最大尿道关闭压,maximal urethral closure pressure(MUCP)
1)maximal urethral closure pressure(MUCP)最大尿道关闭压
2)maximum urethral closure pressure最大尿道闭合压
1.Relationship between maximum urethral closure pressure and abdominal leak point pressure in female patients with stress urinary incontinence;女性压力性尿失禁患者最大尿道闭合压和腹压漏尿点压的关系
3)urethral closure pressure (UCP)尿道关闭压
4)maximal urethral pressure(MUP)最大尿道压
5)maximum closing pressure最大闭合压力
1.Endourethral surgery for 14 cases of urethratresia;后尿道闭锁的腔内治疗体会
2.Objective:To evaluate endourethral surgery for urethratresia under the X-ray guide.目的:探讨尿道闭锁经尿道腔内治疗的定位和方法。

1.Intracavitary technology for atresia of urethra (a report of 11 cases)腔内会师技术治疗尿道闭锁11例报告
2.X-Ray Guided Internal Urethroplasty with PlasmaKinetic Electrodes for UrethratresiaX线引导下等离子电极腔内成形术治疗尿道闭锁
3.Management of urethral stricture or atresia using plasma eletrosection经尿道等离子电切术治疗尿道狭窄或闭锁
4.Long-term Result of Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy for Male Urethral Stricture or Urethratresia直视下尿道内切开术治疗男性尿道狭窄或闭锁
5.Transurethral Vaporization Using Greenlight Laser for Urethrostenosis or Urethratresia经尿道绿激光气化术治疗尿道狭窄或闭锁
6.The treatment of urethrostenosis and urethratresia by transurethral cold-knife incision combined potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser经尿道冷刀切开加绿激光治疗尿道狭窄与闭锁
7.Endoscopic Treatment of 46 Cases With Urethral Stricture and Atreturethria内镜微创治疗尿道狭窄或闭锁46例
8.switch locking bar道岔锁条[锁闭杆]
9.Management of Urethral Stricture and Obliteration Using New KTP Laser;新型KTP激光治疗尿道狭窄与闭锁的应用研究
10.Transurethral operation in treatment of urethral stricture or occlusion (report of 28 cases)尿道狭窄或闭锁的腔内治疗(附28例报告)
11.Efficacy of Holmium: YAG Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy for Urethral Stricture and Atresia;钬激光尿道内切开治疗尿道狭窄和闭锁疗效观察
12.Internal urethrotomy and resection with bipolar plasmakenitic for the treatment of urethral stricture and atresia双极等离子尿道内切开及电切治疗尿道狭窄与闭锁
13.Holmium Laser Under Endoscopy for Urethral Stricture or Occlusion Accompanied with Lower Urinary Tract Stones内镜下钬激光治疗尿道狭窄或闭锁合并下尿路结石
14.Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of endourethral surgery for complex posterior urethral stricture using bipolar plasma-kinetic technique combined with flexible cystoscopy.目的:提高复杂性后尿道狭窄及闭锁腔内手术的安全性及有效性。
15.Clinical observation of urethral stricture or atresia treated with transurethral thulium laser incision conbined plasma electrocision腔内钬激光联合等离子电切术治疗尿道狭窄与闭锁疗效观察
16.resia of osseous auditory meatus先天性骨性耳道闭锁
17.facing point lock stretcher对向道岔锁闭器连接杆
18.economical facing point lock简易对向道岔锁闭器

maximum urethral closure pressure最大尿道闭合压
1.Relationship between maximum urethral closure pressure and abdominal leak point pressure in female patients with stress urinary incontinence;女性压力性尿失禁患者最大尿道闭合压和腹压漏尿点压的关系
3)urethral closure pressure (UCP)尿道关闭压
4)maximal urethral pressure(MUP)最大尿道压
5)maximum closing pressure最大闭合压力
1.Endourethral surgery for 14 cases of urethratresia;后尿道闭锁的腔内治疗体会
2.Objective:To evaluate endourethral surgery for urethratresia under the X-ray guide.目的:探讨尿道闭锁经尿道腔内治疗的定位和方法。

最大泡压法分子式:CAS号:性质:又称最大泡压法。一种测定液体表面张力的简易方法。将一毛细管下口刚好与待测液体表面接触,向毛细管内加压,在管口形成气泡。当气泡成半球形时其曲率半径最小,泡内压力最大。气泡再增大时将破裂,管内压力骤降。根据拉普拉斯方程,最大压差值△p与液体表面张力γ及毛细管半径r有下述关系 △p可用普通U形管压力计测出。若已知压力计中所用液体的密度ρ及最大压差时压力计中二管液面高度差h,则g为重力加速度常数。此法是一种准动态方法,不适于测定达到平衡慢的溶液的表面张力。