

Greater vestibular gland cyst and abscess前庭大腺囊肿与脓肿
3)Bartholin cyst前庭大腺囊肿
1.The clinical analysis of improved drainage stoma and traditional operation in the treatment of Bartholin cyst改良造口引流术和传统术式治疗前庭大腺囊肿的临床分析
2.Efficacy of 102 cases of bartholin cyst and abscess前庭大腺囊肿和前庭大腺脓肿102例的治疗观察
3.Objective To observe a moderate treatment for Bartholin cyst/abscess of Bartholin gland.目的探讨前庭大腺囊肿/脓肿的理想治疗方法。
4)prostatic abscess前列腺脓肿
1.Objective:To report 2 cases of prostatic abscess and review the current characterstics of prostatic abscess in China.目的:结合2例前列腺脓肿病例及文献复习,评估我国前列腺脓肿的新特点。
2.Objective\ To study and enhance the understanding for the diagnosis and treatment of the prostatic abscess.目的 探讨和提高对前列腺脓肿的认识。
3.Methods Prostatic abscess puncture drainage,metronidizole wash and amikacin 0.目的探讨经直肠超声(transrectal ultrasonography,TRUS)引导下前列腺穿刺甲硝唑冲洗并抗生素保留治疗前列腺脓肿的效果。
5)premammary abscess乳房前脓肿;乳腺前脓肿
1.Effects of Bartholin Cyst and Abscess Drainage with Insertion of Flap;前庭大腺囊肿或脓肿皮片对穿引流术疗效分析

前庭前庭  解剖名。指左、右小阴唇所包围的长圆形区域,为胚胎期尿生殖窦的残余部分。其前面有阴蒂,后方则以小阴唇联合为界。在其范围内有尿道口、阴道口和左、右前庭大腺的出口。其后半部为小阴唇联合与阴道之间,即舟状窝,除未产妇外,此窝很少能被观察到,常因分娩损伤而消失。