1.Effect of salpingectomy on ovarian response to superovulation in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program;输卵管切除术对卵巢反应性的影响
2.Effect of salpingectomy on ovarian response to superovulation;输卵管切除术对超排卵治疗时卵巢反应性的影响
3.Objective To explore the function of psychological support on psychosomatic rehabilitation of patients with extrauterine pregnancy after salpingectomy.目的探讨心理支持对宫外孕患者输卵管切除术后身心康复的作用。
2)oophoro salpingectomy卵巢输卵管切除术
3)salpingo oophorectomy输卵管卵巢切除术
4)bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BILAT SXO)双侧输卵管卵巢切除术
5)unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (USO)单侧输卵管卵巢切除术
1.Influence of salpingectomy on ovarian response to superovulation in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer program;输卵管切除术对体外受精-胚胎移植中卵巢超排卵的影响
2.Objective:To study the influence on ovarian function after laparoscopic salpingectomy.目的:探讨腹腔镜下输卵管切除术对卵巢功能的近期影响。

1.Effects of laparoscopic salpingectomy and abdominal salpingectomy on immune function in patients with tubal pregnancy腹腔镜与开腹输卵管切除手术对输卵管妊娠患者机体免疫功能的影响
2.fimbriae of uterine tube经阴道输卵管伞端切除术;经阴道输卵管伞端切除术
3.surgical removal of one or both Fallopian tubes.切除全部或者部分的输卵管的手术。
4.The operations used in humans are vasectomy in men and tubal ligation (tying off and Blocking or cutting of the fallopian tubes) in women.男子进行的手术称为输精管切除术,女子进行的手术称为输卵管捆扎术(捆扎或切断输卵管)。
5.surgical removal of the uterus and the ovaries and oviducts and cervix and related lymph nodes.把包括子宫、卵巢、输卵管等与淋巴腺有关的器官全部切除的手术。
6."Laparoscopic surgical procedures include gallbladder, appendix, and tumour removal; tubal ligation; and hysterectomy."腹腔镜在手术上的应用有切除胆囊、阑尾和肿瘤,以及输卵管结扎和子宫切除术。
7.To perform a vasectomy on.在…施行输精管切除术
8.a sterilization procedure with women; both Fallopian tubes are tied in two places and the tubes removed in between the ligations.一种女人绝育的过程;两个管子在两个位置被扎在一起并且输卵管被切除。
9.Laparoscopic Treatment for Interstitial Tubal Pregnancy:a Simple,Quick,and Safe Method输卵管间质部妊娠的腹腔镜手术方法探讨——介绍一种简易、快速、安全的结扎切除法
10.To remove the ovaries of(a female); spay.切除卵巢去除(雌性动物)的卵巢;切除卵巢
11.Treatment of Renal Pelvic Cancer with Total radical Nephrectomy and Total Ureterectomy;根治性肾切除及输尿管全长切除治疗肾盂癌
12.Retroperitoneoscopic nephroureterectomy combined with transurethral excision of bladder cuff联合腔镜肾输尿管全切除术13例报告
13.The Effect of the Cytokines of Tubal Fluid in Pathogenesis of Salpingitis Infertility输卵管液细胞因子与输卵管炎性不孕
14.Surgical removal of one ovary or both.卵巢切除术对一个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术
15.bronchial, Fallopian, Eustachian tubes支气管、 输卵管、 耳咽管.
16.Outcomes of single incision combined with transurethral resection of the interamural ureter of nephroureterectomy treatment for upper urinary tract tumors单切口联合经尿道电切肾输尿管切除治疗上尿路肿瘤的疗效观察
17.Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, usually as a means of sterilization.输精管切除术输精管的全部或部分的外科切除,尤其是作为绝育的一种办法
18.Conclusion This method is quite effective for infertility due to tubal obstruction.结论峻竣煎结合中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕疗效确切。

oophoro salpingectomy卵巢输卵管切除术
3)salpingo oophorectomy输卵管卵巢切除术
4)bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BILAT SXO)双侧输卵管卵巢切除术
5)unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (USO)单侧输卵管卵巢切除术
1.Influence of salpingectomy on ovarian response to superovulation in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer program;输卵管切除术对体外受精-胚胎移植中卵巢超排卵的影响
2.Objective:To study the influence on ovarian function after laparoscopic salpingectomy.目的:探讨腹腔镜下输卵管切除术对卵巢功能的近期影响。

半月神经节切除术半月神经节切除术1884年  Mears(1884年)鉴于切断周围支手术疗效不理想而提出的、用以治疗三叉神经痛的一种古老手术方法。后来三叉神经后根切断术获得成功后,此手术已被弃用。