1.Analysis Median of Serum PAPP-A and Fβ-HCG in Pregnant Women at 9~13 Weeks;孕妇妊娠9~13周时血清PAPP-A和Fβ-HCG的中位数分析
2.Formulation Approaching to the Median Position;关于中位数位置和计算公式探讨
3.7mg/m 3 and the median was2.7mg/m3;中位数为2。

1.One half of its values will be found below and one half above the median.一半数值低于中位数,一半数值高于中位数
2.Question to the Relationship among Arithmetic Average, Mode and Medium;算术平均数、众数、中位数三者关系质疑
3.median rent-to-income ratio租金与入息比例中位数
4.Then, a median period of recurrence and survival was reckoned.计算术后中位数复发和中位数生存时间。
5.Relating to or constituting the middle value in a distribution.中位数的关于或构成统计学上的中位数
6.Discussion on Meddle , Mode and Arithmetic Average and Their Relationship;中位数、众数、算术平均数及其关系的探讨
7.Cluster number (middle three digits).Cluster number (中间三位数)。
8.The position of a figure in a numeral or series.位某一数列中一个数目的位置
9.A three-digit selection in a numbers game.三位数抽彩数字游戏中的3位数选择游戏
10.A digit in the notation system with3as radix.以3为基数的记数法中的一个数位。
11.position 11 in a countable series of things.在可数的事物中位居。
12.(in the U.S.) position 1,000,000,000 in a countable series of things.在可数的序列中位居。
13.In a positional notation, a zero in a more ?significant? ?digit? place than the digit place of the most significant nonzero digit of a numeral.在按位记数法中,位于一个数的第一个非零数位左边的多个零。
14.The number represented by the digit or digits in2.在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。
15.The number of ligands attached to the central ion is called the coordination number.同中心离子连接的配位体,数目称为配位数。
16.A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.单位一种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位
17.The function gives you a pointer to the location of the bitmap bit values.在这个函数中你可以通指针定位到位图位的值.
18.Check digit: An extra digit calculated automatically from other digits in a data item and used to check its accuracy.校验数位: 在一数据项目中的额外数位,它自动加上于其他数位中运算,以核对该数据的准确性.

Median Position中位数位置
1.Formulation Approaching to the Median Position;关于中位数位置和计算公式探讨
3)Median of power spectral density中位数谱
4)median class中位数组
5)Median Modulus中位系数
1.In light of the situation in which no effective method is available to sort compare the results of performance inspection between different departments and posts,the author suggests the use of Median Modulus Method in sorting the results of performance inspection in the entire organization.针对迄今还没有一种有效方法来解决跨部门(或跨岗位)员工绩效考核成绩可以统一排序的现实,提出了利用中位系数法对不同部门(或不同岗位)间员工的绩效考核成绩进行修正而实现统一排序的方法。
6)analogical median拟中位数
1.At last,The paper extends the method of analogical median deeply in solving the element selectionproblem.文中针对元素选择问题及解此问题的线性时间选择算法进行了深入研究,详细分析并论证了期望情况下与最坏情况下线性时间选择算法的时间复杂度,并对拟中位数元素选择问题进行了深层次的拓展,通过计算比较求出了线性时间下的最小复杂度因子。
