随机对照盲法研究,randomized double-blind control clinical trials
1)randomized double-blind control clinical trials随机对照盲法研究
2)randomized double-blinded contr olled study随机双盲对照研究

1.A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Study of Acanthopanax in the Treatment of Adolescent Patients with Bipolar Depression;刺五加对青少年双相障碍抑郁发作的随机双盲对照研究
2.Quetiapine and lithium carbonate monotherapy in the treatment of bipolar depression a flexible-dose randomised,double-blind study喹硫平与碳酸锂单药治疗双相抑郁的随机双盲对照研究
3.Double-Blind and Randomaized Controlled Trial of Cerebrolysin in the Teatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction;脑梗死急性期应用施普善治疗的随机双盲对照研究
4.Double-blind Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Auxiliary Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome by Ginsenosides人参皂苷辅助治疗肾病综合征的随机双盲对照研究
5.Efficacy and Safety of the Domestic Risperidone in Patients with Schizophrenia:a Randomized,Double-blind,Controlled Trial国产利培酮治疗精神分裂症疗效与安全性的随机双盲对照研究
6.Efficacy of Combined Therapy with Ginsenosides and Prednisone in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus--A Randomized,Controlled and Double-blinded Trial人参皂苷联合泼尼松治疗系统性红斑狼疮的随机双盲对照研究
7.Effects of Granisetron/Lidocaine Combination on Propofol Injection-induced Pain:A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial格拉司琼复合利多卡因减轻异丙酚注射痛的随机双盲对照研究
8.The Double-blind, Randomized Control Clinical Observation of Amber Capsule on the Chronic Prostatitis with Damp-heat Mixed Blood琥珀胶囊对湿热夹瘀型慢性前列腺炎随机对照双盲临床作用研究
9.A randomized controlled clinical study of the five elements music therapy affect the quality of life of chemotherapycancer patients五行音乐对肿瘤化疗患者生活质量影响的随机双盲对照临床研究
10.The Double Blind, Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trial of WuguJiangzhi Capsule on Treating Hyperlipidemia Patients;五谷降脂胶囊治疗高脂血症(痰浊阻遏证)双盲随机对照临床研究
11.Randomization, Double Blindness, Control, Multi-central Clinical Trial on Xinmaitong Capsule in Treating Recovery Phase of Stroke;欣麦通胶囊治疗中风病恢复期随机双盲对照多中心临床研究
12.Randomized, Double-blind, Comparative Clinical Trial on Gatifloxacin Injection Versus Levofloxacin Injection;加替沙星注射液与左氧氟沙星注射液随机双盲对照临床研究
13.A randomized,double-blind controlled clinical trial of Shensongyanxin capsule in treatment of premature ventricular contraction(Abstract)参松养心胶囊治疗室性早搏的随机双盲对照临床研究(摘要)
14.A Randomized,Double-blind Controlled Clinical Study on Tiopronin Sodium in the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis硫普罗宁钠治疗急慢性肝炎的随机、双盲模拟、平行对照的临床研究
15.A Multi-centered Randomized Double-blinded Controlled Clinical Study on Efficacy of Guiling Pa'an Capsule in Treating Parkinson's Disease龟羚帕安胶囊治疗帕金森病多中心、随机、双盲、对照临床研究
16.A randomized double-blind controlled multicenter study with ibuprofen,pseudoephedrine and chlorphenamine for suspension in treatment of adult cold布洛伪麻那敏干混悬剂治疗成人感冒随机双盲对照多中心研究
17.A Radomized,Doubile-blind Funciongal Resting-state Magnetic Resonance Study After Taking Alprazolam静息状态下服用阿普唑仑后的双盲随机对照脑功能研究
18.Study on Maprotylin in the Treatment of Depression in Comparison with Clomipramine麦普替林氯丙咪嗪治疗抑郁症双盲随机临床对照研究

randomized double-blinded contr olled study随机双盲对照研究
3)double-blind random comparison study双盲随机对照研究
4)Randomized double-blind parallel contrast study随机双盲平行对照研究
5)Random controll blind trial technique随机对照盲法
6)Randomized controlled trial随机对照研究
1.Effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation on functional recovery of the lower extremity in subject with early stroke: a randomized controlled trial;功能性电刺激改善脑卒中早期患者偏瘫下肢功能的随机对照研究
