1.Clinical-Pathologic Characteristics of Torsion of Ovariom Cyst;卵巢囊肿蒂扭转的临床与病理分析
2.Misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis for 17 cases torsion of ovarian tumors occurred in the past 10 years was analyzed retrospectively,to focus on discuss the reasons and prevention of this maltreatment.回顾性分析了我院10年间17例卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转病例,并从患者年龄、临床表现、辅助检查、治疗情况等方面对误诊、漏诊的原因进行了分析。

1.Pediculotorsion Conjunctival Flap Cover for Treating Fungal Keratitis;带蒂扭转式结膜瓣移盖术治疗真菌性角膜溃疡
2.43 Cases with Pedicle Torsion of Ovarian Cyst Treated by Laparoscopic Surgery腹腔镜手术治疗卵巢囊肿蒂扭转43例临床分析
3.The presentation were abdominal mass(100%)and pain(73%),9 had pediculo torsion.年龄 6~ 14岁 ,均有腹部包块 ,73 %有腹痛 ,其中 9例合并蒂扭转
4.Effects on Expression of Bax, Caspase-3 Proteins after Ovarian Torsion in Rat Abstract大鼠卵巢蒂扭转后对Bax、Caspase-3蛋白表达影响的实验研究
5.Clinical study of ovarian tumors torsion restoration through laparoscopic management retaining ovarian function卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转腹腔镜下复位保留卵巢手术临床研究
6.⑤Sometime twisted blood vessels of the pedicle can be seen in CDFI.⑤CDFI有时可见瘤蒂血管扭转呈“麻花”样改变。
7.King's extraordinary gift is his ability to distort this picture and to make the impossible plausible.史蒂芬?金过人的天赋在于他能扭转现实,化不可能为可能。
8.She wrenched at the door-handle and wrenched the door open.她扭转门把手,把门扭开。
9.static torque calibuation stand转矩[扭矩] 静校台
10.To twist or turn suddenly and forcibly.扭转猛然而有力地扭或转动
11.Abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction.肠扭转肠的不正常扭转,引起梗阻
12.He turned to Stephen and said:他转向斯蒂芬,说:
13.Qualitatively, a torque is a "twist".定性地说,转矩就是扭转。
14.The state of being twisted into a spiral;torsional stress or strain.螺旋状,扭力扭成螺旋状;扭转的压力或张力
15.To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching.因扭转或猛扭而引起剧痛的肌肉痉挛.
16.The condition of being twisted or turned.扭曲被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态
17.Twisted or strained out of shape.被扭曲的被扭转的或形状上被歪曲的
18.Using Green GDP to Change the Distorted Value Concept by Market;用绿色GDP扭转被市场扭曲的价值观

Pedicle torsion蒂扭转
1.Pedicle torsion in young girl with ovarian tumor;青春期少女卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转临床分析
3)Ovarian tumor twisted pedicle卵巢肿物蒂扭转
4)Ovarian tumors torsion卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转
5)torsion of pedunculated fibroid有蒂子宫肌瘤扭转

脾蒂扭转脾蒂扭转torsion of splenic pedicle  约20%的游走脾并发脾蒂扭转。有3种情况:①急性脾蒂扭转后脾脏充血肿大、渗液、出血、坏死,表现为急性剧烈腹痛,或伴有休克,易误诊为卵巢囊肿扭转、游走肾蒂扭转及急性绞窄性肠梗阻;②暂时性脾蒂扭转:少数人脾蒂扭转仅有间歇发作,临床症状不多,出现一过性腹痛、恶心等症状;③慢性脾扭转:扭转缓慢形成,因静脉回流受阻,出现逐渐肿大的脾脏和相应压迫症状。