1.Research on Analysis of Degree of Support of Amino Acid with Beta Structure;Beta结构氨基酸支持度分析的研究
2.A Method of Mining Lightly-supported Boolean Association Rules;一种小支持度布尔关联规则的挖掘方法
3.Incremental updating algorithm based on support of itemset—BISIUA;基于项集支持度的关联规则增量更新算法——BISIUA

1.(2) But they support and agree on agricultural technological information highly;(2)对科技类信息的赞同度、支持度较高;
2.(2)But they support and agree on agriculture policy highly ;对农业政策的赞同度、支持度和信奉度较高;
3.BigInteger supports arbitrary-precision integers.BigInteger支持任意精度的整数。
4.controlled surface porosity support可控表面孔度支持体
5.championed the government and defended the system of taxation支持政府,捍卫税收制度
6.Effects of Social and Policy Supports on Work-family Conflict in Physicians医生工作家庭冲突与社会支持、制度支持的关系
7.The story was slanted in favor of the strikers.这个故事持有对罢工者支持的态度
8.Problems not over for Mori despite survival森喜朗安度倒阁案,但支持率持续下滑
9.A Suggestion That the Extent of Supporting Teaching Materials be Increased Within Measure;刍议适度提高对讲义建设的支持力度
10.especially if the parents are very supportive to their child.尤其当父母对孩子持十分支持的态度时。
11.This list box does not support tab stops.此列表框不支持 tab 键宽度。
12.WARNING: Precision as displayed option not supported in警告: “以显示精度为准”选项不受支持于
13.unstinting generosity,support, praise无比的慷慨、 大力的支持、 高度的赞扬
14.AOL is giving RealNetworks maximum backing.AOL向RealNetworks公司提供了最大限度的支持。
15.a reformer who favors abolishing slavery.支持废除奴隶制度的改革者。
16.relating to or favoring abolition, especially abolition of slavery.关于或支持废除的,尤指废除奴隶制度。
17.Interface with clients to support their planning and scheduling requirements.与用户接触并支持其计划和进度要求.
18.BigDecimal is for arbitrary-precision fixed-point numbers;BigDecimal支持任意精度的定点数字。

support degree支持度
1.To effectively solve this problem,the concept of support degree is proposed on the basis of exponential attenuation function.为有效解决这一问题,在信息融合中利用指数衰减函数引入了支持度的概念,进而设计了两种不依赖任何先验知识的基于支持度的多传感器信息融合算法。
2.A chaotic algorithm approach and a concept about chaos variation were introduced in producing population and variation algorithm of genetic algorithm approach,and then a chaotic and genetic algorithm approach was developed and used in attribute reduction in rough sets,and the support degree .将混沌遗传算法用于粗糙集的属性约简,并在构造适应度函数时引入了粗糙集理论的“支持度”。
3.The single minimum support degree is used in the existing association rules mining methods mostly.现有的关联规则挖掘方法中,大多采用单一的最小支持度
3)degree of support支持度
4)sustaining degree支持度
1.Analytical Sustaining Degree of θ_p-triple I Method and θ_p-reverse Triple I Method;θ_p型三I算法与反向三I算法支持度分析
2.The properties of the sustaining degree of these operators were analyzed.分析了在该类算子下的支持度理论,并推导了一般化的α 三IFMP和α 三IFMT公式。
3.The theory of sustaining degree of triple I method for fuzzy reasoning based on implication operator Lp is studied and its properties are analyzed.研究了基于蕴涵算子Lp模糊推理的α-三I算法,分析了支持度的性质,主要研究了α-三I算法的FMP下确界的计算公式。
5)support measure支持度
1.In this dissertation rough set theory is combined with the notion of support measurement, a new object of value reduction is proposed, that is getting the rules which have maximal support measurement.结合粗糙集理论和分类规则支持度的概念,提出以值约简后实例的支持度尽可能大作为约简的目标,并给出一种值约简的算法。
6)support level支持程度
1.Study on relationship between apperception of parents of illness children on support level of nurses and demographic characteristics;患儿家长感知护士支持程度与人口学特征关系的研究

安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药